Mobile app keeps stopping after successful launch

In some instances, an app may force close or stop responding frequently while executing test cases on the cloud platforms as shown in the screenshot below:

Application keeps stopping This may be due to the presence of security controls and capabilities in the application like:
  • No spoofing of network logs
  • No spoofing of camera

But while executing test cases, Testsigma enables these capabilities by default.

Refer to the below table to know more about the capabilities and its functions.

Capability Function
testsigma.cameraImageInjection Enabled to collect and view network logs for your test session
testsigma.networkLogs Enabled to allow testsigma to spoof camera usage and inject images for scanning or uploading via the camera application.
testsigma.allowTouchIdEnroll Enabled to allow the interception of biometric input, allowing the test to simulate Touch ID interactions
testsigma.resigningEnabled Enabled to allow you to sign your app using your own provisioning profile.

To disable the above capabilities, set the following values to false under the desired capabilities section. For more information, refer to adding desired capabilities.

Key Data Type Value
testsigma.cameraImageInjection boolean false
testsigma.networkLogs boolean false
testsigma.allowTouchIdEnroll boolean false
testsigma.resigningEnabled boolean false

If you choose to disable the capability testsigma.cameraImageInjection, you will not be able to use the NLP for image injection. For more information, refer to Image injection.

If the issue persists, contact our support team.