Salesforce Element Repositories

In Testsigma, elements from Salesforce are automatically learned after successfully synchronizing metadata. This enables the swift usage of elements in test cases, eliminating the need to create elements manually. This document discusses the repositories of Salesforce elements.

Naming Conventions

  1. Field Names: This will be in the ObjectName_FieldName format.

    • Example: If the element name is Account_CreatedDate, Account is the object, and the created date Field is CreatedDate.
  2. Screen Names: Generally, the name displayed on the UI screen is the object name.

    • Example: A screen displaying account details should be named Account.

Element names should be unique to avoid conflicts.

Steps to Check Element Repositories

  1. Navigate to Create Tests > Test Cases, and open any test case or create a test case. Test Cases
  2. From the Test Case Details page, add test steps and hover over the element and click on Select Element from the dropdown. Test Case Details
  3. This will open the Elements overlay, where you can see all the elements. Overlay

Since the elements are auto-learned, you can't edit them.

  1. You can also create the element manually by clicking on Create Element.

ℹ️ For more information, refer to creating elements manually.