
Front End Testing: A Comprehensive Overview

Front-End Testing A Comprehensive Overview

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Front-end testing is all about ensuring everything looks and works as it should for the user. It involves testing the front-end code’s visual elements, user interactions, and responsiveness. There are various front end testing types- unit, integration, and end-to-end testing. Each type serves a specific purpose in ensuring the quality and reliability of the front-end code. Front-end testing tools such as Testsigma, Jest, Cypress, and Selenium make it easier to automate tests and catch bugs early in the development process.

What is Front End Testing?

Front End Testing tests a website or application’s user interface and functionality. It involves testing elements such as buttons, links, forms, and navigation to ensure they work as expected. Testing for compatibility across multiple browsers and devices is also essential to ensure the website functions properly for all users.

A simple example of Front End Testing would be testing a login form on a website. The tester would input valid and invalid credentials to ensure the form validates inputs correctly and displays appropriate error messages. They would also check that the login button is functioning correctly and redirecting the user to the correct page upon successful login. If the login page has any other element, that should be tested too.

How To Create A Frontend Website Testing Plan?

When you need to test the Frontend of any application, it is recommended that you create a test plan for it first. Here, we will discuss how to create a test plan if you are testing the Frontend of a website.

1. Define the scope of testing: Identify the pages, features, and functionalities that need to be tested. For example, you may want to test the homepage, product pages, checkout process, and contact form.

2. Determine the testing approach: Decide on the types of tests you will perform, such as functional testing, usability testing, compatibility testing, and performance testing.

3. Create test cases: Develop detailed test cases for each page or feature that needs to be tested. For instance, for the homepage, you may want to test if all links are working correctly and if the images are loading properly.

4. Assign responsibilities: Assign tasks to team members responsible for executing tests and recording results.

5. Execute tests: Conduct tests according to the defined plan and record any issues or bugs found during testing.

Should Fronted testing be automated?

If you need to execute your frontend tests repeatedly, then it is recommended that you automate these tests. Before automating these tests, ensure you see an ROI within a stipulated time. Getting an ROI would also depend on the tool you choose. Here is a blog that will guide you in choosing the right test automation tool for you:

Types of Front-End Testing

Since there are different elements to test for the Front-end, you can consider running a few different types of tests.

Types of Front-End Testing

Unit Testing

Generally done by developers, it involves analyzing individual components of the code to ensure they function as expected. Doing so allows you to test your components and features against how you expect them to behave in production, leading to a stable codebase and a reliable app for your customers. Some tools that support unit testing are junit, xunit, nunit.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing confirms that the application meets the business requirements. The image below is an illustrative example of Acceptance Testing conducted in Testsigma. In this illustration, the Login function is tested to verify a user with valid credentials is able to login.


Visual Regression Testing

This Testing compares the actual visual interface of your application with the corresponding ‘expected’ version to identify gaps. The goal is to ensure that any code change does not impact the UI unexpectedly.

Here is a link showing how Testsigma, a test automation tool automates visual regression tests: Visual Testing – Configure Test Steps

Performance Testing

Performance testing measures an application’s response time, stability, and scalability under specified conditions. It involves simulating user loads and interactions to identify potential bottlenecks or weaknesses that may affect the end-user experience adversely. Some majorly used tools for performance testing include Jmeter, LoadRunner, WebLOAD.

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing ensures every potential user can easily use an application or website, including individuals with visual impairments or other additional needs. It ensures that specific, unchangeable conditions do not prevent anyone from accessing any of the features or functions of the app. An example tool for checking accessibility of a web application is WAVE.

End-to-End (E2E) Testing

End-to-end testing ensures that your application functions seamlessly from start to finish. This type of testing provides valuable insight into the behavior of multiple system elements working together. The image below is an illustrative example of the end-to-end testing process conducted in Testsigma.

Some majorly used to tools for end to end testing include Testsigma, Selenium and appium.

Integration Testing

Applications are often built from many modules, and if these modules are not properly integrated, it can negatively impact the end-user experience. Integration testing is essential to ensure that all components are working together effectively. Like End-to-End Testing, Integration Testing can be automated with Testsigma.

Cross-Browser Testing

Cross-Browser Testing ensures your application works as expected across different web browsers. By running the same set of test cases on various browsers, you can confirm that the application is compatible with each one. This process can be automated, making it an efficient and effective way to ensure your application functions correctly.

The link given below provides instructions on conducting Cross-Browser Testing in Testsigma.- Test Plan: Cross Browser Testing

Tips for Better Frontend Testing

Here are some tips for better front-end testing:

  1. Always use a testing framework.
  2. Test your code in different browsers/devices to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
  3. Create a test suite to group similar tests together for easier management.
  4. Write descriptive test cases that accurately reflect what the function or component should do.
  5. Use snapshot/visual testing to verify if changes quickly affect other parts of the codebase.
  6. Create end-to-end tests that simulate user interactions and workflows.
  7. Automate and integrate your tests with continuous integration tools to catch errors early on.
  8. Run performance tests to ensure efficient operation on slower devices and internet connections.
  9. Don’t forget to regularly maintain and update your test suite as the codebase evolves!

Front-End Testing Tools

Frontend testing tools help test the front-end or the user-facing end of a website or app to ensure its works as expected. They help check if the website or app runs well and does what it should.

1. Testsigma

This cloud-based, low-code automated testing platform provides an intuitive user interface and powerful AI-based analytics. Testsigma lets you automate your tests in simple English; the test cases are as easy to create and edit as writing English sentences. With Testsigma, you can automate your frontend tests for web, mobile, desktop, and APIs from the same place.

Below are some more features that make it a perfect tool for front-end test automation:

  1. Saves time on your test maintenance with AI-supported built-in features
  2. Easy and efficient test execution
  3. Debug with the help of screenshots, videos, and logs easily
  4. Get reports that you can customize according to your needs
  5. Setup all your review and collaboration processes on the cloud
  6. Easily integrate with CI/CD tools
  7. Access your tests from anywhere, anytime
  8. Helpful support that is there for you 24×7

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2. Selenium

Selenium is an open-source framework for automating front-end tests for web applications. It lets you record and playback your tests and extend the scripts in multiple programming languages like Java, Python, C#, and Ruby. It is primarily used for functional testing of web applications, particularly for testing the front-end of web pages.

Here are some key points to help you understand its importance:

  1. One of the key benefits of Selenium is its ability to support cross-browser testing. This means that developers can test their web applications on different browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge and ensure that they work as expected on each one.
  2. With Selenium, testers can create automated test scripts that simulate user interactions with web applications, such as clicking buttons, filling out forms, and navigating through pages.
  3. Selenium also offers a range of features that make testing more efficient and effective, such as the ability to run tests in parallel, integrate with continuous integration tools, and generate detailed reports.
  4. Selenium can be used in combination with other tools like Appium for mobile testing and Docker for containerization, providing even more flexibility and scalability for testing web applications.

3. Ranorex

Ranoex is a powerful front-end testing tool that offers a range of features to ensure the quality and functionality of web applications. This is a commercial test automation tool for desktop, web, and mobile applications. It lets you record and playback your tests, and supports extending the scripts in C#, VB.Net.Here are some key points to help you understand its abilities:

  1. Ranorex boasts of a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and use, even for those with limited technical expertise.
  2. With Ranorex, you can test your web application across multiple browsers, ensuring that it works seamlessly on all platforms.
  3. Ranoex offers automated testing capabilities, allowing you to save time and effort while ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your tests.
  4. It allows you to customize your tests to suit your specific needs, ensuring that you can test all aspects of your web application.
  5. Ranoex provides real-time reporting, allowing you to quickly identify and address any issues that arise during testing.


Front-end testing ensures the website or application is user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing. It involves testing the layout, design, and functionality of the website or application on different devices and browsers. Front-end testing ensures a positive user experience and prevents potential issues. You can identify and fix any issues by conducting thorough front-end testing before launching the website or application.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is API testing Front-end?

API testing is not a frontend but a backend testing. API testing involves verifying the functionality and performance of the application programming interface (API) that connects a software application’s back-end components.

Read about Frontend Testing Vs Backend Testing

What is Front-end automation testing?

Front-end automation testing uses automated tools to test a website or application’s user interface and functionality.

Why is Front-end testing needed?

Without proper Front-end testing, a website or application may have broken links, slow loading times, and poor user experience. These issues can lead to decreased user engagement and ultimately result in lost business revenue.

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