Creating a Connected App

Creating a connected app is important to link external applications and the Salesforce ecosystem. With a connected app, you can integrate APIs, enable single sign-on (SSO), and build applications. This article discusses how to create a connected app in Salesforce.


  • Salesforce organization with the test setup.

Steps to Create a Connected App

  1. Log into your Salesforce instance. Login
  2. On the Setup page, enter Apps in the quick find box, then choose App Manager. Setup
  3. On Lightning Experience App Manager, click on New Connected App. This will open App Manager for New Connected App. LE App Manager
  4. In the Basic Information section, enter Connected App Name, API Name, and Contact Email. Basic Information
  • Salesforce automatically fills in the API Name input field.
  • Other input fields are optional.
  1. In the API section, select the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox to set Callback URL and Selected OAuth Scopes. The Selected OAuth Scopes are mandatory in the Connected App to connect & download the metadata. API Details
  2. Click on Save. Save

A connected app is limited to only a few approvals. The system can revoke the oldest approval when the limit exceeds automatically. As a best practice, you can create a different connected app for each new application connection/connection.

Fetch Consumer Details

  1. Edit the connected app and click on Manage Consumer Details. This will open a new window. Edit
  2. On the Verify Your Identity window, enter OTP sent to the admin email. Verify
  3. Upon verification, the Consumer Details page will be displayed with Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Consumer Details
  4. For Security Token, go to My Personal Information > Reset My Security Token and click on Reset Security Token. A new token will be sent to admin mail. Reset Security Token