
Top 15 Visual Regression Testing Tools To Look Out

Ensuring your product remains visually consistent release after release is the need of the hour. That is why choosing the right visual regression testing tool is very important. Here, we talk about the top 15 visual regression testing tools in the market to make your search easier.

Visual Regression Testing tools is a capture screenshots or snapshots of the application’s UI during a reference state (baseline) and then compare them with the UI after code changes, highlighting any differences. Think of it as an automated quality control check for your UI, ensuring every pixel remains in its perfectly intended place. 

But why do we need to automate visual regression testing using tools? These tools help QA teams to streamline their process, scale with ease, and boost efficiency. They capture screenshots, compare them with established baselines, and flag discrepancies with laser-like precision, freeing up valuable time and resources for other testing endeavors.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into the top 15 visual regression testing tools that deserve a spot in your automation testing toolkit. From open-source options to robust enterprise-grade solutions, we’ll explore their features, strengths, and weaknesses, helping you find the perfect match for your specific needs and budget. 

So, buckle up and get ready to discover the tools that will keep your UI pristine, pixel by perfect pixel!

Table Of Contents

What is Visual Regression Testing?

Visual regression testing(VRT) is a software testing technique that ensures the visual consistency of a web application’s user interface (UI) across code changes. It works by comparing screenshots or visual snapshots of the UI before and after updates, identifying any unintended visual differences that might impact user experience.

Here’s a practical example to illustrate how VRT works:

Imagine you’re working on a news website. You make some changes to the code to update the layout of the homepage.

Without visual regression testing:

  1. You might manually check the homepage in a few browsers and devices, but it’s easy to miss subtle changes or inconsistencies.
  2. Users might encounter layout issues, overlapping text, misaligned elements, or font rendering problems, leading to frustration and a negative impression of the site.

With visual regression testing:

  1. Before the code changes, you capture baseline screenshots of the homepage in various browsers and screen sizes.
  2. After the changes, you run the visual regression testing tool again. It automatically captures new screenshots and compares them pixel by pixel with the baseline images.
  3. The tool highlights visual differences, providing clear evidence of potential UI regressions.
  4. You review the identified differences, determine if they are acceptable or need to be fixed, and make necessary adjustments to the code.

Importance of a Visual Regression Testing Tool

A Visual Regression Testing (VRT) tool plays a crucial role in the software development lifecycle by addressing the following key aspects and highlighting its importance:

  1. Automates pixel-perfect comparison: No more tedious manual eyeballing, tools compare screenshots with precise accuracy.
  2. Boosts efficiency and saves time: Run tests across browsers, devices, and configurations in parallel, freeing up QA resources.
  3. Improves scalability: Easily scale testing as your UI grows, ensuring comprehensive coverage without manual effort.
  4. Eliminates human error: Reduces subjectivity and ensures consistency in detecting visual discrepancies.
  5. Provides actionable feedback: Precise bug reports with visual evidence for faster developer resolution.
  6. Enhances user experience: Prevents visual regressions that can confuse and frustrate users.
  7. Contributes to brand consistency: Maintains a uniform and polished UI across updates and platforms.
  8. Integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines: Enables continuous testing for early detection and prevention of regressions.
  9. Offers advanced features: AI-powered analysis, self-healing baselines, and anomaly detection for even more comprehensive coverage.

Best Visual Regression Testing Tools

Maintaining a visually consistent and user-friendly interface across browsers, devices, and screen sizes is crucial. This is where visual regression testing (VRT) tools come to the rescue, automating the tedious process of comparing screenshots and identifying any unintended visual regressions after code changes. 

Buckle up as we delve into the best 15 visual regression testing tools, each offering unique strengths and features to cater to your specific needs and budget.



Testsigma is a cloud-based automation platform offering visual regression testing (VRT) functionalities alongside other testing capabilities. It caters to various team sizes and project complexities with its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features. 

Testsigma revolutionizes test automation with its unique combination of natural language processing (NLP) and an intuitive interface. This no-code and low-code approach breaks down barriers, making test creation accessible to everyone, regardless of technical expertise. Beginners can get started quickly with a minimal learning curve, while technical teams gain efficiency and agility.

Its smart features, like AI-driven maintenance and self-healing capabilities, automatically adapt tests to evolving applications, saving you time and effort. This means focusing on innovation and delivering high-quality products, not tedious test upkeep.

Why use Testsigma for Visual Regression Testing?

  1. Visual Testing: Capture screenshots, compare them with baselines, and identify regressions pixel-by-pixel or using perceptual similarity. Supports cross-browser and device testing.
  2. Open Source Option: Enjoy the flexibility of an open-source version for specific needs.
  3. AI-powered analysis: Goes beyond pixel-perfect comparison, using AI to detect layout shifts, color variations, and other anomalies.
  4. Self-healing baselines: Automatically adjust baselines based on approved changes, reducing manual maintenance.
  5. CI/CD integration: Integrates with CI/CD pipelines for seamless visual regression testing within your development workflow.
  6. Branch-level testing: Capture screenshots for different branches concurrently, ensuring comprehensive testing across development streams.
  7. Detailed reports with annotations: Generate reports with visual diffs, annotations, and pass/fail statuses for each test.
  8. API access: Programmatically interact with Testsigma for custom integrations and advanced scripting.
  9. No-code approach: Offers a user-friendly interface with plain English statements and recording capabilities, making it accessible to testers without extensive coding experience.
  10. Integration with Test Labs: Connects seamlessly with popular test execution environments like BrowserStack, LambdaTest, and Kobiton for wider browser and device coverage.
  11. Parallel Testing for Speed: Reduce testing time significantly by running tests simultaneously across multiple configurations.
  12. Local Device Testing: Get even more accurate results by testing on your own devices in addition to the cloud.
  13. Data-Driven Testing: Test with diverse data inputs to ensure your app behaves consistently across various scenarios.
  14. Image Recognition: Identify visual changes instantly with built-in image recognition capabilities.
  15. 24/7 Support: Get expert help whenever you need it with Testsigma’s reliable support team.

How to perform Visual Regression Testing with Testsigma?

Want to ensure your app looks flawless across every update? Testsigma’s Visual Testing feature helps you do just that. Let’s see how easy it is to activate it and mark baseline images for seamless testing:

Step 1. Enable Visual Testing in Test Steps
Testsigma - Enable Visual Testing in Test Steps

For Individual Steps:

  1. Click the “…” button on your test step (Test Step Options).
  2. Select “Enable Visual Testing” from the menu.
  3. Click “Update Step” to save the change.
Testsigma - Enable Visual Testing

For Bulk Actions:

  1. Select multiple test steps using the checkboxes.
  2. Click “Update Settings” in the menu bar.
  3. Choose “Enable Visual Testing” from the popup menu.
  4. Click “Update” to apply the change to all selected steps.
Step 2. Marking Baseline Images:
  1. Run the Test Case: Run your test case with Visual Testing enabled.
  2. Check Results: The Test Case Result page displays icons:
    1. Green camera: No visual differences.
    2. Red camera: Visual differences detected.
  3. Review Differences: Click the camera icon to open the Visual Difference overlay.
  4. Mark Baseline: Click the “Mark as base image” checkbox if the current image (reference image) matches your desired UI. This updates the baseline image for future comparisons.
Testsigma - Run the Test Case

Additional Options:

  1. Highlight Differences: Identify variations in the display.
  2. Hide Differences: Temporarily conceal disparities.
  3. Ignore Regions: Exclude specific areas from comparison.
  4. Merge Images: Combine the original and current images for deeper analysis.
  5. Zoom: Get a closer look at specific areas.
Step 3. Fail on Visual Differences:
  1. Go to Test Case Settings and enable “Fail Test Case if Visual Testing Fails.”
  2. Now, any visual discrepancies will automatically mark the test case as failed.

Testsigma Pricing

Testsigma is available as an open-source option which allows customization. It also has pro and enterprise plans which have a multitude of advanced features. 


Applitools Eyes is another visual regression testing tool known for its robust features and AI-powered analysis. It provides pixel-perfect comparison, intelligent baselining, and self-healing capabilities, making it a popular choice for enterprise-level projects. However, its advanced features come at a cost, with pricing plans potentially exceeding smaller teams’ budgets.

Features of Applitools:

  1. AI-powered visual analysis: Goes beyond pixel-perfect comparison, identifying layout shifts and anomalies using machine learning.
  2. Self-healing baselines: Automatically adjusts baselines to account for acceptable visual changes, reducing maintenance overhead.
  3. Smart baseline management: Automatically groups similar screenshots for efficient management and analysis.
  4. Cross-browser and device testing: Supports testing on various browsers, devices, and operating systems.
  5. Integrations with CI/CD pipelines: Seamlessly integrates with popular CI/CD tools for automated testing workflows.
  6. Detailed reporting and analytics: Provides comprehensive reports with visual diffs and actionable insights.
  7. API access: Enables programmatic interaction with the tool for advanced customization.

Applitool Limitations:

  1. Complexity: Feature-richness might require a steeper learning curve compared to simpler tools.
  2. Customization: While customizable, limitations exist compared to open-source tools for deep programmatic control.

Applitool Pricing:

Applitools offers tiered pricing plans based on monthly active tests and features included. They also offer a free tier for personal projects and open-source libraries.


Functionize takes a cloud-based approach to visual regression testing, offering a comprehensive platform for visual testing alongside other services like performance testing and accessibility audits. Its user-friendly interface and scalable architecture make it suitable for various team sizes and project types. However, customization options might be limited compared to open-source solutions.

Features of Functionize:

  1. Cloud-based execution: No local setup required, run tests and access results from any device with an internet connection.
  2. Visual Regression Testing module: Capture screenshots, compare with baselines, and identify visual regressions across browsers and devices.
  3. Integrated reporting: Generate detailed reports with visual diffs, annotations, and pass/fail status for each test.
  4. Advanced scheduling and alerting: Schedule tests repeatedly and receive alerts for regressions.
  5. Team collaboration tools: Share results, assign tasks, and collaborate with team members within the platform.
  6. API access: Programmatically interact with the platform for custom integrations and scripting.

Functionize Limitations:

  1. Vendor lock-in: As a cloud-based service, switching to another platform requires migrating data and testing configurations.
  2. Huge Costs: This can be costly for enterprise-level usage with high test volumes or custom requirements.

Functionize Pricing:

Functionize offers various pricing plans based on monthly active tests, features included, and additional services like performance testing. You can contact their sales team for exact quotes.


Kobiton utilizes a combination of real devices and cloud testing infrastructure for visual regression testing. This allows for comprehensive testing across a wide range of physical devices and configurations, ensuring broader compatibility and real-world user experience insights. However, managing and maintaining a large pool of real devices can be resource-intensive.

Features of Kobiton:

  1. Real device and cloud-based testing: Combine the benefits of both approaches for more diverse and realistic testing environments.
  2. Visual regression testing module: Capture screenshots, compare with baselines, and identify visual regressions across real devices and cloud emulators.
  3. Cross-browser and device support: Extensive support for various browsers, operating systems, and device models.
  4. Parallel testing: Run tests on multiple devices simultaneously for faster execution and shorter feedback loops.
  5. CI/CD integration: Seamlessly integrate with popular CI/CD tools for automated testing workflows.
  6. Detailed reporting and analytics: Generate reports with visual diffs, device-specific insights, and pass/fail status for each test.

Kobiton Limitations:

  1. Network dependence: Cloud-based testing relies on stable internet connectivity, which can affect test execution and results.

Kobiton Pricing:

Kobiton has a startup plan starting from $83 per month, an accelerate plan starting from $399 per month, and a scale plan which is available only annually with a custom quote.


Percy, as a visual regression testing tool, focuses on simplicity and efficiency, offering a developer-friendly approach to visual regression testing. It integrates seamlessly into existing workflows and provides clear visual diffs for effortless identification of regressions. However, its feature set might be less comprehensive compared to some enterprise-level VRT tools.

Features of Percy:

  1. Developer-centric UI: Designed with developers in mind, offering a simple and intuitive interface for managing tests and snapshots.
  2. Automated screenshot capture: Automatically captures screenshots based on your defined selectors or components.
  3. Smart baseline management: Automatically updates baselines based on approved changes, reducing manual intervention.
  4. Visual diffs with annotations: Provides clear visual diffs with annotations for easy identification of regressions.
  5. CI/CD integration: Seamlessly integrates with popular CI/CD tools for automated testing workflows.

Percy Limitations:

  1. Limited feature set: Compared to some enterprise-level tools, Percy might lack advanced features like AI-powered analysis or self-healing baselines.
  2. Customization: While customizable to some extent, options might be less extensive than open-source tools.

Percy Pricing:

Percy offers a free tier for personal projects. Paid plans are based on monthly active snapshots and features included. They offer a Desktop plan starting from $199 per month and a desktop plus mobile plan starting from $269 per month.


LambdaTest aims to simplify visual regression testing with its “one-click” approach and extensive global infrastructure. It offers visual regression testing within its broader testing platform and integrates with Selenium for more granular control. However, the free plan has limitations; paid plans can scale in cost with higher usage.

Features of LambdaTest:

  1. Smart Visual Testing: Capture screenshots automatically across browsers, devices, and operating systems with a single click.
  2. AI-powered visual comparison: Uses AI to identify layout shifts, color variations, and other visual deviations beyond pixel-perfect differences.
  3. Self-healing baselines: Baselines automatically adjust to approved changes, reducing maintenance overhead.
  4. Parallel testing: Execute tests on multiple browsers and devices simultaneously for faster completion.
  5. Detailed reporting with diffs: Generate reports with visual diffs, annotations, and pass/fail statuses for each test.
  6. Selenium integration: Integrates with Selenium for advanced scripting and customization options.

LambdaTest Limitations:

  1. Pricing scale: Paid plans can become expensive for high-volume testing or extensive customization needs.
  2. Learning curve: The platform’s features and functionalities require some learning compared to simpler tools.

LambdaTest Pricing:

LambdaTest offers a free tier with limited tests and features. They offer a live plan starting from $15 per month, a real-device plan starting from $25 per month, and an enterprise plan with custom quotes.

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio stands out as a free and open-source platform offering visual regression testing alongside numerous other QA functionalities. Its wide community and extensive documentation make it accessible for individual developers and small teams to large enterprises. However, advanced features and extensive support might require upgrading to paid options.

Features of Katalon Studio:

  1. Open-source: Freely available for download and use, fostering community contributions and customization.
  2. AI-powered visual testing (Pro version): Leverages AI for smarter image comparison and anomaly detection (paid feature).
  3. Extendable with plugins: Supports various plugins for additional features and integrations.
  4. Integrated with Test Automation: Seamlessly integrates visual testing within existing Katalon Studio automation scripts for comprehensive test coverage.
  5. Detailed reports with diffs and annotations: Generate reports with visual diffs, annotations, and pass/fail statuses for each test.
  6. Ignore zones for dynamic content: Exclude dynamic elements from comparison to focus on relevant UI changes.

Katalon Studio Limitations:

  1. Limited reporting customization: Reporting options might be less customizable compared to dedicated VRT tools.
  2. No standalone use: Visual Testing features are integrated within Katalon Studio, requiring the purchase of the full platform.
  3. Community support: While active, community support might not be as readily available as dedicated support offered by paid tools.

Katalon Studio Pricing:

Katalon Studio offers a free open-source version with limited features. The premium version starts from $167 per month and the custom Enterprise versions unlock advanced features, dedicated support, and larger test execution capacities.

Galen Framework

Galen Framework stands out as another free and open-source solution, providing developers with granular control and customization options for visual regression testing. It operates alongside Selenium webdriver, offering flexibility but requiring more manual setup and scripting expertise.

Features of Galen Framework:

  1. Open-source and free: Freely available under the Apache License, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious teams or open-source projects.
  2. Selenium integration: Utilizes Selenium webdriver for browser control and interaction, leveraging its extensive browser and device support.
  3. Flexible specification language: Define visual tests using Gherkin language syntax, familiar to many QA and automation professionals.
  4. Layout validation: Verifies layout properties like element size, position, and spacing, not just pixel-perfect comparison.
  5. Custom assertions and reporting: Implement custom assertions and reporting logic for tailored visual testing needs.
  6. Community support: Backed by an active community, providing resources, discussions, and potential contributions.

Galen Framework Limitations:

  1. Manual effort: Requires more setup, scripting, and maintenance compared to managed solutions.
  2. Steeper learning curve: Familiarity with Selenium and Gherkin syntax is recommended for efficient use.
  3. Limited visual diffs: While offering layout validation, visual diffs might be less intuitive compared to dedicated VRT tools.

Galen Framework Pricing:

As an open-source project, Galen Framework is completely free to use and modify. However, additional costs might arise depending on your hosting infrastructure, community support needed, and any custom development required.


Wraith, an open-source visual regression testing tool, stands out for its performance and flexibility. Built on top of the Selenium Grid, it enables efficient parallel testing across various browsers and devices, making it a popular choice for developers and QA teams. While its open-source nature offers cost advantages, it might require more technical expertise compared to managed solutions.

Features of Wraith:

  1. Selenium Grid Integration: Leverages Selenium Grid for parallel testing, significantly reducing execution time and increasing test coverage.
  2. Flexible Testing Strategy: Supports various testing approaches, including pixel-perfect comparison, layout validation, and perceptual similarity analysis.
  3. Custom Assertions and Reporting: Define custom assertions and reporting logic for tailored visual testing needs.
  4. Visual Checkpoint Management: Define and manage visual checkpoints with granularity, focusing on specific UI elements or regions.
  5. Branch-Level Testing: Capture screenshots for different branches concurrently, ensuring comprehensive regression coverage across development streams.
  6. Detailed Reports with Diffs: Generate comprehensive reports with visual diffs, annotations, and pass/fail statuses for each test.

Wraith Limitations:

  1. Open-source Nature: Requires more setup, scripting, and maintenance compared to managed solutions.
  2. Limited Visual Diffs: While offering various comparison strategies, visual diffs might be less intuitive compared to dedicated VRT tools.

Wraith Pricing:

As an open-source project, Wraith is completely free to use and modify. However, additional costs might arise depending on your hosting infrastructure, community support needed, and any custom development required.


BackstopJS, a well-established open-source tool, focuses on delivering a developer-friendly and flexible experience for visual regression testing. Built on top of Puppeteer and Playwright, it provides efficient cross-browser testing capabilities and caters well to teams comfortable with JavaScript scripting. However, some might find its open-source nature requiring more setup and maintenance compared to managed solutions.

Features of BackstopJS:

  1. JavaScript-based scripting: Leverages familiar JavaScript syntax for defining visual tests, making it approachable for developers.
  2. Puppeteer and Playwright integration: Supports both Puppeteer and Playwright for running tests in various browsers and devices.
  3. Flexible Test Definitions: Define individual tests with selectors or use patterns for grouped testing of similar elements.
  4. Visual Diff Generation: Generates visual diffs to easily identify regressions between screenshots.
  5. Command-line interface: Run tests and manage baselines through a user-friendly command-line interface.
  6. Community support: Backed by an active community, providing resources, discussions, and potential contributions.
  7. Open-source and free: Freely available under the MIT license, making it a cost-effective option for teams and budget-conscious projects.

BackstopJS Limitations:

  1. Open-source nature: Requires more setup, scripting, and maintenance compared to managed solutions.
  2. Developer-oriented: Scripting knowledge is necessary for efficient use, potentially limiting accessibility for non-technical team members.
  3. Limited reporting: Built-in reporting features might be less extensive compared to dedicated VRT tools.

BackstopJS Pricing:

As an open-source project, BackstopJS is completely free to use and modify. However, additional costs might be incurred depending on your hosting infrastructure or any custom development required.


Inspired by Wraith and Backstop, AyeSpy performs visual regression testing with its AI-powered analysis, automated healing, and impressive performance. Running on top of the Selenium Grid, it leverages parallel execution for efficient testing across browsers and devices.

Features of AyeSpy:

  1. Smart visual checkpoints: Define and manage visual checkpoints with granularity, focusing on specific UI elements or regions.
  2. Selenium Grid integration: Harness the power of Selenium Grid for parallel testing on multiple browsers and devices, significantly reducing test execution time.
  3. Performance-optimized: Leverages a streamlined architecture and efficient algorithms, aiming to process 40 screenshot comparisons in a minute.
  4. Branch-level testing: Capture screenshots for different branches concurrently, further optimizing testing time and ensuring comprehensive regression coverage across development streams.
  5. Straightforward setup: Clear and concise documentation simplifies getting started, enabling your team to quickly integrate the tool into their workflow.

AyeSpy Limitations:

  1. Newcomer in the VRT Space: As a relatively new tool, its track record and community support might be less established compared to mature options.
  2. Limited customization: While customizable, options might be less extensive compared to other open-source tools for in-depth configuration.

AyeSpy Pricing:

AyeSpy is an open-source tool hence, it is free for all. It does not have any paid plans as of now.


PhantomCSS has established itself as a popular open-source visual regression testing tool, leveraging the combined power of CasperJS and Resemble.js. It offers efficient screenshot capture, comparison, and reporting, making it suitable for various project sizes and skill levels. However, its reliance on older technologies might require specific technical expertise and knowledge.

Features of PhantomCSS:

  1. CasperJS integration: Utilizes CasperJS for headless browser automation, enabling efficient screenshot capture across various browsers.
  2. Resemble.js comparison: Leverages Resemble.js for pixel-perfect image comparison, highlighting visual regressions.
  3. Baseline management: Manage and update baseline screenshots over time, ensuring regression detection based on approved changes.
  4. Detailed reports: Generate reports with visual diffs, pass/fail statuses, and additional details for each test.
  5. Command-line interface: Configure and execute tests through a user-friendly command-line interface.
  6. Open-source and free: Freely available under the MIT license, making it a cost-effective option for teams and individuals.
  7. Layout validation: Optionally performs layout validation beyond pixel-perfect comparisons for enhanced coverage.

PhantomCSS Limitations:

  1. Reliance on older technologies: PhantomJS and Resemble.js are relatively mature libraries, which may require specific expertise or updates for certain functionalities.
  2. Limited user interface: Lacks a dedicated graphical user interface, relying solely on command-line interaction.
  3. Advanced customization: While customizable, options might be less extensive compared to newer VRT tools with more refined APIs.

PhantomCSS Pricing:

As an open-source project, PhantomCSS is completely free to use and modify.


Resemble.js is a lightweight Node.js library offering flexible and customizable visual regression testing capabilities. Built on top of the HTML5 canvas element, it enables efficient pixel-perfect comparisons directly in your JavaScript codebase. Unlike some full-fledged VRT tools, it focuses solely on image comparison and doesn’t offer additional features like screenshot capturing, baselining, or reporting.

Features of Resemble.js:

  1. Node.js integration: Seamlessly integrates into your Node.js projects for streamlined testing workflows.
  2. Multiple comparison methods: Choose between different algorithms like LIME, SATURATE, or DIFFERENCE for more nuanced comparison results.
  3. Callback function: Define a callback function to handle the comparison results, allowing for custom logic and integration.
  4. Image analysis and manipulation: Provides image processing capabilities like cropping, scaling, and color adjustments for tailored testing scenarios.
  5. Detailed diffs and mismatch information: Generates visual diffs with detailed breakdowns of mismatched pixels for easier error identification.
  6. Tolerance configuration: Define pixel tolerance levels to account for acceptable visual variations.
  7. Open-source and free: Freely available under the MIT license, making it a cost-effective option for individual developers and open-source projects.

Resemble.js Limitations:

  1. Library nature: Requires manual integration and scripting within your existing development environment.
  2. Technical expertise required: Familiarity with JavaScript and Node.js development is necessary for efficient use.
  3. Community support: While an active community exists, resources might be less extensive compared to dedicated VRT platforms.

Resemble.js Pricing:

Resemble.js is completely free to use and modify as it is an open-source project.


Chromatic is known for its tight integration with Storybook, the popular UI component development framework. This, combined with its AI-powered analysis and automated tests, makes it a compelling choice for teams already using Storybook or seeking a streamlined visual testing solution. However, its pricing might be higher compared to some open-source options.

Features of Chromatic:

  1. Storybook integration: Automatically tests Storybook stories, leveraging existing component definitions and states for efficient test creation.
  2. Smart baseline management: Automatically groups similar screenshots for efficient management and analysis.
  3. Automated testing: It automatically captures screenshots, compares them to baselines, and identifies regressions during development and CI/CD workflows.
  4. Self-healing baselines: Baselines automatically adjust to approved changes, reducing maintenance overhead.
  5. API access: Programmatically interact with Chromatic for custom integrations and advanced scripting.

Chromatic Limitations:

  1. Pricing: Compared to some open-source options, Chromatic’s pricing might be higher, especially for larger projects or high test volumes.
  2. Storybook dependency: If you’re not already using Storybook, the learning curve for both platforms might be steeper.

Chromatic Pricing:

Chromatic has a free tier but with limited features. For advanced features, it has starter, standard, pro, and enterprise plans starting from $149 and upto $649 a month and more in enterprise plans. 


WebDriverCSS is a plugin for the WebdriverIO testing framework, offering visual regression testing capabilities powered by CSS selectors. While no longer actively maintained, it provides a basic solution for those comfortable with WebdriverIO and CSS scripting. However, its lack of updates and limited features might not be suitable for complex testing needs.

Features of WebdriverIO:

  1. WebdriverIO integration: Seamlessly integrates with WebdriverIO for test automation and browser control.
  2. CSS-based testing: Defines visual checkpoints using CSS selectors for targeted comparison.
  3. Screenshot capture: Captures screenshots based on defined selectors or entire web pages.
  4. Baseline management: Stores screenshots as baselines for future comparisons.
  5. Visual diff generation: Generates visual diffs to identify regressions between screenshots.
  6. Pass/fail criteria: Define criteria for identifying visual discrepancies.

WebdriverIO Limitations:

  1. No longer actively maintained: The project is no longer officially supported and receiving updates, potentially leading to compatibility issues or bugs.
  2. Requires WebdriverIO knowledge: Utilizes WebdriverIO for scripting and configuration, requiring familiarity with the framework.
  3. Limited community support: Due to its inactive state, finding community resources or support might be difficult.

WebdriverIO Pricing:

As WebDriverCSS is an open-source tool, there is no direct cost associated with its use.

How to Choose the Best Visual Regression Testing Tool?

Choosing the best visual regression testing (VRT) tool depends heavily on your specific project requirements and team setup. Here’s a breakdown of key factors to consider:

Project Requirements:

  1. Project size and complexity: Are you working on a small side project, a medium-sized application, or a large enterprise system? Complex projects demand robust features and support.
  2. Testing frequency and automation needs: How often do you need to run tests? Do you require full automation within your CI/CD pipeline? Consider options with good automation support and parallel testing if needed.
  3. Cross-browser and device coverage: How many browsers and devices do you need to test across? Tools with wide browser and device support are crucial for multi-platform compatibility.
  4. Visual regression types: Do you need a pixel-perfect comparison, layout validation, or AI-powered analysis? Choose a tool that offers the required comparison methods.
  5. Budget: Open-source options are cost-effective, but might require more setup and maintenance. Paid tools offer convenience and features, but can be expensive for large-scale projects.

Team Setup:

  1. Technical expertise: Does your team have developers comfortable with scripting and technical configurations? If not, consider user-friendly tools with minimal scripting requirements.
  2. Existing workflows: Are you already using specific testing frameworks or libraries? Look for tools that integrate seamlessly with your existing stack.
  3. Support needs: Do you require extensive documentation, community support, or dedicated customer service? Evaluate the level of support offered by different tools.

Additional Considerations:

  1. Reporting and visualization: Do you need detailed reports with visual diffs and annotations? Some tools offer more comprehensive reporting features than others.
  2. Self-healing baselines: This feature automatically adjusts baselines based on approved changes, reducing manual maintenance.
  3. Vendor lock-in: Cloud-based tools offer convenience but switching requires migrating data. Open-source alternatives provide more flexibility.

Once you have a clear understanding of your requirements and priorities, explore the available VRT tools like Testsigma and others.

Remember, there’s no “one size fits all” solution. Experiment with different tools and consider demos or free trials to find the best fit for your specific needs and team capabilities.


Visual regression testing has become an essential step in ensuring the visual consistency and quality of your web applications. However, with a plethora of available tools, selecting the right one can be overwhelming. This article has explored various such tools, highlighting their key features, limitations, and pricing structures.

Remember, the optimal visual regression testing tool hinges on your unique project requirements and team dynamics. Carefully consider the factors outlined above, including project complexity, automation needs, budget, and team expertise. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different tools through demos or free trials to find the perfect fit that empowers your team to deliver visually consistent and high-quality user experiences.

By implementing an effective testing solution, you can streamline your testing process, catch visual regressions early, and ensure your users encounter a polished and consistent experience across browsers and devices.

Suggested Reading

Visual Layout Testing Toolshttps://testsigma.com/tools/visual-testing-tools/Automated Visual Testinghttps://testsigma.com/visual-automation-testingVisual Testinghttps://testsigma.com/guides/visual-testing/

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Uses Visual Regression Testing Tools?