
SoapUI vs Postman – Top 5 Key Differences

SoapUI vs Postman

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SoapUI is a testing tool primarily designed for functional and load testing of SOAP and REST APIs. On the other hand, Postman is a comprehensive API testing and development tool that offers a wide range of functionalities, including API testing, monitoring, collaboration, and automation.

In the fast-paced world of software development, testing and validating APIs have become pivotal aspects of ensuring the reliability and functionality of web applications. Two popular tools that have gained widespread recognition for API testing are SoapUI and Postman. Both these tools offer a plethora of features to assist developers and testers in their API testing endeavors. However, it’s essential to understand the distinctions between them to make an informed choice for your specific project requirements. In this article, we will delve into the top 10 key differences between SoapUI VS Postman, shedding light on their unique strengths and weaknesses to help you determine which one suits your needs best.

SoapUI vs Postman – Overview

What is SoapUI?

Soap UI

SoapUI, short for “Simple Object Access Protocol User Interface,” is a versatile and widely used testing tool, specifically designed for API testing. It offers developers and testers a robust platform to create, manage, and execute tests for both SOAP and REST web services.

At its core, SoapUI allows users to send requests to APIs, receive responses, and analyze the results to ensure the functionality and reliability of these services. It excels in functional testing, where it verifies that an API performs its intended tasks correctly, and it can also be employed for load testing to assess how an API handles heavy user traffic. Furthermore, it supports scripting using the Groovy programming language, enabling advanced automation and customization of test scenarios.

Why Use SoapUI?

SoapUI excels at testing both SOAP and RESTful APIs, making it an ideal choice for organizations with a diverse range of web services. It provides a suite of testing features, including functional testing, load testing, security testing, and compliance testing. With support for scripting using Groovy, SoapUI enables advanced test automation and customization, making it suitable for complex testing scenarios and repetitive tasks. As an open-source tool, SoapUI benefits from a vibrant user community. It has extensive tutorials, documentation, and user-contributed resources online.

What Companies Use Soap UI?

SoapUI’s open-source nature and robust feature set make it particularly attractive to a wide range of companies, primarily those that prioritize flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and comprehensive API testing capabilities. 

Startups and smaller businesses often turn to SoapUI due to its open-source availability, allowing them to access powerful testing tools without significant financial investments. Larger enterprises with complex API ecosystems appreciate SoapUI for its scalability, customizability, and extensive plugin support, enabling them to tailor testing processes to their specific needs. 

Additionally, industries with stringent compliance requirements, such as finance and healthcare, value SoapUI’s robust testing and reporting features, which aid in meeting regulatory standards. In summary, companies that seek cost-effective, adaptable, and feature-rich API testing solutions are inclined to favor SoapUI.

What Tools Integrate with SoapUI?

SoapUI offers excellent integration capabilities with various tools, enhancing its functionality and utility in different scenarios.



Jenkins is a popular continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automation server. SoapUI can be seamlessly integrated into Jenkins pipelines to automate API testing as part of the software development process. This integration allows for the automatic execution of SoapUI test suites, providing immediate feedback to development teams on the quality and functionality of their APIs. This automation helps identify issues early in the development cycle, leading to faster bug resolution and improved software quality.



JIRA is a widely used issue and project tracking tool by Atlassian. Integrating SoapUI with JIRA streamlines the bug-tracking and issue-management process. When a SoapUI test identifies a problem, it can automatically create a corresponding JIRA issue, linking the testing results with the issue. This integration ensures that identified API issues are quickly documented, assigned, and addressed by development teams, improving collaboration and issue resolution efficiency.


TestRail is a test management tool that helps teams organize and manage their test cases and results effectively. By integrating SoapUI with TestRail, users can sync their SoapUI test cases and test results with TestRail’s test management system. This integration simplifies test planning, execution, and reporting processes, enabling teams to maintain a centralized repository of test cases, track progress, and generate comprehensive test reports. It also enhances traceability between test cases and requirements, making it easier to ensure complete test coverage and validate software functionality.

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What are the Advantages of SoapUI?

Here are a few advantages of using SoapUI in your pipeline.

  • It supports various protocols, including SOAP, REST, HTTP, and JMS, making it versatile for different types of APIs.
  • As an open-source tool, SoapUI is cost-effective and accessible to a wide range of organizations. This lowers the barrier to entry for small businesses and startups.
  • SoapUI offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced testers to create, manage, and execute test cases.
  • It supports automation through scripting and offers integrations with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins.
  • It is a cross-platform tool, running on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. 
  • SoapUI offers extensive support for plugins and scripting (including Groovy and JavaScript), enabling users to extend its functionality to suit specific testing requirements.

What are the Disadvantages of SoapUI?

While SoapUI offers numerous benefits for API testing, it also has some disadvantages to consider:

  • Resource Intensive: SoapUI can be resource-intensive, particularly when performing load testing on large-scale APIs.
  • Learning Curve: Despite its user-friendly interface, SoapUI may have a learning curve for users who are new to API testing or the tool itself.
  • Limited Security Testing: While SoapUI supports basic security testing, it may not offer the same depth and breadth of security testing features as specialized security testing tools.
  • Maintenance Overhead: As test suites grow in complexity, maintaining and updating test cases and assertions can become labor-intensive
  • Proprietary Features: SmartBear, offers SoapUI Pro with additional features and support. Some users may find that certain advanced capabilities they need are only available in the proprietary version.

What is Postman?


Postman is a popular and versatile API development and testing tool that simplifies the process of designing, testing, and documenting APIs. It provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface that allows developers and testers to interact with APIs efficiently. Postman supports both RESTful and SOAP APIs, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of projects.

One of Postman’s key features is its ability to send HTTP requests to APIs, allowing users to test endpoints, parameters, headers, and authentication methods easily. It supports various request types, including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more, making it suitable for a wide range of API testing scenarios. Postman also enables users to create and organize collections of API requests, making it easy to manage and reuse test cases.

Why Use Postman?

Postman is a preferred choice for API development and testing due to its several compelling reasons. Firstly, it offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that streamlines the creation and execution of API requests, making it accessible to both developers and testers. Secondly, Postman simplifies the management of API collections, making it easy to organize and reuse test cases, saving time and effort in the testing process. 

Additionally, its support for a wide range of request types and authentication methods ensures versatility in testing various API scenarios. Furthermore, Postman’s scripting capabilities enable automation, data manipulation, and the creation of complex test scenarios, enhancing efficiency and thoroughness in API testing.

What Companies Use Postman?

Companies that prioritize streamlined API development, efficient testing, and collaborative workflows often prefer to use Postman. Startups often opt for Postman due to its user-friendly interface, making it easy for small teams to design, test, and document APIs quickly. Its flexibility and cost-effectiveness align with the needs of startups seeking to deliver robust API-based applications.

Moreover, companies focused on software development and API-driven projects benefit from Postman’s comprehensive API testing capabilities. Large enterprises with complex API ecosystems appreciate Postman’s versatility. It allows them to manage and test a wide array of APIs efficiently, offering advanced features like automated testing, scripting, and performance monitoring, all essential for enterprise-grade applications.

Companies heavily reliant on APIs, such as those in the fintech, e-commerce, or telecommunications sectors, leverage Postman’s ability to validate API endpoints, ensuring smooth transactions, data exchange, and customer experiences.

What Tools Integrate with Postman?

A plethora of tools such as GitLab CI/CD, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, etc. integrate with Postman to streamline API testing, enhance collaboration, and automate testing as part of the CI/CD process. These integrations help teams ensure the reliability and functionality of their APIs while maintaining efficient development workflows.

GitLab CI/CD


GitLab CI/CD offers seamless integration with Postman through its CI/CD pipeline configurations. By incorporating Postman into GitLab CI/CD pipelines, teams can automate API testing as part of their continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows. This integration allows for the automatic execution of Postman collections, enabling developers to validate the functionality of APIs after each code commit or deployment. It helps identify issues early in the development process, ensuring that changes to the codebase do not introduce regressions or API inconsistencies.



Bitbucket, a source code repository and collaboration platform, provides integration with Postman for enhancing collaboration and version control of API collections. Teams can store Postman collections in Bitbucket repositories, making it easy to manage, version, and share API test cases and documentation. This integration facilitates collaboration between developers, testers, and other stakeholders, as they can access and update API collections directly from Bitbucket. Additionally, it helps maintain a history of changes, ensuring transparency and accountability in API development and testing processes.

Azure DevOps


Azure DevOps, Microsoft’s integrated development platform, offers integration with Postman to improve the automation and monitoring of API testing. Teams can incorporate Postman collections and Newman (Postman’s command-line tool) into their Azure DevOps pipelines. This integration enables the automatic execution of Postman tests, ensuring that APIs function correctly throughout the development and deployment stages. Azure DevOps also provides reporting and logging capabilities, allowing teams to track test results, identify issues, and monitor the quality of APIs in real time, all within a unified development environment.

What are the Advantages of Postman?

Here are a few unique advantages that Postman offers. These features make Postman particularly well-suited for modern development practices and workflows.

  • Real-time Collaboration: Postman’s collaborative features excel in real-time, allowing team members to simultaneously work on API development, testing, and documentation within shared workspaces.
  • Auto-generated Mock Servers: Postman enables the creation of mock servers directly from API collections. These mock servers mimic the behavior of actual APIs, allowing frontend and backend teams to work in parallel.
  • API Monitoring and Alerts: Postman offers a monitoring feature that allows you to schedule and automate API tests at regular intervals. It can generate alerts and notifications when an API’s behavior deviates from expected standards.
  • Integrated Environment Variables: Postman provides a robust environment variable system, allowing users to define variables for different environments (e.g., development, staging, production) and dynamically adjust values in API requests and scripts.
  • Comprehensive API Testing: Postman provides extensive API testing capabilities, supporting various request types (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and authentication methods (OAuth, API keys, basic authentication, etc.).

What are the Disadvantages of Postman?

While Postman is a widely used and versatile tool for API development and testing, it does have some unique disadvantages to consider:

  • Limited Support for Non-HTTP Protocols: Postman primarily focuses on HTTP-based APIs (REST and SOAP) and may not be the ideal choice for testing protocols outside of this scope.
  • Proprietary Features in Postman Pro: Some advanced features and functionalities, such as team collaboration and API monitoring, are only available in Postman’s paid version, Postman Pro.
  • Limited Offline Functionality: Postman relies on cloud synchronization for sharing collections and workspaces, which can be a limitation in situations with limited or no internet access.
  • Lack of Built-in Version Control: Postman lacks built-in version control for collections and environments. Teams often have to rely on external version control systems like Git to manage changes and collaborate effectively, which can lead to additional complexity.
  • Rate Limiting for Free Plans: Postman’s free plan imposes rate limits on API requests and collection sharing. This can be a limitation for teams with extensive testing needs, as it may require upgrading to a paid plan to avoid rate restrictions.

Here’s a complete list of Postman alternatives that you should check out.

SoapUI vs Postman – Key Differences

Now that we have discussed all about SoapUI and Postman, let’s understand the fundamental and key differences between SoapUI vs Postman.


SOAPUI excels in testing SOAP APIs, a protocol known for its strict standards, including XML-based messaging and comprehensive built-in security. In contrast, Postman is primarily tailored for RESTful APIs, a protocol that leverages simpler, lightweight JSON or XML payloads and relies on HTTP methods.


When it comes to debugging API issues, both SoapUI and Postman offer essential tools, but their approach differs. SoapUI’s extensive logging and detailed error reporting are well-suited for diagnosing issues within SOAP-based services. It provides detailed insights into SOAP envelope structure and response messages, making it valuable for pinpointing problems in complex SOAP APIs. 

Postman, while capable of identifying issues, has a more simplified interface, which may not provide the same level of in-depth analysis for SOAP services. However, Postman’s clear and concise error messages are highly effective for quickly troubleshooting REST API problems.

Automated Tests

SoapUI offers a scripting environment where users can create complex test scenarios using Groovy scripting. This flexibility is advantageous for organizations with intricate testing requirements or custom workflows. Postman, on the other hand, simplifies test automation with its visual interface and built-in testing features, making it accessible to a wider range of users, including those with limited coding experience.


Collaboration in API testing is crucial for teams, and both SoapUI and Postman recognize this need. SoapUI requires additional setup and integration with third-party version control systems and collaboration tools to facilitate team collaboration efficiently. In contrast, Postman places a strong emphasis on collaboration, offering shared workspaces, real-time editing, and the ability to comment on collections. Postman’s cloud-based nature ensures seamless access and collaboration across various locations, making it particularly advantageous in this regard.

SoapUI vs Postman – Which is Better?

The choice between SoapUI and Postman ultimately depends on your specific needs and the nature of your API testing. SoapUI is a robust tool, particularly well-suited for comprehensive SOAP API testing, complex scenarios, and organizations with a strong emphasis on standards and security. In contrast, Postman’s user-friendly interface, real-time collaboration features, and versatility make it an excellent choice for REST API testing, rapid automation, and collaboration within distributed teams. However, both tools have their own set of limitations. 

Testsigma provides an alternative for organizations seeking automation testing with low-code testing, across various application types. This includes web applications and APIs also. With Testsigma, you can easily create test cases using a simple natural English language and automate API tests. You can also automate tests for web, mobile, APIs, and desktop apps all in one platform. Also, you can efficiently run tests on the cloud, enabling remote testing anytime, anywhere.

SoapUI vs Postman vs Testsigma - Which is Better?

With Testsigma, you can easily create and automate your API testing using simple natural English language. You can automate tests for web, mobile, API, and desktop apps all in one platform. Moreover, you can run tests efficiently on the cloud, enabling remote testing anytime, anywhere.

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Moreover, you can easily import your Postman configurations and Environments to Testsigma

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SoapUI vs Postman – Conclusion

In conclusion, both SoapUI and Postman are powerful tools for API testing, each with its unique strengths. SoapUI excels in testing SOAP APIs and offers robust support for complex and standards-driven scenarios. On the other hand, Postman’s user-friendly interface, real-time collaboration features, and versatility in testing REST APIs make it a preferred choice for many development and testing teams. The selection between the two largely depends on your organization’s specific API landscape, requirements, and the level of complexity involved in your testing processes. You can also check out this list of top 10 API testing tools for more options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we use SoapUI in Postman?

No, SoapUI and Postman are separate, standalone tools for API testing, and they cannot be directly used together within a single interface. However, it is possible to export collections or test cases from one tool and import them into the other if you need to switch between them for different testing needs.

Does Postman support REST or SOAP?

Postman primarily supports RESTful APIs, which are based on HTTP and use simple JSON or XML payloads. While Postman has some limited support for SOAP APIs, it is not as robust or specialized as SoapUI, which is specifically designed for testing SOAP-based services. If your primary focus is on SOAP APIs, SoapUI is generally the more suitable choice.

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