Creating Metadata Connections

In Testsigma, you can create a Salesforce application and establish a Metadata connection, which enables you to perform various actions like retrieving metadata, updating configurations, creating custom objects, and managing other components that define how the application behaves. This article discusses creating a metadata connection in Testsigma.


  • Salesforce organization with the test setup.
  • Salesforce connected app. For more information, refer to creating a connected app.

Steps to Create Metadata Connection

  1. Click on Create metadata connection on Salesforce connections page. Create Metadata
  2. This will open the Metadata connection prompt. Prompt
  3. On Metadata connection prompt,

    • Enter Connection name, which is generally the user role you connect through, e.g., Admin. Name


      You can also choose a custom name for the connection.

    • Choose the Production / Developer edition, if you’re testing the product environment or Sandbox, if you’re testing the staging environment from Connect with dropdown. Edition
    • Choose the Authentication type from the dropdown. In this example, we are choosing OAuth 2.0. Authentication

      ℹ️Authentication Types:
      There are two ways to Authenticate:
      • User name & Password: For User name & Password, enter Username, Password, Security token, Consumer key, and Consumer secret.
      • OAuth For OAuth, enter Username, Consumer key, Consumer secret and Callback URL.
    • Click on Authorise & Connect. Authorise
    • A new window will open up requesting for Salesforce Login. Enter the credentials and click on Log In. Login
    • This will display the Environment associated with the credentials. Click on Start metadata sync. Start MD
    • Wait until the sync is complete. This will take some time. Wait
  4. Once Metadata sync is successful, you can create test cases by clicking Create Test Case. Create Tests

Steps to Edit Metadata Connection

  1. From the Dashboard, click on SF Connections. Edit Metadata
  2. In the Metadata connection section, hover over the connection, click on the kebab menu, and choose Edit connection from the dropdown menu. Edit Connection
  3. On the Metadata connection prompt, make the necessary changes and click on Authorise & Connect. Metadata Connection

You can not update the Metadata connection with a different environment.

Steps to Refresh Metadata Connection

To refresh metadata, you have two options:

  1. From the Dashboard, go to SF Connections and click on Refresh Metadata. Refresh
  2. Click on Refresh Metadata directly from the dashboard. Refresh