Handling iframe Elements?

While writing test cases for web applications that involve iframes, it is important to understand them clearly. In this article, we will discuss how to handle iframe elements that are captured using the recorder.


  1. You should have an web application project in Testsigma. See creating a project.
  2. You should have Testsigma Recorder Extension. See install chrome extension.

Best Practices While Using iframe Elements in Test Cases

  1. When you capture iframe elements using Testsigma recorder, there is no need to use the NLP switch to the frame since the recorder automatically captures the iframe details. The test case will work without using the NLP. NLP
  2. If we use the NLP switch to the frame, we should edit all the iframe elements and uncheck the option present inside nested content to make the test case work. Edit Element

If you enable the Present inside nested content option while already inside an iframe, it will result in test failure since it starts searching for nested iframes.