Test Execution Scheduling in Testsigma

Scheduling Test Runs/Executions in Testsigma

Testsigma provides an option to schedule test executions along with real-time Executions. The Scheduling option allows us to execute the tests on local devices or on the cloud automatically during regular intervals when it isn’t convenient for the user to start an Execution.

Scheduled Executions

Testsigma provides an option to Schedule Test Executions along with real-time execution. The Scheduling option allows us to execute the tests on local devices or on the cloud automatically during regular intervals when it is not convenient for the user to start an Execution. For Example, we can start regression tests outside office hours so that productive time is not lost and hardware resources are freely available.

Creating Scheduled Execution in Testsigma

Once you create a free trial account with Testsigma, you will be taken to ‘Dashboards’. To create a Schedule, you can navigate to the Executions page by going through:

Test Development > Test Plans


1.     Click on the Schedule button. A ‘Create Execution’ page would appear like below:


2.    Enter the required details such as the Schedule Name, Description, Select Frequency Schedule Date and Time.

3.    Here are the different types of Frequencies:

  • If we set the Frequency as Don’t Repeat, the scheduled execution should be run only one time.
  • If we set the Frequency as Daily, the scheduled executions should run daily.
  • If the Frequency is set as Weekly, executions should run weekly.
  • If set as Monthly, the executions should be run every month.
  • Setting the frequency of execution as Hourly allows scheduled executions to run every hour.

Minute of the Hour: Set the Minute of every Hour when you want the execution to be performed.

For example, if you want to execute a test every 15 minutes, you need to create 4 schedules – At 0th Minute, 15th Minute, 30th Minute, and 45th Minute

This will run at the 0th, 15th, 30th and 45th minute of every hour.

4.    Click on the Create Button.

Creating Scheduled Execution in Testsigma

You may set up scheduling on a one-time or recurring basis. Instead of waiting to execute your tests one after the other, you can choose to run your tests simultaneously (in parallel) across various test environments, set and receive email notifications of the run status.

Calendar vector created by pikisuperstar – www.freepik.com

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