Create OCR Text Extraction Addon

This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to create an OCR Text Extraction Addon for Testsigma. You should set up a class that implements the OCR interface, update the action code, and use the addon in test cases.


Before creating the OCR Text Extraction addon, ensure you have met the prerequisites for addon development. For more information, refer to the Creating an Addon.

Update the Action Code

  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file and open the extracted folder in your preferred IDE as a Java module. Folder
  2. Import the Java module as Maven/Gradle from your IDE.
  3. Update the following template files:

    • pom.xml: Contains dependencies for coding your functionality.
    • src folder: Includes sample Java files with addon functions. OCR code update

OCR Code Update

  1. In the pom.xml file, add the necessary dependencies for OCR Text Extraction.
  2. Update the following methods in the Java module:

    • extractTextFromPage(): Extracts text from an entire page.
    • extractTextFromImage(OCRImage image): Extracts text from a specified OCRImage object.
    • extractTextFromElement(Element element): Extracts text from a specific Element object.

All three methods return a List of OCRTextPoint objects, representing the text's location within the source.

Using OCR Addon in a Test case

Once the addon is published, NLPs become available in the application. Follow these GIF below to use the OCR addon in Test Cases: Addon GIF