Importing Postman Collections and Environments

Testsigma simplifies API test case migration by seamlessly importing Collections and Environments from Postman and conveniently exporting them in JSON or Zipped formats. This facilitates easy migration of your API test cases from Postman to Testsigma. You can integrate your Postman assets into Testsigma and ensure efficient test management by following the steps below.


Before using the import of Postman Collections and Environments in Testsigma, ensure that you are familiar with exporting Postman Collections, Environments, and Data Dumps and understand the Mapping Format for Importing Postman Collections.

Import Postman Collections

After exporting your Postman Collection as JSON or Zipped format, follow these steps to import it into Testsigma:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Imports and Exports.
  2. Click Import and select Import Postman Collection tab. Select Import Postman Collections
  3. Click Select File to Import and choose the file to import; select the project, application, and version.
  4. After you upload the file, Testsigma organizes Collections, Environments, and Variables into Test Suites, Test Cases, Test Steps, Test Data Profiles, and Environments. This feature enables you to easily understand how the imported file is organized.
  5. Click Start Importing to transfer a collection into Testsigma. Start Importing Collections file
  6. Testsigma will notify you via email once the import is complete. Email Notification

Import Postman Environments

Import your Postman Environments to Testsigma in JSON or Zipped format. Follow below the simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Imports and Exports.
  2. Click Import and select Import Postman Collection tab. Select Import Postman Collections
  3. Click Select File to Import and choose the file to import; select the project, application, and version.
  4. Click Start Importing to transfer the environments into Testsigma. Start Importing Environment File
  5. Testsigma will notify you via email once the import is complete. Email Notification Environments
  6. After importing, Testsigma organizes Environments and Global Variables into Environments. This helps you quickly see how the imported file is mapped.

You can verify the imported Collection and Environment files by downloading them.

Mapping Format for Postman Collection and Environment

Follow the mapping format in Testsigma to automatically map the collection and environment when importing them, enabling you to create automated API tests quickly.

Postman Testsigma
Collection Test Suite
Subfolder Test Case
API inside Subfolders Test Steps in Test Case
Folder inside Subfolder Create a Block inside the Test Case
Collection Variables Test Data Profiles
Global, Environments, Variables Environments
Parent Folder Label of Test Case
  • The import will create a new entry, appending the timestamp to the title if a collection with the same name already exists.
  • The import mapping excludes test scripts, prerequisite scripts, settings, unsupported authorizations, HTTP methods, and GraphQL requests.