
Agile Testing Metrics: What Are They, Why To Use it in Software Testing?

May 24, 2024
Agile Testing Metrics: What Are They, Why To Use It In Software Testing

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Agile testing is a methodology that focuses on releasing high-quality software regularly. To achieve this goal, you must regularly test your software to understand what it can and cannot do. You’ll need the right testing metrics to understand the results and make decisions based on them. Here’s why testing will fit into the Agile methodology and the metrics you’ll need to test efficiently.

What are Test Metrics in Agile?

Test Metrics in Agile are like scores or grades that measure your testing activities’ success. These metrics help you figure out what’s working and what needs to be improved, so you can make the best decisions when it comes to testing. Testing metrics could measure how much code is tested, how many bugs are found, and how quickly they were discovered. For example, test coverage metrics tell you what percentage of the code was tested, while defect density metrics show the number of bugs per code unit or time.

Agile teams can spot any issues, trends, or potential problems in their testing processes by tracking and analyzing test results. This helps them create high-quality software that meets the demands of their customers while still following Agile principles, like always getting better and working together with customers.

Agile Principles And Testing

Those practising Agile methods should already know the principles. That includes flexibility, collaboration, and an openness to feedback.

The Agile model has brought improvements over the old waterfall software development model. In the old model, development and testing would have been done separately. This led to delays and sometimes confusion in testing and development, and there were more efficient ways of doing so.

With Agile, the whole process is covered by both teams working together. That allows for better communication and quicker solutions being developed. When it comes to testing, continuous testing is much easier under Agile and provides for innovative solutions to be found.

Classification of Agile Test Metrics:

Agile Test Metrics can be divided into different categories depending on their testing goals. This way of organizing helps Agile teams pick the right metrics for their desired outcomes and measure if their testing is thriving in an organized way.

Types of Agile Test Metrics

  1. Process Metrics – These metrics focus on how fast and effective the testing process is. Process metrics help Agile teams discover where things may be taking too long or if there is room for improvement in their testing processes.
  2. Product Metrics – These metrics measure the software product quality being tested. For example, defect density (how many errors there are), defect leakage (how many errors get through to the customer), customer satisfaction (how happy customers are), and business value delivered (what benefits the product gives).
  3. Project Metrics – These metrics help Agile teams keep track of their testing goals compared to what was planned and make decisions based on data to get better test results.
  4. People Metrics – People metrics help Agile teams determine gaps in their skills or performance and what they can do to improve things like offering more training or help. For example, how quickly can you create test cases, how many bugs the tests find, how many people quit their jobs, and how practical the training is.

Testing In An Agile Workflow: Best Practices

How exactly does testing work under Agile working? There are some best practices you’ll want to try to get the most from it.

Automate testing:

As Agile working is collaborative by nature, testing will be the responsibility of both the developers and the testers. When you are both working together, you should be able to create shorter test cycles each time you do it.

While you can automate some of your tests, there are many instances where it will make sense. You should set up automatic testing if it works for a particular aspect of your software. That will give you quicker feedback on the software and allow you to make changes as needed.

Of course, there will still be areas where manual testing will be the best. It’s essential to separate what can be automated and what you still need to handle.

Get clear acceptance criteria:

When testing, you want to create the best experience for the end user. As such, you need clear acceptance criteria to know your goal. It’s best to talk to your business analysts about what you want. They should be able to remove any ambiguity from user stories, so you have clear goals to meet.

Remove complexity:

When creating any feature, you’ll need to consider its complexity. It’s more than whether the end user can use it and whether it’ll be harder to test. When creating a new feature, developers and testers should work together, discussing how complex it would be to test every single variation of that feature. Complexity should be removed from that feature.

Make software quality the team’s responsibility:

Agile working will only give you what you need if you make testing and quality the responsibility of your whole team. Developers and testers should work to agree on strategies, test cases, and defect prioritization. When they do this, they can test more efficiently and create a better product.

Choosing the right metrics:

You need to know what you’re testing for. That’s why selecting the test metrics is essential before you start. When picking metrics, your team will need to be able to agree on metrics that show which areas have improved, what needs to be changed, and whether the software has met your aims as a whole.

What are the “right” Testing Metric Qualities for Agile Teams?

Agile teams need to think about a few qualities when picking testing metrics so they’re helpful, significant, and able to be acted on. Here are the essential metric qualities that Agile testing metrics should have:

  1. Relevance – Agile teams should pick metrics linked to what they’re trying to test, so they can better understand how well their testing is going. Metrics that don’t matter for the project or team goals aren’t helpful and will take up time and resources that could be used on something else.
  2. Measurability – Agile testing metrics should be measured consistently and unbiasedly, using clear and uniform rules. Metrics based on opinion, unclear or hard to count, can be untrustworthy and tricky to understand.
  3. Actionability – Agile testing metrics should give you information to help you make decisions and improve. Metrics that don’t give you helpful info won’t be much help to Agile teams.
  4. Timeliness – Agile testing metrics should be easy to find so your Agile team can adjust their tests quickly. If you can’t get the metrics when needed, it could prevent your Agile team from making their tests as good as possible.
  5. Contextualization – Testing metrics for agile projects should be seen in the bigger picture of the project and business. This will help you see how testing affects the quality of your product and how it helps reach your business goals.

Agile Testing Metrics To Use while Testing:

You know the basics of Agile testing and need to know the metrics you should use in your testing cycles. These are some of the most common metrics used, as they offer much information and overall value to the process.

Defects in production:

This is a metric you should measure against at all stages in production. The earlier you can pick up on a defect, the easier it will be to catch and correct it. Use this metric to look for any potential defects, and put them right.

Defect cycle time:

In an Agile team, you’ll be looking to reduce the time you spend fixing defects in each cycle. Your defect cycle time will be the exact amount of time you spend catching and fixing any defects in your product. With each cycle, you should see shorter defect cycle times.

Code complexity:

You want to avoid complex code, no matter what you’re working on. The simpler the code, the easier it is to find and nail down any issues. As such, your team wants readable code to correct issues quickly.

Cumulative flow:

Your cumulative flow diagram should show you the development process. On it, you should be able to see ongoing work, finished tasks, speed, and any areas that need attention.

This allows you to check the progress of the entire development cycle. You’ll be able to see what’s ready and working and anything holding up development.

Why Use Agile Testing Metrics?

The main benefit is that they allow you to catch issues as early as possible when used correctly. The earlier they are caught, the easier they are to manage.

As such, you are using these metrics makes your whole testing process more goal-driven. When you’re working like this, you will make the testing process quicker, so you can implement a successful product more quickly.

When using Agile metrics, it’s important to remember that no perfect metric exists. Even when you’re using valuable metrics, metrics can only tell you some things about your product. As such, you should pay attention to what your metrics are telling you without relying on them to catch everything for you.

The Agile team approach should help; everyone will pitch in to ensure you all make the best product possible.

Before using Agile metrics, you should know all the potential benefits and pitfalls. Knowing them all before you start will ensure that you’re prepared for any results you get.

How to use Agile Test Metrics In Software Testing

A wide array of metrics can be used in Agile software testing, so you’ll need to ensure you’re picking the right ones for testing your software. Not all of them will be relevant, so it’s essential to consider what you want to be looking for. Here are the test metrics that work within Agile testing, so you can see what’s suitable for your team.

Source Code Metrics:

Your code is the base of everything you do, so you’ll want it to be as clean and straightforward as possible. As such, you’ll likely have source code metrics to see what’s working and what isn’t.

You’ll see these metrics are divided into several categories, depending on the amount of code, the difficulty of it, interconnection, combination, and inheritance. All of these metrics will test the quality of the code so that it can be the best possible code for the product.

Development Metrics:

These metrics are focused on the time taken to find and fix defects within the product. They’ll also check for how these defects are limited. In an Agile work environment, the metrics specifically evaluate how long it will take for the fault to be fixed and ready for the next round of testing.

Testing Metrics:

These metrics are focused on how efficient the testing is. They’ll also test and evaluate the software to ensure it’s as efficient as can be.

There are two main subcategories:

  1. Test coverage
  2. Defect removal efficiency.

Test coverage looks at the number of finished tests, as well as the number of tests that are currently being carried out. They also define the part of the software that is being tested.

As for the efficiency of defect removal, it will track the exact number of defects and how testers and developers have removed many.

Project-Level Metrics:

You’ll use these metrics to define your product’s quality. They cover many areas, including agenda, defects, budget, productivity, etc. They’ll also evaluate resources and deliverables.

When you have these metrics, you’ll have enough information to understand the health of your project and how it’s progressing overall. You’ll also be able to use these metrics to show whether a project is completed by comparing it to other previously estimated KPIs.

Process Metrics:

This will measure the ability of your software testing process and make improvements where needed. For example, This will measure how many defects have been identified, how many were fixed, and how much time was taken to fix them.

Project Metrics:

These metrics measure the project, keeping an eye on the schedule, budget, productivity, etc. With these metrics, you should get an overview of how the project is progressing and whether it’s going in the direction you want.

People Metrics:

These metrics measure how well your team works to get the project tested and completed. That will identify whether they’re working on a schedule, the upcoming defects, etc. This will all affect the quality of the finished product, so it’s something that you want to be tracking.

The Importance of Agile Testing Metrics:

Using these metrics isn’t just crucial for your software and your business. With this data, you can make more informed decisions about the software you make and other projects you start working on.

It also helps investors make decisions, as they’ll have more data from you on the projects you’re working on. When you start planning those future projects, you have plenty of data that will show you what’s worked in the past and what hasn’t, so you can start creating new software with an advantage.

There are a lot of metrics that you can use when you’re working in an Agile environment. You’ll want to make sure you’re making the most of them, as when you do, you’ll come away with a much shorter test cycle and a better product.


In conclusion, agile testing metrics are essential for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the testing process in an agile environment. By tracking metrics such as test coverage, defect density, and test execution speed, organizations can gain valuable insights into their software’s quality and identify improvement areas.

Using a tool like Testsigma can help automate the collection and analysis of these metrics, making it easier to track progress and identify issues in real time. By implementing agile testing metrics as part of their testing strategy, organizations can improve the quality of their software and deliver better products to their customers.

While you can automate some of your tests, there are many instances where it will make sense. You should set up automatic testing if it works for a particular aspect of your software. That will give you quicker feedback on the software and allow you to make changes as needed,” says Oliver Adams, a tech writer at Academicbrits and PhDKingdom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are KPIs in Agile?

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in Agile measure how well a team reaches its goals. They can be different for each project and team, but usually focus on whether the team is doing their job effectively, efficiently, and with good quality.

What are Software Testing Metrics?

Software Testing Metrics are measurements used to determine how successful and efficient the testing is in creating software. These metrics can tell you how much of the software was tested, how many mistakes were found, how long it took to run tests, how well automation is going, and more. Software Testing Metrics keep track of the quality and progress of testing and help identify what needs improvement.

Suggested Reading

Written By

George Newton

Testsigma Author - George Newton

George Newton

George J. Newton is a business development manager at Research paper writing services and Thesis writing service. He focuses on Agile working in software development.

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