
How to write test cases for Amazon shopping cart?

July 23, 2024
How to write test cases for Amazon shopping cart

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The Amazon Shopping Cart is basically Amazon’s checkout and payment process. When users add items to a shopping cart, they expect the workflow to be simple, accurate, and fast. Customers will quickly abandon the checkout process if anywhere in the flow it appears to not function or be overly complicated. 

When testing the Amazon shopping cart, remember to include testing the workflow on a variety of devices and browser platforms. If your application includes a mobile app, then be sure to include tests for both web and mobile workflows. Be sure to include integration testing to cover APIs and data transfers as well as any third-party applications for payment processing. 

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What are test cases in Amazon shopping cart?

Test cases for Amazon Shopping Cart or test cases for Amazon website include verifying the checkout function works as expected. When performing test cases for Amazon shopping cart, you’ll want to include a variety of functional, UI, security, integration, and cross-browser/device testing. 

Positive Test Cases For Shopping Cart

Create a set of positive tests cases that verify the user can successfully perform the following actions:

  • Select a product and add it to the shopping cart.
  • Apply coupon code or promotional code. 
  • Select the delivery date.
  • View the final order details including cost, and number of each product ordered. 
  • Process a form of payment and confirm on accept, the user can finalize the order by clicking to Complete Order. 

Essentially, you are walking through the checkout process from end to end, ensuring the application functions as expected. Many testers refer to positive test cases as testing the “happy path.”

Negative Test Cases For Shopping Cart

Negative shopping cart test cases help to ensure there are no defects hiding within the process outside of the happy path. For example, negative tests verify errors appear when expected and can be managed by the user. Additionally, negative tests identify defects when users get creative or veer from the expected workflow. 

Negative test cases for Amazon website checkout process include:

  • User entering an invalid credit card number
  • User entering an invalid credit card expiration date or code
  • User trying to use an invalid promotional code or invalid gift card number
  • User trying to manipulate the payment system to skip payment and process the order
  • User able to add items and change pricing to 0 (zero) 

Test Cases For Amazon Shopping Cart

Functional test cases for the Amazon Shopping cart ensure users can complete the purchase or checkout workflow. Starting by adding products to the cart, editing quantities, removing cart items or saving them for later, and ensuring all required fields are populated with valid data before the order is processed or completed. 

Single Product Add To Cart

  • Search Amazon using the main search tool, and select a product. Verify the product page includes the Add to Cart functionality. 
  • Go to your Orders page, and click to the order again option on a product. Verify the product is added to your cart. 
  • Select a product from the main page ad presentation. Click the Add to Cart button for a one time order. Verify the product is added to your cart. 

Multiple Products Add To Cart

  • Search Amazon using the main search tool, and select 3 different products. Verify each product page includes the Add to Cart functionality. 
  • Go to your Orders page, and click to the order again option on at least 3 products. Verify the products are added to your cart. 
  • Select at least 3 products from the main page ad presentation. Click the Add to Cart button for each as a one time order. Verify the products are added to your cart.

Edit Quantity Validation Cart

  • Click on the Amazon shopping cart icon in the upper right of the page. 
    • Select a product and update the quantity to order 2. 
    • Refresh and verify the price is updated.
  • From the Shopping cart page, update the quantity on each order by 2 or more. 
    • Then, choose a product and reduce the quantity. 
    • Refresh the page and verify the edits are accurate. 

Edit Quantity Cart Boundary Value

  • Click on the Amazon shopping cart icon in the upper right of the page. 
    • Select a product and update the quantity to order 0. 
    • Refresh and verify the product is removed from the cart. 
  • From the Shopping cart page, select the quantity field and enter the following values in turn:
    • Zero
    • Null
    • 1
    • 50
    • 100
    • 999
    • 9999999 or maximum number of characters allowed in the field. 
    • Verify the system errors on invalid values. 
    • Verify the system updates the quantity and price on valid values.

Cart – Backend Sync Validation of Shopping Cart Page

  • Verify when the user removes items or updates the quantity to 1+, the page updates as expected.
  • Click on a product in the cart and verify the system takes you to that product’s main page. 
  • If testing in a browser, open the Developer Tools in the Shopping Cart page. Process a valid order checkout, and view the Console and Network tabs for any errors. 
  • If you have access to the Shopping cart API, create a test to verify the shopping cart checkout process adds/processes data from the API as expected. If you don’t have access to the API, ask a developer for assistance. 

Single Product Remove From Cart

  • Select the Shopping cart icon. 
    • Select a single item and click the Delete link. 
    • Click to confirm deleting the item from the cart.
    • Verify the item is removed from display and from the final cost. 
  • From the Shopping cart page:
    • Select an order.
    • Select the Save for Later link. 
    • Verify the item is removed from display and from the final cost. 
    • Verify the item appears in the Saved for Later list, accessed by scrolling down. 

Multiple Products Remove From Cart

  • Select the Shopping cart icon. 
    • Select one or more items and click the Delete link. 
    • Click to confirm deleting the item from the cart.
    • Verify the items are removed from display and from the final cost. 
  • From the Shopping cart page:
    • Select one or more order items.
    • Select the Save for Later link on each. 
    • Verify the items are removed from display and from the final cost. 
    • Verify each item appears in the Saved for Later list, accessed by scrolling down. 

Buy Now Option of Shopping Cart Page

  • Select a product and add it to the shopping cart. 
    • Click the Buy Now option in the checkout area on the right pane. 
    • Verify the user processes the order and submits payment. 
    • Once payment is approved, the order process completes. 
  • Select a product and add it to the shopping cart. 
    • Click the Buy Now option button. 
    • Verify the Buy Now popup opens with price and shipping information. 
    • Click the Place Order button. 
    • Confirm the order completes. 

Guest Checkout of Shopping Cart Page

  • Select one or more products and add to the shopping cart. 
    • Select the option for guest checkout. 
    • Enter valid payment information. 
    • Enter valid shipping information. 
    • Click the place order as guest button. 
    • Verify order processes. 
  • Select a product and add to the shopping cart. 
    • Select the option for guest checkout. 
    • Enter invalid payment information. 
    • Verify the system shows an error message in red to indicate the payment information is invalid. 
    • Users cannot bypass entering valid information and complete the order. 

Registered Check Out of Shopping Cart Page

  • Place one or more products into the shopping cart. 
    • Select to Complete Checkout. 
    • Verify the user sees the login popup. 
    • Login as a valid, registered user. 
    • Click to review shopping cart, and choose the Place your order button. 
    • Order is completed. 
  • Complete checkout on order. 
    • Add a new product to cart. 
    • Verify the shopping cart is empty of previous order. 
    • Login as a valid user. 
    • Choose the Place your order button. 
    • Verify user receives the order placed confirmation modal. 

Check Out Mandatory Field Validation

  • Place one or more products in the Shopping cart. 
    • Click the Proceed to Checkout button. 
    • Change the address, enter a new but invalid (incomplete) address. 
    • Verify the system does not allow the user to continue without filling out full street address, state, country, and zip code information. 
  • Place one or more products in the Shopping cart. 
    • Click the Proceed to Checkout button. 
    • Change the payment method. Enter an invalid credit card, or incorrect details. 
    • Verify the system doesn’t allow the user to continue without valid payment details. 

Product Title Max String Length in Shopping Cart

  • Search for a product with a name or title greater than 75 characters. 
    • Add the product to the shopping cart. 
    • Verify the name is cut off or truncated when the max length is exceeded. 
    • Place the order. 
    • Verify the user can complete the order process. 
  • Search for a product with a name or title greater than 75 characters. 
    • Add the product to the shopping cart. 
    • Verify the name is cut off or truncated when the max length is exceeded. 
    • Attempt to change the order title, or delete the order. 
    • Verify the user cannot change the order title, but can click the Delete button to remove the order from the cart.

Delivery Location Warning

  • Select one or more products and add them to the Shopping cart. 
    • Enter an invalid address. Or an address that cannot be verified. 
    • Verify the system generates an error message that the address is invalid. 
    • Verify the system offers the user the option for alternative delivery options. 
  • Select one or more products and add them to the Shopping cart. 
    • Enter an invalid address. Or an address that cannot be verified. 
    • Verify the system generates an error message that the address is invalid. 
    • Verify the system offers the user the option for alternative delivery options. 
    • Choose to have the order delivered to an Amazon box stack. 
    • Verify user can complete the order. 

Order Confirmation Msg OrderId Validation

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Complete the Checkout process. 
    • Place the order. 
    • Verify the user receives an email or SMS notification the order is being processed. 
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Edit the quantity of one item and do a Save for Later on another item. 
    • Review the order and verify it is correct. 
    • Complete the Checkout process. 
    • Place the order. 
    • Verify the user receives an email or SMS notification the order is being processed
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Complete the Checkout process. 
    • Place the order. 
    • Verify the user receives an email or SMS notification the order is being processed. 
    • Click on the order link in the email or SMS notification. 
    • Verify the link takes the user to a copy of the order, or order page. 
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Edit the quantity of one item and do a Save for Later on another item. 
    • Review the order and verify it is correct. 
    • Complete the Checkout process. 
    • Place the order. 
    • Verify the user receives an email or SMS notification the order is being processed
    • Click on the order link in the email or SMS notification. 
    • Verify the link takes the user to a copy of the order, or order page.
    • Click to Cancel the order. 
    • Verify the order is canceled and the user receives a cancellation notification.  

Click To Call Validation

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Complete the Checkout process. 
    • Place the order. 
    • Verify the user receives an email or SMS notification the order is being processed.
    • Select the Click to Call option to contact customer service. 
    • Verify the user can connect to customer service via chat. 
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Complete the Checkout process. 
    • Place the order. 
    • Verify the user receives an email or SMS notification the order is being processed.
    • Select the Click to Call option to contact customer service. 
    • Verify the user can connect to customer service via phone call. 
    • Confirm the customer service agent verifies the identity of the customer.  

Gift Coupon

One-Time Discount Coupon

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • On the payment options enter the coupon code for gift card or promotion. 
    • Refresh. 
    • Verify the one time coupon code displays in the pricing display as expected. 
    • Choose to complete the checkout process using valid data. 
    • Verify the order is placed. 

One-Time Discount Coupon Duplicacy

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • On the payment options enter the coupon code for a previously USED gift card or promotion. 
    • Refresh. 
    • Verify the user receives an error message in red text that the code or coupon is invalid.
    • Enter a valid code or choose to skip the coupon or code entry. 
    • Choose to complete the checkout process using valid data. 
    • Verify the order is placed. 

One-Time Discount Coupon Invalid Code

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • On the payment options enter an invalid gift card or promotion code. 
    • Refresh. 
    • Verify the user receives an error message in red text that the code or coupon is invalid.
    • Enter a valid code or choose to skip the coupon or code entry. 
    • Choose to complete the checkout process using valid data. 
    • Verify the order is placed.

Delivery Duration Estimation On Checkout

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • Enter valid payment and shipping information. 
    • Verify the delivery options including dates and prices displayed next to each item or group of items in the order. 
    • Select a shipping option not selected by default. 
    • Verify the user can select a shipping option. 
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • Enter valid payment and shipping information. 
    • Verify the delivery options including dates and prices displayed next to each item or group of items in the order. 
    • Accept the selected default option. 
    • Verify the user can then place the order without error.

Product Checkout Based On Quantity

  • Add two or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • Enter valid payment and shipping information. 
    • Verify the user’s orders are grouped into different shipments. 
    • Click the Place your order button. 
    • Verify the order is successfully completed. 
  • Add two or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • Enter valid payment and shipping information. 
    • Verify the user’s orders are grouped into different shipments. 
    • Choose a different shipping option radio button for one order group. 
    • Click the Place your order button. 
    • Verify the order is successfully completed.

Payment Options of Shopping Cart

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • Choose the non-default or new payment option. 
    • Enter in valid payment details. 
    • Click Yes to update this payment method as the default. 
    • Complete the order. 
    • Verify the user can successfully complete the order. 
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • Choose the non-default or new payment option. 
    • Enter in invalid payment details. 
    • Verify the system errors on invalid data. Users must enter valid information to continue. 
    • Enter in valid payment information. 
    • Click Yes to update this payment method as the default. 
    • Complete the order. 
    • Verify the user can successfully complete the order. 

COD Pages for Shopping Cart:

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • From the shipping options, click on the COD option. 
    • Verify the system indicates which items are available for COD shipping. 
    • Click to purchase the order. 
    • Verify the order is completed without error.
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart that are NOT valid for COD shipping. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • From the shipping options, click on the COD option. 
    • Verify the system indicates to the user that the products are not valid for COD shipping. 
    • Verify the order cannot be placed unless the user enters a valid payment option. 
    • Enter a valid payment option and complete the purchase. 
    • Verify the order is completed without error. 

Validate Unavailability Of COD for Expensive items – Multiple Products.

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart that are NOT valid for COD shipping. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • From the shipping options, verify there is no COD option displayed. 
    • Verify the order cannot be placed unless the user enters a valid payment option. 
    • Enter a valid payment option and complete the purchase. 
    • Verify the order is completed without error. 

Payment Mode Check

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Choose to Complete Checkout. 
    • Select a payment method different from the default. 
    • Enter valid payment information or details and complete the purchase. 
    • Verify the system accepts all valid payment data.
    • Verify the order is completed without error. 
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart. 
    • Remove payment information. 
    • Pay with a valid gift card from Amazon or generic. 
    • Enter valid gift card data. 
    • Complete the order. 
    • Verify users can edit payment information and pay with gift cards only. 

Across Platform Cart Update

  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart from the web page. 
    • Add a product from the Amazon mobile app for the same account. 
    • Add a product from a tablet device with a browser for the same account. 
    • Verify the shopping cart updates with all ordered products. 
    • Complete the purchase. 
    • Verify the order is placed without error. 
  • Add one or more products to the shopping cart from the web page. 
    • Add a product from the Amazon mobile app for an account
    • Add a product from a tablet device with a browser for a different account. 
    • Verify the shopping cart does NOT update when accounts are not the same. 
    • Complete the purchase. 
    • Verify the order is placed without error. 

Types of Test Cases For Amazon Shopping Cart

Functional tests are intended to verify the shopping cart performs as expected. Functional tests are typically positive tests but may include testing for error messaging or error handling. Other types of test cases to include are usability, user interface, and boundary conditions for thorough test coverage. 

Functional test cases for Amazon Shopping Cart

  • Verify the shopping cart button is displayed on the product page and is actionable. 
  • Verify the quantity of an order item can be moved to increase or decrease the value. 
  • Verify when the cart is updated, the pricing data is refreshed accurately.

Usability test cases for Amazon Shopping Cart

  • Verify the user can add and delete items from the shopping cart.
  • Verify the shopping cart persists between sessions when the user does not complete the purchase in the first session.
  • Verify error messages display when invalid data is entered into required fields. 

User interface test cases for Amazon Shopping Cart

  • Verify the shopping cart page design includes all required sections. 
  • Confirm users can use the + or – buttons to add or reduce order quantities. 
  • Verify when a product is set to zero, it is automatically removed from the shopping cart. 

Boundary conditions test cases for Amazon Shopping Cart

  • Verify zero or negative numbers are not able to be entered for quantity. 
  • Add the maximum number of items to a shopping cart, if defined. 
  • Try to place an order with no items in the shopping cart. Verify at least one order must be present. 

Can we Automate test cases for Amazon Shopping Cart ? 

Yes! Test cases for Amazon shopping cart can be automated using TestSigma. Automate your critical test cases, or those with a variety of data conditions so you can easily execute regression tests for a shopping cart whenever needed. 

Using the following checkout process flowchart, QA testers can map out a number of automated test cases in TestSigma:

checkout process flowchart

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Test case development for Amazon or other shopping cart functionality is more important than one would think at first glance. Most shopping carts represent critical functionality for a positive customer experience. The better the shopping cart, the more orders are placed for increased business revenue. Need more tips on developing test cases for a shopping cart? Check here to get started with test design. 

When developing test cases for shopping cart functionality, be sure to include a variety of testing types, including positive, negative, functional, integration, and usability. Always include tests for error messaging and error handling because shopping carts must validate payment and shipping data before completing a purchase. 

Be sure to test against any requirement or acceptance criteria you have first, and then add more testing coverage by incorporating some or all of the example test cases included in this post. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a test scenario for a shopping cart?

When writing test scenarios for a shopping cart start with what you have as requirements or acceptance criteria. Break down requirement details into sections or functions that include all the steps a user must take to complete a purchase. Be sure to include both positive and negative tests. Don’t leave out usability to verify the user experience with the cart is acceptable.

Written By

Amy Reichert

Testsigma Author - Amy Reichert

Amy Reichert

Software testing professional with 26+ years of experience testing in the business management field along with healthcare, entertainment, and advertising. I thoroughly love testing! I also love to write about testing and software development subjects and write content and copy.

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