
Salesforce Test Cases Template with Best Practices

August 10, 2023Yamini Priya
Salesforce Test Cases Template with Best Practices

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Salesforce is a popularly used customer relationship management platform that enables organizations to manage their sales, customer service, marketing, and other business processes in one place. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the same applies to Salesforce. To ensure that Salesforce is functioning as expected, it’s essential to have a comprehensive testing strategy in place.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of test cases in Salesforce and the best practices to follow while creating test cases. We’ll also list sample Salesforce test case templates that you can use to create effective and efficient test cases.

Salesforce Test Case Categories

You can pick the right test case template to test different aspects of the system. Some common test case categories in Salesforce are,

  • User Interface Testing (UI)
  • Testing Data Integrity
  • Customization testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Cross Browser Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Disaster Recovery Testing
  • Accessibility Testing
  • Apex Code Testing
  • SOQL and SOSL Testing
  • Sandbox Testing
  • Salesforce Release Testing
  • Data Migration Testing
  • Data Backup and Restore Testing
  • Rollback Testing
  • Error Handling Testing
  • User Permission Testing
  • Role Hierarchy Testing
  • Customizable Forecasting Testing
  • Lead Conversion Testing
  • Data Import and Export Testing
  • Test Data Related Test Cases
  • Testing Validation Rules
  • Email Service Testing
  • Testing Triggers
  • Testing Workflow
  • Test Execution Related Test Cases
  • Custom Test Cases
  • Testing Lightning Component
  • Testing Visualforce Pages

In this article, we will discuss some of the few test case categories for Salesforce testing.

Testing User Interface

Salesforce’s UI testing is critical to ensure that the application is easy to use and style of the pages, font size, buttons, links, and other elements are as intended and consistent.

Here, testers would deeply examine the application’s pages, style, buttons, and links to make sure they are functional and aligned. Also, they will check if the interface is responsive, portable, and cross-browser compatible.


Some examples of what will be tested in UI testing:

  • Checking the alignment and spacing of web elements.
  • Testing the working of buttons and links.
  • Verifying the application’s behavior in various browsers and platforms.
  • Examining that the application is accessible for users with disabilities.
  • Checking for conformity with any branding guidelines.
  • Confirming compliance with design guidelines, such as the Salesforce Lightning Design System.

Testing Data Integrity

Testing the data integrity in Salesforce is essential to verify data accuracy and consistency. In Salesforce data integrity testing, tester will test the validation rules, data behavior in various fields/objects, and data import/export functionality to make sure that data is correctly stored and retrieved.

ExampleSome examples of what will be tested during data integrity while Salesforce testing,

  • Verifying that the data import and export are properly structured.
  • Checking that the data is shown correctly in various fields and objects.
  • Validation rules must be appropriately implemented and enforced.
  • Examining the data consistency after upgrades and releases.

Customization Testing

It is the process of testing any customizations made to the Salesforce platform to ensure that they are functioning as expected and do not negatively impact existing functionalities. This includes testing custom fields, objects, workflows, integrations, and other types of customizations.

Besides that, testers must also ensure that the customizations do not interfere with other aspects, such as UI, data integrity, security, and performance.

ExampleA glance at what will be tested in Customization testing:

  • Testing that the custom fields and custom objects are properly aligned.
  • Verifying that the custom workflows are properly triggered.
  • Testing the custom labels for correctness and coverage.
  • Verifying the validity and coverage of Salesforce lightning components.

Integration Testing

Salesforce Integration testing helps make sure that Salesforce can communicate and exchange data with other applications correctly, like external databases or other applications.

Here, testers must validate that the communication and data exchange between Salesforce and other platforms is functioning properly.

ExampleHere’s what testers will test in integration testing:

  • Testing the communication between Salesforce and other applications.
  • Testing the data flow between Salesforce and other systems.
  • Perform data synchronization tests between Salesforce and other systems.
  • Test the error-handling capability during the integration process.

Security Testing

Security testing in Salesforce helps make sure that the application is secure and meets industry standards. Here, testers must check that the user access control, authentication, data encryption, and industry-standard compliance are functioning correctly and effectively. Further, how well the application can handle and protect its data against security threats like hacking, unauthorized access, and data breaches is also tested.

ExampleWhat testers will test in security testing:

  • Checking the user access control to make sure that only authorized users can access data.
  • Verifying data encryption to ensure that data is secure and protected against unauthorized access.
  • Testing the application’s ability to handle and respond to unauthorized user access.
  • SOC 2, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS compliance testing.
  • Testing the application’s ability to detect and respond to phishing attempts/malware/security risks/hacking attempts.

Performance Testing

Salesforce performance testing ensures that the system can perform well under different loads and conditions. Here, testers will check that the system can handle various loads, like massive users, data, and transactions. This helps testers to ensure that the application meets the user requirements.

ExampleWhat testers will test in performance testing,

  • Testing the application’s response time under various loads.
  • Verifying that the application can manage a huge number of users simultaneously.
  • Testing the application’s performance when multiple users access it simultaneously.
  • Testing the scalability of the application.

Cross Browser Testing

Cross-browser testing of Salesforce applications helps ensure that the application is functioning as expected and is easy to use across different browsers, platforms, and devices. The aim of cross-browser testing is to ensure that the application functions well, is user-friendly, and is responsive across a range of devices, platforms, and browsers. Here, testers would verify that the system’s functionality, layout, and style are consistent across different browsers, platforms, and devices.

Testsigma gives you wider test coverage by allowing testers to test their salesforce applications on over 3000+ real devices and 1000+ browsers/OS on the cloud.

ExampleA peek at what will be tested in cross-browser testing,

  • Testing the application’s performance on various browsers, devices, and platforms.
  • Checking the web layout and design on various devices, browsers, and platforms.
  • Testing the responsiveness of the webpage to check if it can handle different screen resolutions, screen sizes, and network conditions.

Load Testing

Load testing helps ensure that Salesforce can function well and support the expected load of users and transactions.

While performing this testing, testers would test the application under various conditions to analyze the application’s performance under pressure.

ExampleWhat testers will be checking in load testing,

  • Testing the application’s ability to handle concurrent users at once.
  • Testing the application’s performance and scalability under heavy loads.
  • Evaluating the application’s capacity to manage various network situations, database configurations, and server configurations under heavy loads.

Stress Testing

Stress testing helps ensure the application can withstand and recover from unexpected heavy loads. Here, testers simulate heavy loads with a wide number of concurrent users to analyze the application’s capacity to manage and recover from unexpected situations.

ExampleWhat will testers do during stress testing,

  • Testing the application’s resilience to unexpected heavy loads, network outages, and unforeseen failures.
  • Checking that the application can handle server, database failures, and power outages and recover from them.

Regression Testing

Salesforce regression testing helps ensure that the application works as intended and that any new update or release does not affect the existing functionalities.

It involves rerunning previously completed test cases to ensure that the application is still working even after there is a code change.

ExampleWhat testers will test in regression testing:

  • Checking the application’s functionality, data integrity, performance, and security after new updates or releases.
  • Rerun the previously run test cases to check that the application is still working properly after the changes.

User Acceptance Testing

User acceptance testing in Salesforce helps ensure that the application meets the end-user requirements and it is able to do what the application is intended to do.

This helps testers ensure that the application is ready for launch to end users. Here, testers would test the application’s functionality, performance, usability, and security.


Here’s what testers will do in UAT testing,

  • Check the application’s functionality, performance, security, usability, and other important aspects.
  • Ensure that the application’s user manuals and documentation are accurate and complete.
  • Check that the application is prepared to release to end-users.

When to Automate Your Salesforce Test Cases?

Salesforce is complex, given the dynamic nature of the application and its heavy DOM structure. Manually testing Salesforce would require QAs to write a huge number of test cases. Though it is possible to test your Salesforce application manually, if you are executing same scenarios multiple times, going for test automation would be a better alternative.

Automation testing tools can test your Salesforce application in very less time when compared to traditional methods. Further, automating salesforce test cases can be accurate, time-efficient, reliable, and quick. Right test automation tools like Testsigma will help you cover all the possible testing scenarios and get maximum test coverage. It allows teams to create and reuse tests with minimal effort.

During the test execution phase, we will have to think of the below factors,

Test Automation: Automating test cases using a low-code approach helps reduce the time and effort required for testing Salesforce.

Test Management: Managing test cases is a tricky part when done manually. Every time testers have to add, edit, or remove test cases when there is a change. But automation eases this process.

In Testsigma, you can add/edit/remove test cases whenever necessary, as it supports NLP-based testing.

Test Case Execution: You need to check how efficient the test cases are and how to monitor their outcomes.

Test Reporting: You will have to create reports on the test coverage and its results.

Test Metrics: You need to monitor the test metrics like test execution time and test coverage.

Environments for Testing: Verify if the application is ready for testing in various environments like development, pre-staging, staging, and production.

Test Deploy: Test the application’s deployment to make sure it works properly in the manufacturing process.

With Testsigma, test execution can be made 10x faster than traditional testing methods. Let’s discuss how Testsigma automates Salesforce testing in detail below.

Testsigma for Salesforce Testing

Now, let’s get to the how part. With Testsigma, you can do Salesforce testing quickly using its NLP-based approach. Alternatively, you can also record user actions and automate them as test cases on the cloud.

Example – Let’s see how to test the basic login functionality of your Salesforce application. Here, you will have to test for both positive and negative test data.

Salesforce Test Cases for Salesforce

Step 1 – Once you sign in to Testsigma, navigate to Create New, then Create test case, or use Create Project to create a new project.

Salesforce Testing

Step 2 – You can quickly use the record option to record user actions and automate them. Alternatively, you can use the NLPs from the drop-down and proceed.


Step 3 – Once the test steps are created, click Run to execute the test cases.Step 4 – After the test execution, you will get the test case results along with what failed and details.


Benefits of Automating Salesforce Testing using Testsigma

Testsigma is a robust cloud-based low-code test automation platform that lets you easily automate your test cases for salesforce. Salesforce testing with Testsigma is made simple and easy. You can automate your UI tests, regression tests, integration tests, API tests, cross-browser tests, and more of your Salesforce application from one place.

Testsigma offers multiple benefits to automating your Salesforce testing, including,

  • Automate even complex workflows in plain English statements using the NLPs.
  • Makes your testing process 10x faster.
  • Easily integrate with multiple third-party tools and applications.
  • Enables codeless testing that can be extended in Java.
  • You can create custom NLPs and make them either private or public to everyone.
  • A no-code test automation platform, so you need not require any coding knowledge.
  • Easily check if your application is responsive, compatible, and portable in one place. It supports over 3000 real devices and over 1000 browser/platform combos on the cloud.
  • Simply run and maintain tests on the cloud without having to install multiple apps and frameworks.
  • Its intuitive interface is very simple and easy to use.

Custom Test Cases

Salesforce is all about customizations. So, how do we test the customizations that might change for every organization? Below, we will discuss what all custom test cases are and what testers will test here.

Testing Custom Settings

Testers will have to verify that the custom settings are working correctly, such as application configurations, business logic, or user preferences.

Testing Custom Objects

Here, testers will test the custom objects that are used to store data, such as application data, business data, or user data.

Testing Custom Labels

You will have to test the custom text, like custom labels and error messages. This is called custom label testing.

Testing Custom Tabs

Testing the custom tabs that will provide access to unique objects, Visualforce pages, etc.

Testing Custom Permission

Testers will have to evaluate the custom permissions that restrict access to specific data or functionality. It is called testing custom permissions.

Here, testers will test the custom buttons and links to access specific sites. It is known as the custom button and link testing.

Testing Custom Metadata

In this testing, testers will test the custom metadata that stores custom values of Salesforce applications, like validation rules, configuration settings, custom labels, and so on.

Best Practices for Salesforce Test Cases

The following are some of the best practices of Salesforce testing:

  • Testers should create and run test cases like real user profiles.
  • Update your test cases accordingly whenever there is an update to the business requirements.
  • Test using both positive and negative test data for great testing coverage.
  • Verify if the test data is created to validate the report’s functionality.

Some of the best practices testers must keep in mind while performing Salesforce testing:

  • Start testing in the early stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Use an Agile approach, as this helps testers to test iteratively and identify bugs quickly.
  • You must include all the testing types functional tests, cross-browser tests, regression tests, integration testing, and UI testing in your testing approach to ensure Salesforce works as intended.
  • Automate your Salesforce testing using automation tools like Testsigma. Also, using a low-code automation platform is highly recommended.

Statistics state that 84% of Salesforce teams rely on manual testing at least partially. Despite the advancements in testing techniques, many companies still use traditional testing methods like manual testing or script-based testing. Due to this, teams don’t find time to test the changes before software deployment leading to poor quality.

But it can be accelerated when you automate Salesforce testing using powerful test automation platforms like Testsigma.


To sum up, having well-defined and organized Salesforce test cases is crucial for ensuring the quality of your Salesforce implementation. It allows you to test every aspect of your Salesforce application systematically and identify any potential issues or bugs that may arise.

When creating your Salesforce test cases, it’s essential to keep in mind the best practices discussed in this blog. Moreover, by implementing automated testing, you can increase the efficiency and accuracy of your testing processes. It allows you to run tests faster, identify issues quickly, and save time and resources in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I run a test case in Salesforce?

Running an automated test case for Salesforce will depend on the automation tool that is being used for automation. For example, Testsigma lets you run automated test cases on local devices as well as on the cloud.

Is Salesforce testing difficult?

Yes, Salesforce testing is difficult as it has a dynamic and complex DOM structure. Yet, automation tools like Testsigma make Salesforce testing easy for agile teams.

What are the types of testing in Salesforce?

The two primary testing types of Salesforce testing are as follows,

  • Salesforce Functional Testing
  • Salesforce UAT Testing

Is coding required for Salesforce testing?

It depends on the type of automation tool you use for Salesforce testing. Using a low-code approach is recommended for Salesforce testing. For example, Testsigma is a no-code automation tool for Salesforce testing. You can create and automate your Salesforce test cases using NLPs, without writing any code.

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