Filters & Custom Reports

Once the test plan execution is complete, you can filter out the data based on different criteria. Filters in run results will help you create custom reports for your team.


Steps to Generate Filtered Reports

  1. Navigation to Dashboard > Run Results and click on a test plan result. Run Results
  2. On Results page, click on Add Filters. Add Filters
  3. You can filter by Last Run Result, Type, Priority, Created By, Assignee, Reviewer, Requirement, Test Suites, Requirement Type, Labels, Created Date and Updated Date. Filters

Once the filter is applied, you can export the filtered data to an Excel or a JUnit XML report by clicking on Export icon. Export Icon

Some Important Filters

  • Type: If you want to filter out the results based on the test plan run result type, you need to select the appropriate result type in the filter.
  • Assignee: If you want to filter out the results based on the test case assignee, select the appropriate assignee in the filter.

Similarly, you can apply other filters to filter your test cases based on Result, Type, Priority, Created By, Reviewer, Requirement, Requirement Type, etc.

For more information on filtering and downloading reports on test case, test suite or test machine levels, refer to drill down reports.