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URL Decoder

A free online tool to convert the encoded URL string into its standard format
Enter Encoded URL

What is URL decoding?

URL decoding is the process of translating encoded characters in a URL to their actual representations. When you browse the internet, URLs often include symbols like "%20" for space or "%2F" for a forward slash. Decoding these symbols reveals the intended readable format.

Why URL Decoder Required?

Web applications encode URLs to ensure data integrity and security during transmission. However, for users and developers, understanding the content of encoded URLs becomes important. This is particularly relevant when sharing links, debugging, or analyzing web interactions.

How Does the URL Decoder Work?

  • Input URL: Paste the encoded URL into the URL Decoder tool.
  • Decode: Click on the "Decode" button to initiate the decoding process..
  • Result: The tool will display the decoded URL, making special characters readable.

URL Decode Example

  • Encoded URL: https%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fpage%3Fid%3D123
    Decoded URL: https://www.example.com/page?id=123

  • Encoded URL: https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FURL_encoding
    Decoded URL: Percent-encoding

Who can Use this URL Decoder Tool?


Developers can utilize the URL Decoder to understand encoded URLs and debug their applications effectively.


Testers can use the tool to verify encoded URLs, ensuring accurate interactions in their testing environments.

Using this URL Decoder Tool with Testing

  • URL Verification: Testers can ensure that URLs generated by their applications are correctly encoded and decoded.

  • Data Integrity Testing: URL Decoding can be a part of data integrity tests to ensure transmitted information remains accurate.

URL Decoder Tool and Testsigma

Testsigma enables testers to manipulate test data via custom add-ons. See how to create custom add-ons.

Frequently asked questions
URL decode does the reverse of URL encode, i.e., transforms ASCII characters in the web address to a human-readable format. This makes the URL easy to use and read.
URL Decode replaces a set of percent (%) and hexadecimal values (that are done for the encoding process) and returns them to its standard or regular representation
URL Decoder helps in understanding and verifying encoded URLs, ensuring that transmitted data is accurate and consistent. It's particularly useful for debugging and analysis purposes.
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