On-Premise Setup with Docker-compose File

You'll receive docker-compose.yml files based on your requested configuration from Testsigma that specifies the configuration for a multi-container app that contains a MySQL server, a global HTTPD server, a Faktory worker service, and several UI services for various components of the application.

Steps to Deploy Docker Compose File

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose on your system.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located.
  3. Run the command docker-compose up to start the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file given by Testsigma. This will start all the services in the background and keep them running even if you close the terminal window.

Accessing Application

Along with the given docker-compose files you will receive a list of URLs for accessing the application.


You will have to add the mapping in the ‘hosts’ file.

Once the application is up and running, you can access it using the IP address of your on-premise server and the port number specified in your docker-compose file.

For Example, the sample docker-compose.yml file mentions that the web service is accessible on port 80. You can access it by navigating to http://<server-ip>80 in your web browser.

To Stop and Remove the Containers

To stop and remove the containers, you can run the command docker-compose down. This command will stop and remove all the containers and networks created by the docker-compose.yml file.

Containers Defined in the Docker Compose File

  • The MySQL server is named testsigma_mysql and uses the image, testsigmainc/onprem:mysql-<companyName>-trial-<Version>. It has a volume mounted to persist data. (Users can also set up their own mysql server and map it in the docker-compose file. For more information on connecting to external/existing MySQL database, refer to connecting to external MySQL.)
  • The Faktory worker service is named as testsigma_worker and it uses the image, testsigmainc/onprem:worker-<companyName>-trial-<Version>.
  • The global HTTPD server is named testsigma_load_balancer and uses the testsigmainc/onprem:load-balancer-<companyName>-trial-<Version> image. It has few environment variables specified for the various components of the application it serves. It will also have a volume mounted to persist data.
  • By default the environment variables are specified as below:

      TS_APP_SERVER_HOST: testsigma-app-server
      TS_APP_SERVER_PORT: 8080
      TS_APP_SERVER_UI_HOST: testsigma-app-server-ui
      TS_ID_SERVER_HOST: testsigma-id-server
      TS_ID_SERVER_PORT: 8084
      TS_ID_SERVER_UI_HOST: testsigma-id-server-ui
      TS_MOBILE_INSPECTION_UI_HOST: testsigma-mobile-inspection-ui
      TS_ADDON_SERVER_HOST: testsigma-addon-server
      TS_ADDON_SERVER_UI_HOST: testsigma-addon-server-ui
  • The UI services include:

    • testsigma_id_server_ui for the Identity Server UI, which uses the testsigmainc/onprem:id-server-ui-<companyName>-trial-<Version> image.
    • testsigma_app_server_ui for the WebApp Server UI, which uses the testsigmainc/onprem:app-server-ui-<companyName>-trial-<Version> image.
    • testsigma_mobile_inspection_ui for the Groot Server UI, which uses the testsigmainc/onprem:mobile-inspection-ui-<companyName>-trial-<Version> image. It has an environment variable defined for a driver action host.
    • testsigma_addon_server_ui for the Kibbutz UI, which uses the testsigmainc/onprem:addon-server-ui-<companyName>-trial-<Version> image.
  • The Visual Testing Server server is named testsigma_visual_testing_server. This container is pre-configured with the required software and settings for capturing and comparing screenshots during automated test execution.
  • The WebApp server is named testsigma_app_server_ui. The container is pre-configured with the necessary software and settings for hosting web applications and capturing screenshots.

All services will connect to a custom network named testsigma-network. Each service will have a health check specified with different intervals, timeouts, and retries, depending on the service.

How to Change the Domain Name

  1. From testsigma request the docker image with new domain names using Github Actions.
  2. Customer need to replace the HTTPS Certificate in testsigma-load-balancer container. For this they can keep the public key and private key files in the host machine and specify it as volume in the 'docker-compose' file.

For Example:

version: '3.9'
container_name: testsigma-load-balancer
image: testsigmainc/onprem:load-balancer-samsung-trial-v120
  • Here, replace '/path/to/new/server.crt' with the path to the new 'server.crt' file on your host machine, and replace '/path/to/new/server.key' with the path to the new 'server.key' file on your host machine.
  • When you run docker-compose up, the 'server.crt' and 'server.key' files in the container will be replaced with the new files from the host machine.