
10X Faster Low-Code Automated Testing Built for Salesforce

Low-code powered by Generative AI for faster automation

Reliable tests using Salesforce Metadata, API, and AI-driven test maintenance

End-to-end platform to test across your Salesforce environments

Hansard Global
Hansard Global

Quality Engineering teams rely on Testsigma


Faster Test Development


Reduced Testing Effort


Shorter Development Cycle

Why Testsigma for Salesforce Automation Testing?

Why testsigma

Zero Learning Curve

Start testing on the cloud without any setup or complex installations. Sync your Salesforce instance using metadata to access a rich library of ready-to-use assets.

Why testsigma

10X Faster with Reliable Tests

Testsigma auto-syncs with your Salesforce instances to incorporate changes, ensuring unbreakable tests. The locator strategy with metadata reduces flakiness on UI elements.

Why testsigma

Zero Maintenance Headaches

Easy to navigate element repository, user connections, Metadata support, reusable test steps, groups, test data, and API support reduce maintenance efforts.

Test Your Entire Salesforce Ecosystem

Low-Code Test Automation with Salesforce Metadata and APIs

Low-Code Test Automation with Salesforce Metadata and APIs
Testsigma - Star

Automate using plain English statements or record user actions

Testsigma - Star

Leverage out-of-the-box automation with Salesforce Metadata and APIs

Testsigma - Star

Empower business users to test without any coding expertise effortlessly

AI-Driven Maintenance that Automatically Handles Changes

AI-Powered Maintenance that Automatically Handles Changes
Testsigma - Star

Precisely identifies Salesforce components using reliable locators

Testsigma - Star

Automatically adapts to element changes as Salesforce updates

Testsigma - Star

Auto heal all standard and Lightning Web Components

Automate Testing Across Your Salesforce Environments

Parallel Testing for 10X Faster Test Execution
Testsigma - Star

Test across your Salesforce Developer Sandbox - Developer Pro, Partial Copy, and Full sandbox

Testsigma - Star

Enable parallel testing for faster execution and shorter test cycles

Testsigma - Star

Be agile and automate your entire quality lifecycle from development to production


Customers Love Us Across the Globe for the Value We Deliver

Security and Recognition
Building Trust Through Compliance
and Earning Industry Recognition
G2 Cloud
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High Performer Badge
G2 Leader
Software suggest - high performer
Software suggest - Best support
Enterprise-grade security
AICPA - SOC 2 Type 2
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HIPAA Compliant
Seamless Integrations for Your Salesforce Ecosystem
  • 30+ integrations with CI/CD, test management, and bug-tracking tools
  • Support for custom REST API to integrate with any third-party system
  • Extensive support for Salesforce APIs to perform actions on Salesforce objects and validate data

Enterprise Platform that Supports Diverse Technology Stack

Web Application Testing

Build and run automated web app tests without any code

Mobile Apps Testing

Create technology agnostic automated tests for iOS, Android, and Flutter apps

API Testing

Run integration tests by testing REST APIs using plain English verifications

Desktop Apps Testing

Automate testing for Windows and Desktop based applications with ease

ERP Platforms Testing

End-to-end Testing across cloud-based ERP systems like SAP, ServiceNow and Workday

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need Salesforce testing to be automated?

Complex Salesforce Applications, with a large number of objects, fields, and relationships can make it difficult to test all of the possible scenarios. Moreover, frequent updates, heavy DOM structure, hidden element identifiers, and difficult test script maintenance complicate further. Low-code Test Automation brings in the ease of writing and recording test cases in plain English and solves the flaky test problem. Faster setup and execution saves a lot of manual effort and hours.

Do we need technical knowledge for Testsigma automated Salesforce testing?

Why is Testsigma the best option for Salesforce test automation?

Can I import test cases from other Salesforce testing platforms to Testsigma?