
15 Best AI-Powered Testing Tools that You Should Know

Elevate your test automation with the top 15 AI testing tools. Explore these AI-powered solutions to supercharge your testing efforts.

Over the years, software developers have heavily relied on manual testing processes, which continue to play a vital role in the testing phase. However, it’s important to acknowledge that there are scenarios where test automation becomes important too. That is where test automation tools come in handy. In recent years, automated testing has emerged as a valuable addition to the field of software testing. According to a report, a significant 97% of application testers have already implemented automated testing into their workflows. The market offers a wide range of AI testing tools, with hundreds of options available. To help you make an informed decision, here is a curated list of the top 15 AI testing tools to choose from.

What are AI Testing Tools?

Testing tools that make use of AI to offer the features that testers can use are called AI testing tools. But this is a very basic explanation.

In a broader sense, AI testing tools provide a playground for testers to create advanced, intelligent, and self-optimizing tests for any kind of testing. These tests are often self-healing and adaptive to any changes that happen in the code. Moreover, with AI driving the testing scenario, the use of Machine Learning (ML) makes test case creation, execution, and maintenance quite easy.

These tools assist humans in a myriad of testing activities and require minimal to no intervention for test case creation, test data generation, test execution, reporting and analytics, and integration capabilities.

Why We Need AI Testing Tools?

The testing landscape is fast-paced right now. With quick release cycles, increased dependencies on third-party software, and the use of CI/CD systems, testing has become not only an essential part of SDLC but also quite challenging or complex. More often than not, to stay on track with the deadlines, applications get released without proper and complete quality checks. Manual testing further exacerbates the situation.

However, as AI coding assistants and automation testing platforms surface, such problems take a backseat. These smart solutions bring down operational costs while ensuring the applications under test undergo sufficient testing. 

If you go by figures, businesses that use AI for testing, in any form, report almost a 30% reduction in testing costs and a 25% improvement in testing efficiency.

While possible cybersecurity and minor mishaps are expected to occur even when using AI-driven testing techniques, they can improve with time. Meanwhile, AI test automation tools are surely making test execution less cumbersome.

Benefits of AI Testing Tools

AI testing tools have transformed the way we test software applications, with their ability to automate the testing process and improve the accuracy of test results. They offer several benefits to automation engineers and developers, including cost savings, enhanced defect-tracing capabilities, self-healing capabilities, and more. Additionally, most of them are codeless testing tools, making it easy for anyone to script. In this post, we will explore some of the key benefits of AI testing tools and how they can help improve software testing processes.

Here are some of the main benefits of AI testing tools.

  • Improved accuracy of test results
  • Time and cost savings as they don’t require scripts
  • Enhanced defect-tracing capabilities
  • Self-healing capabilities after encountering errors
  • Codeless testing, making it easy for anyone to script
  • Continuous testing capabilities
  • Nearly zero maintenance needs
  • Improved API testing capabilities

15 Best AI-Powered Testing Tools List

Test automation tools are increasingly incorporating AI into their operations to enhance their capabilities. These AI-driven features include intelligent test case generation to predict and create test scenarios based on application usage patterns. Machine learning algorithms improve element identification, auto-healing, and reporting and analytics. 

Additionally, AI in test automation tools helps to automatically detect anomalies, prioritize test cases, and optimize test execution.

The 15 AI-powered tools mentioned here are popular among testers, both beginners and experienced, as they combine legacy approaches (coding-based) with modern methods (Agile and codeless). Some of them are new entrants with a focus on propelling the testing forward by using AI and ML technology.

Let’s have a look!



Testsigma is a reliable AI-powered testing tool with various features for creating automated tests with natural language processing. It’s cloud-based, eliminating the need for installation or setup, and can be used for testing various types of software applications.

How Testsigma can upgrade your testing cycle:

  • Low-code test development using natural language processing, making test creation as easy as writing simple English sentences
  • Cloud-based, eliminating the need for installation or setup, and making it accessible from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Supports web, mobile, desktop, and API test automation, making it a versatile tool for testing various types of software applications
  • Intuitive intelligence and automatic healing capabilities for correcting errors and ensuring that tests are running smoothly
  • Data-driven capabilities for real-life test cases, allowing you to automate your tests and get reliable results
  • Automated scheduling capabilities and report customization, making it easy to schedule tests and get detailed reports on the results
  • Seamless integration with all popular CICD tools, making it a great choice for teams that use these tools for their software development processes


Testsigma - Mabl

Mabl features a powerful intuitive GUI interface. It is one of the AI testing tools that offer low code testing capabilities. In addition, it does not need the writing of scripts. Also, the tool allows high-velocity testing for busy teams. It performs end-to-end tests from the time the first code is created to the last. Equally, the tool enhances collaboration with clients and managers across every phase.


  • Low-code test capability which helps developers to focus on quality
  • Intuitive intelligence and automatic healing
  • Data-driven capabilities for real-life test cases
  • Extensive end-to-end test abilities through APIs
  • Ability to use data to generate insight for developers
  • Easy to navigate dashboard


Testsigma - Testcraft

TestCraft by perfecto is one of the AI driven test automation tools that is Selenium-based. Moreover, it is developed to allow both manual and automated testing. The tool is best for delivering tests for web-based software at super speed. Besides, it can be scaled to offer the highest quality industry-based standards. Furthermore, it has the best features for running repetitive tests.


  • Multi-language support. Developers can create scripts in multiple languages and run them on the tool.
  • Has a copy-to-clipboard feature where users can copy tests and paste them into the clipboard
  • Test idea generation tool which uses advanced GPT technology to test websites
  • Integration feature for integrating with other tools


AI testing tools-  Testim

Testim.io uses AI and machine learning algorithms to execute automated testing. It is one of the AI testing tools that work well with a variety of platforms and browsers. Moreover, it is a perfect tool for software maintenance needs. Many developers use it for executing AI-powered UI and functional end-to-end tests. Also, agile teams find it useful for scaling AI-driven test automation processes.


  • Troubleshooting feature for diagnosing and resolving errors
  • Maintenance feature for accurate testing and maintenance
  • Vibrant activity dashboard
  • Third-party integration abilities
  • Supports data importation/exportation
  • API integration and activity tracking

Aqua ALM

AI testing tools-  Aqua alm

Aqua ALM leverages its natural language processing capabilities to perform tests. It is one of the AI driven test automation tools with multi-lingual testing capabilities. Additionally, this web-based platform offers high flexibility, full visibility, and easy-to-use tools. With this platform, developers can speed up their test time and do more tests. Furthermore, it is designed as a test management system for busy companies. Specifically, the tool is a perfect choice for large technology companies.


  • It allows centralized test management by multiple departments
  • Generates reports for test execution
  • Has a feature for detecting and correcting defects
  • Automatically generates tests
  • Contains budgeting and forecasting tools
  • Feature for permissions and access controls


AI testing tools-  Accelq

AccelQ automates different test designs, and plans, and executes them. It is one of the AI testing tools with self-healing capabilities. Besides, it is useful for UI, mobile, API, and PC software tests. Furthermore, it displays a complete view of the entire QA lifecycle. Also, it features predictive and path analysis for multiple test scenarios. In addition, it is a cloud-based tool that offers non-stop API and functional automated tests. Moreover, it leverages natural language processing to offer continuous testing at every phase.


  • Contains an intuitive dashboard
  • Vibrant automated test generation capabilities
  • Excellent collaboration tools
  • Predictive analysis and lifecycle test management features
  • Allows storage of documents
  • Features an API and A to Z view of tests


AI testing tools-  Functionize

Functionize is one of the top AI test automation tools that leverage both AI and ML. The tool is best for testing complex applications for small and large organizations. Apart from this, the tool eliminates the need for creating repetitive test scripts. Moreover, it is an intelligent platform that combines both ML and insights from humans. It allows any developer to create end-to-end tests in no time. Additionally, it allows collaboration between production, quality engineers, and development teams.


  • Self-healing tools
  • Test planning and editing capabilities
  • Multiple browser support tools
  • End-to-end automation tests for mobile and the web
  • Integrations with DevOps tools
  • Intuitive dashboard with reporting capabilities


AI testing tools-  applitoools

Applitools is one of the AI test automation tools with multiple uses. It is used for software testing, monitoring, and app visual management. In addition, it can be used for manual QA and automated tests for desktop, mobile, and web-based apps. The tool is a good choice for engineers and digital transformation teams. Furthermore, it is a highly adaptive tool that leverages AI and ML to perform tests. Equally, the tool is known for its speed and accuracy in meeting performance needs.


  • Integrates existing tests instead of requiring new scripts
  • Uses only one line of code to perform tests
  • Offers visual test analytics and test management
  • Test automation and maintenance feature
  • Features for cross-browser and cross-device testing

Sauce Labs

AI testing tools-  sauce-labs


  • An error reporting tool that monitors and generates reports for errors
  • Cross-browser tool for combined testing of browsers and OS
  • Visual tool for conducting automated visual and UI tests
  • Mobile tool for testing real and remote mobile devices
  • API tool for testing and monitoring APIs


TestComplete is an intuitive tool with dynamic UI testing elements. Additionally, it contains a feature known as checkpoints which test images, tables, and app properties. It is a scriptless tool that allows users to trigger tests using keywords or the record-and-play feature. Furthermore, the tool features data-driven testing for web, PC, and mobile UI tests. Above that, it performs test report analysis and generates a report.


  • Non-stop testing for DevOps
  • Parallel testing features for mobile, PC, and web-based app tests
  • BitBar feature for scaling mobile and web tests
  • Ability to reuse automated UI tests for a wide range of projects
  • Data-based and automated reporting and analysis tools



Sealights is an AI-driven quality management tool that leverages ML and advanced analytics to optimize software testing. It monitors the changes in the code and test execution process to provide end-to-end visibility of Quality Risks across the delivery pipeline. That means, testers can easily manage and supervise the tests while the tool supports continuous testing through its AI capabilities.

Overall, Sealights boasts of providing the visibility, traceability, and metrics that is needed to deliver a quality software at the speed of DevOps.


  • Automatically identifies the tests that need to be executed based on recent code changes.
  • Prioritizes testing efforts on high-risk areas of the code to ensure critical functionalities undergo thorough testing.
  • Provides detailed insights and metrics on test coverage, quality trends, and potential risks.
  • Supports integration with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Utilizes ML to predict potential defects and vulnerabilities in the code.

Katalon Studio


A popular tool in the test automation space is Katalon. It is a favorite of many testers due to its ability to provide an all-in-one solution with an intuitive interface, which allows users to create, execute, and manage automated tests efficiently. Not to mention that it is built on top of open-source automation frameworks, such as Selenium and Appium with a specialized IDE interface for web, API, mobile, and desktop application testing. Its AI capabilities include self-healing, automated test generation, AI-powered analytics, and NLP-based test scripting.

Another aspect that makes Katalon quite popular is the ease of use that even non-technical individuals or beginner testers can employ for building and running tests. It allows scriptless test creation and advanced scripting option for complex testing process.


  • Its AI-driven Smart Wait feature improves test stability by dynamically adjusting wait times for web elements.
  • Integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines for robust reporting and analytics.
  • Employs machine learning algorithms to recommend test objects and automatically heal broken test scripts.
  • Heavily popular for developing and executing complex API tests, including SOAP, REST, and GraphSQL.
  • Has a bit of learning curve, but smoother than script-based automation tools.

Tricentis TOSCA


Another famous tool in our list is Tricentis TOSCA. It offers a comprehensive, end-to-end testing through automation through model-based approach. TOSCA allows users to create reusable test assets with minimal scripting. Its use of AI includes advanced test case design, self-healing automation scripts, and intelligent test data generation.

Its key features include risk-based test optimization and a powerful test data management. TOSCA avails AI to analyze historical data and predict which areas of the application are most likely to fail and to help prioritize test cases based on potential business impact for risk-based testing. For efficient test data management, AI algorithms assist in generating and managing test data that are realistic and near to real life scenario.


  • Supports a wide range of technologies, including web, mobile, API, and desktop applications.
  • Integrates seamlessly with CI/CD tools, facilitating continuous testing and DevOps practices.
  • Comes with extensive support for SAP and other enterprise applications.
  • Has strong reporting capabilities for comprehensive test management and analytics.
  • Model-based automation provides reusable test assets with minimal scripting.
  • Allows testing of applications in isolation by simulating the behavior of dependent systems.

Keysight Eggplant Test


Referred to as an advanced, AI-driven test automation tool, Eggplant is built by Keysight for comprehensive and efficient software testing. It focuses on user-centric testing by simulating real user interactions and provides end-to-end testing capabilities across various platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop applications.

By using image recognition and machine learning, this tool can execute tests based on visual elements. Further, it approaches functional, performance, and usability testing from the user’s perspective, which makes the complete quality process highly reliable and closer to real-world scenarios.


  • Utilizes AI-driven capabilities and machine learning to mimic user interactions when executing test cases.
  • Employs image recognition technology to interact with the application’s user interface.
  • Supports cross-browser testing on a combination of OS and devices.
  • Offers a scriptless test creation environment, making it an ideal choice for non-technical and time-bound projects.
  • Seamlessly integrates with CI/CD pipelines.

Worksoft Certify


A powerful test automation tool for enterprise-level testing is Worksoft Certify. It is specially tailored for complex enterprise applications and specializes in automating business process validation with a focus on ensuring that critical business workflows function correctly across diverse systems such as SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce. It involves intelligent automation features powered by AI, that includes self-healing scripts and test optimization.

Although the testing environment is scriptless, it still comes with a fair share of learning curve. Yet it is easier to use for non-technical users compared to the code-based tools. 


  • Particularly designed for creating and executing enterprise-level tests.
  • Supports end-to-end testing, including functional, visual, and business process validation.
  • Integrates with CI/CD pipelines and facilitates continuous testing.
  • Provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities.
  • Provides a codeless environment for creating and maintaining automated tests.
  • Connects easily with test management and ALM tools.

AI Testing Tools – Conclusion

Automated software testing allows the testing of software without human intervention. Automation helps minimize errors, improve accuracy, and save time. The tools should be chosen based on project demands, budgets, and features.

Frequently Asked Questions

AI Testing Tools – Which is the best AI testing tool?

How do AI testing tools work?

What are the disadvantages of using AI testing tools?

Why Testsigma is the best AI testing tool?