
Insomnia vs Postman: Which is Better for Your Project?

Insomnia vs Postman Which is better for your project

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In this article, we’ll delve into a comprehensive comparison of Insomnia vs Postman to help you make an informed decision for your project. We’ll explore their features, ease of use, performance, and other essential aspects to guide you in selecting the tool that best suits your development needs.

Insomnia vs Postman – Overview

What is Postman?

What is postman?

Postman is a powerful and versatile API testing and development tool used by developers and testers to streamline the process of working with APIs. It offers a user-friendly and intuitive environment for designing, testing, and documenting APIs. Postman has become a go-to tool for professionals in the software development and quality assurance fields, thanks to its extensive set of features and capabilities.


Let’s consider a simple example of how Postman can be used for API testing:

Suppose you are a developer working on an e-commerce application that relies on an external payment gateway. You want to ensure that the payment API integration works flawlessly. Here’s how you can use Postman:

  1. Create a new Postman collection named “Payment Gateway API.
  2. Add requests to the collection, such as “Process Payment“, “Refund Payment“, and “Check Payment Status“. Specify the request details, including the API endpoint, headers, and request body.
  3. Set up an environment called “Development” and define variables like API keys and endpoints specific to your development environment.
  4. Use Postman’s testing scripts to automate the verification of responses. For instance, you can write a script to check if a successful payment returns a 200 OK response and an authorization token.
  5. Collaborate with your team by sharing the collection. Your QA team can execute these requests to ensure the integration is working correctly.

By using Postman in this scenario, you can efficiently test and validate your payment gateway API, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction process for your e-commerce application.

Pros and Features of Postman

Postman not only simplifies the testing process but also enhances collaboration, automation, and the overall quality of software development projects by ensuring APIs function as expected and are integrated seamlessly into applications. Here are a few key features of Postman that you must consider before making an informed decision about choosing an API testing tool.

  1. Request Building: It simplifies the process of creating and managing API requests. It provides an easy-to-use interface for defining various HTTP requests, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Users can specify request parameters, headers, and payloads, making it effortless to interact with APIs.
  1. Collections: It allows users to organize their API requests into collections. Collections are a way to group related requests, making it easier to manage and execute multiple API calls as part of a workflow.
  1. Environments and Variables: Postman enables users to work with multiple environments, such as development, testing, and production. Environments can be configured with specific variables, allowing for seamless switching between different settings for API testing.
  1. Authentication: It supports a wide range of authentication methods commonly used in API testing, including OAuth, Basic Authentication, API keys, and more. This ensures that you can accurately simulate real-world API interactions.
  1. Code Generation: Postman provides code generation features, allowing developers to export API requests as code snippets in various programming languages. This makes it easier to incorporate API calls directly into application code.
  1. Automation: One of Postman’s standout features is its ability to automate API tests. Test scripts can be created using JavaScript, enabling users to perform automated testing and validation of API responses. This feature is particularly valuable in the context of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes.
  1. Collaboration: It offers a collaborative platform that allows team members to share collections, collaborate on API development, and manage API testing as a team. This feature is essential for projects involving multiple stakeholders.

Cons of Postman

While Postman is a powerful and widely used tool for API testing and development, it’s important to be aware of its limitations and potential drawbacks. Here are some of the cons of using Postman:

  1. Limited Performance Testing: It is primarily designed for functional and integration testing of APIs. It does not provide robust performance testing capabilities, such as load testing or stress testing. If you need to assess how your API handles a high volume of concurrent requests, you’ll need to integrate with dedicated performance testing tools.
  1. Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While Postman’s basic functionality is user-friendly, mastering its more advanced features, like scripting and automation, can require a steep learning curve. Users without a strong background in scripting or programming may find these features challenging to leverage fully.
  1. Limited Reporting and Analytics: Postman’s reporting and analytics capabilities are somewhat limited, especially in the free version. Detailed reporting and in-depth analytics are crucial for tracking the progress of testing efforts and identifying issues effectively. Users often need to integrate Postman with external tools or platforms to obtain more comprehensive reporting.
  1. Dependency on Cloud Services: Postman’s cloud-based collaboration features are beneficial for teamwork and sharing collections. However, they can pose a challenge for organizations with strict security and privacy policies. Some organizations may have concerns about the storage of sensitive API data in the cloud.
  1. Resource-Intensive: It is a desktop application, and it can be resource-intensive. Running it on older or less powerful hardware may lead to performance issues. It may consume a significant amount of memory, affecting the overall performance of your machine.
  1. Licensing Costs: While it offers a free version, some advanced features and collaboration capabilities are only available in the paid version, which can be costly for larger teams or organizations. The pricing structure may not be affordable for smaller businesses or individual developers.
  1. Vendor Lock-In: Once you’ve built extensive collections and workflows in Postman, migrating to another tool can be challenging. This can result in vendor lock-in, where you’re dependent on Postman’s ecosystem for your API testing and development needs.
  1. Limited Real-Time Collaboration: Collaborating on collections in real-time is somewhat limited in Postman. While multiple users can work on the same collection, true real-time collaborative editing is not as seamless as some other collaboration tools.

To overcome these cons, developers and organizations often consider integrating Postman with complementary tools or using alternative solutions.

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What Companies Use Postman?

Postman is a versatile tool adopted by organizations of all scales, from small startups to large enterprises. Technology companies, including software development firms, frequently use Postman to streamline the process of designing and testing APIs for their software products. It facilitates rapid prototyping, debugging, and automation, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software. 

E-commerce and retail companies rely on Postman to test and manage APIs that power their online stores, payment gateways, and inventory systems, guaranteeing a seamless shopping experience. Financial services institutions utilize Postman to validate their financial APIs, safeguarding the reliability and security of online banking, payment processing, and investment platforms. Healthcare and pharmaceutical companies also depend on Postman to maintain the accuracy and privacy of patient data by rigorously testing healthcare-related APIs. 

Whether it’s ensuring a secure payment process for e-commerce, maintaining the integrity of healthcare data, or driving user engagement in the digital world, Postman offers a range of solutions for organizations to meet their unique API testing and development needs.

What Tools Integrate with Postman?

Here are a few tools that can integrate with Postman for incorporating API testing into your continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines:

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a popular workflow automation and CI/CD platform integrated with GitHub repositories. It can utilize GitHub Actions for Postman, allowing developers to incorporate Postman collections into their GitHub-based workflows. This integration streamlines API testing as part of the development process, helping ensure that APIs are thoroughly validated before code changes are merged into the repository. It simplifies the testing and deployment cycle and supports a streamlined development workflow.

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps, a comprehensive set of development tools by Microsoft, provides integration with Postman through extensions such as the “Postman Integration for Azure DevOps.” This extension allows teams to seamlessly incorporate Postman collections into their Azure DevOps build and release pipelines. By doing so, they can automate API testing and validation, enhancing the reliability of their applications deployed on the Azure platform.


Jenkins is a widely used CI/CD tool that can be integrated with Postman for automating API testing within your build and deployment pipelines. With the help of plugins and custom scripts, you can set up automated Postman collections that run as part of your Jenkins pipelines. This integration ensures that your APIs are thoroughly tested before new code is deployed, enhancing the reliability of your software releases.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a powerful API testing and development platform that stands out for its unique features and capabilities. It caters to developers and software engineers who are looking for a streamlined approach to designing, testing, and documenting APIs. While offering many similarities with other API testing tools, Insomnia is distinctive in several ways.

Insomnia offers an open-source model, making it accessible to a broad range of users, from individual developers to large development teams. One of Insomnia’s standout features is its flexible environment and variable system. Additionally, Insomnia supports dynamic variables and scripting within requests, enabling developers to create highly adaptable API requests.


Here’s an example of using Insomnia to interact with a fictional weather API using some exclusive features of Insomnia:

  1. Begin by creating an Insomnia environment named “Weather API“. Within this environment, define variables such as the base URL for the weather API, your API key, and the desired location for weather data retrieval. Insomnia’s flexible environment management allows you to switch between different locations and configurations seamlessly.
  1. Develop a new API request within Insomnia, naming it “Get Weather“. In this request, use Insomnia’s dynamic variables to construct a dynamic URL that incorporates the environment variables, such as the API key and location. This dynamic request-building feature ensures that you can generate versatile requests without manual adjustments.
  1. Leverage Insomnia’s unique code generation capability to generate code snippets in your preferred programming language directly from the “Get Weather” request. This feature allows you to easily integrate API calls into your weather forecasting application’s code, ensuring that it fetches up-to-date weather data effortlessly.
  1. Within the “Get Weather” request, take advantage of Insomnia’s scripting capabilities to parse and manipulate the API response. Write custom scripts to extract relevant weather data, such as temperature, humidity, and weather conditions. This unique scripting feature empowers you to process and present API responses according to your application’s specific requirements.

Pros and Features of Insomnia

Insomnia offers several unique and noteworthy advantages that set it apart from other API testing and development tools:

  1. Open-Source Model: One of Insomnia’s most distinct advantages is its open-source nature. This open-source model encourages collaboration, community-driven development, and the creation of an extensive ecosystem of plugins and extensions, enhancing its functionality. Users can customize and extend Insomnia to meet their specific API testing and development requirements.
  1. Flexible Environment Management: Its environment and variables system provides exceptional flexibility. It enables the setup of multiple environments, each with its own set of variables, making it effortless to switch between different API configurations. This feature is particularly useful for testing APIs in various settings, ensuring that API requests adapt to different environments accurately.
  1. Dynamic Variables and Scripting: It uniquely supports dynamic variables and scripting within requests. This feature allows developers to create highly adaptable API requests, enabling dynamic parameterization without manual adjustments. The scripting capabilities also offer data manipulation and extraction, providing enhanced control over API responses.
  1. Efficient Code Generation: Insomnia’s code generation feature simplifies the process of incorporating API calls into application code. Developers can generate code snippets in multiple programming languages directly from their API requests. This feature bridges the gap between API design and application development, ensuring seamless integration of APIs into software projects.
  1. Workspace Sharing: It allows for easy collaboration through the sharing of workspaces. Developers and teams can work collectively within shared environments, promoting effective teamwork and knowledge sharing. This collaborative feature enhances project efficiency and encourages best practices.
  1. Built-In Version Control: Insomnia includes built-in version control features, making it easier to track changes to API requests and maintain a history of modifications. This is especially valuable when multiple team members are working on API design and testing, as it helps ensure data integrity and provides insights into the evolution of the API.
  1. Export and Import Options: It offers the capability to export and import collections, workspaces, and environments. This feature facilitates easy migration of project setups between environments, helping streamline the development and testing process.

Cons of Insomnia

Insomnia, while a versatile API testing and development tool, does have some limitations and drawbacks that are important to consider:

  1. Limited Built-In Collaboration: Insomnia’s collaboration features, while present, are somewhat limited compared to some other tools. The real-time, collaborative editing functionality is not as seamless as certain dedicated collaboration platforms, which can be a drawback for large teams requiring extensive collaboration capabilities.
  1. Less Comprehensive Plugin Ecosystem: Its open-source nature means it may have a less extensive ecosystem of plugins and extensions compared to some proprietary tools. While the open-source community actively contributes, some specific needs or integrations may not be readily available through plugins, necessitating more custom development.
  1. Niche Learning Curve: The unique scripting and dynamic variable capabilities in Insomnia can introduce a niche learning curve, particularly for users who are less experienced in scripting and programming. While powerful, these features may require additional time and expertise to fully harness.
  1. Minimal Load Testing Support: It primarily focuses on API design and functional testing. Unlike some other tools, it has limited support for performance testing, such as load testing or stress testing. If you require extensive performance testing capabilities, you may need to integrate Insomnia with dedicated load-testing tools.
  1. Resource Intensive: Like many desktop applications, Insomnia can be resource-intensive, consuming a significant amount of memory and processing power. This may affect the performance of your machine, particularly on older or less powerful hardware configurations.
  1. Complex Projects May Require Additional Tooling: For extremely complex projects with extensive automation requirements, complex authorization flows, or other advanced scenarios, Insomnia may not offer all the features needed “out of the box.” In such cases, additional tooling and custom scripting might be necessary to meet the project’s specific requirements.
  1. Potential Learning Curve for Environments: While Insomnia’s environment and variable system are flexible, some users might initially find it challenging to set up and manage complex environments, especially when dealing with intricate configurations across multiple environments.

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What Companies Use Insomnia REST Client?

Insomnia REST Client has an open-source model that encourages collaborative development and extends its appeal to individual developers and large enterprises alike. The tool’s multi-protocol support allows organizations to work with diverse API technologies and standards, ensuring their APIs are compatible with a wide range of systems and platforms.

Organizations in the e-commerce and retail sector frequently employ Insomnia to manage and validate APIs that drive their online stores, payment gateways, and inventory systems. Insomnia’s scripting and dynamic variable features enable the efficient testing of APIs, ensuring a smooth and secure shopping experience for customers. This contributes to maintaining the reliability and functionality of their online platforms.

Moreover, due to the upcoming no-code, low-code trend of software development, Insomnia’s code generation feature benefits developers across different organizations, from startups to established companies. It reduces time to market by automatically generating code snippets in popular programming languages, such as Curl, NodeJS, Go, Swift, Python, Java, and C. This accelerates API integration into software projects, ensuring faster development cycles.

What Tools Integrate with Insomnia REST Client?

Here are a few tools that seamlessly integrate with the Insomnia REST client and enhance your CI/CD pipelines.


GitHub is a popular version control and collaboration platform used by developers and teams to manage source code. It integrates with Insomnia REST Client through the “GitHub Sync” feature, allowing users to synchronize their API workspaces and collections directly with GitHub repositories. This integration streamlines version control, and collaborative development, and ensures that API documentation and testing configurations are easily accessible and shareable with team members, enhancing workflow efficiency.


Slack is a widely used team communication and collaboration platform. Insomnia REST Client integrates with Slack through its “Slack Plugin,” enabling users to receive notifications and updates on API testing and development activities directly in their Slack channels. This integration fosters real-time communication among team members, allowing for seamless collaboration and quick issue resolution during the API testing and development process.


JIRA, developed by Atlassian, is a widely used project management and issue-tracking tool. Insomnia REST Client offers integration with JIRA, enabling users to create and track issues related to their API development and testing work directly from the Insomnia interface. This integration streamlines issue management, allowing teams to efficiently address and resolve API-related problems, ensuring that development projects stay on track and are delivered on time.

Insomnia vs Postman: Top Differences

Here’s a table summarizing the top differences between Insomnia vs Postman. These differences should help you in evaluating the choice between Insomnia and Postman based on your specific needs and preferences.

License ModelOpen-source with a free core version and paid options.Proprietary with a free trial and paid subscription plans.
User InterfaceClean and user-friendly interface, suitable for beginners and advanced users.Feature-rich and may have a steeper learning curve due to its extensive capabilities.
Environment ManagementSupports multiple environments and flexible variable handling.Environments and variable management are available but less flexible.
Scripting and Dynamic VariablesOffers advanced scripting and dynamic variable capabilities for dynamic API requests and response manipulation.Provides scripting capabilities but with some limitations compared to Insomnia.
Collaboration FeaturesAllows workspace sharing and collaboration, promoting teamwork.Offers collaboration but with less intuitive sharing features compared to Insomnia.
Integration EcosystemSupports a range of integrations and plugins, with active community contributions.Provides integrations, but the ecosystem may not be as extensive as Insomnia’s open-source community.
Learning CurveEasier for beginners due to its user-friendly interface.May have a steeper learning curve for beginners but offers extensive documentation and community support.

Which is Better: Insomnia or Postman?

The choice of which tool is better among – Insomnia vs Postman , depends on your specific needs and preferences. 

Insomnia’s open-source platform and advanced scripting capabilities make it an attractive option for those businesses looking to prioritize customization and collaboration, particularly within development teams. Moreover, it supports CLI, allowing developers to use the control and command the platform through command line. 

On the other hand, Postman comes with an extensive feature set, a comprehensive library of pre-built requests, and a user-friendly interface, especially for API testing.

Make the choice between these two tools based on your testing objective, project, and resources.

However, if you are looking for an all-arounder tool that combines the best features of Insomnia and Postman, Testsigma could make the list. It’s an AI-powered test automation tool equipped with features to perform API testing, automated web UI/UX testing, cross-browser testing, and mobile testing. You can access and run the tests on 3000+ devices, browsers, and OS combinations hosted on the Cloud and locally.

Why Testsigma Should be Your Preferred Choice?

Why Testsigma Should be Your Preferred Choice?

Customizable dashboard shows an overview of test case status, types, and runs

  • Offers a low-code, user-friendly and intuitive approach to test automation.
  • Empowers users to automate tests for web, mobile, API, and desktop applications, from the same place.
  • Provides convenient and effective test execution on the cloud, featuring compatibility with over 3000 browser and device combinations.
  • Includes various debugging features, such as capturing screenshots, videos, and logs during test executions.
  • Integrates with popular CI/CD tools.
  • Supports data-driven testing to evaluate applications with various data inputs, enhancing test coverage.
  • It allows you to send API requests, define the type of request easily, and specify parameters to fine-tune API requests and responses.
  • Provides ease in managing and manipulating the data sent to the request body.
  • Customizes HTTP headers to ensure API requests are properly configured and enables authentication methods to be set up for secure API testing.

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In conclusion, both Insomnia and Postman are powerful tools for API testing and development, each with its unique strengths and features. Insomnia offers an open-source model, advanced scripting capabilities, and flexible environment management, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize customization and collaboration. Postman, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive feature set, including automated testing, a vast library of pre-built requests, and extensive documentation. The choice between the two ultimately depends on your specific requirements, experience level, and organizational needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Insomnia vs Postman- What are the advantages of Insomnia over Postman?

Insomnia offers unique advantages such as open-source accessibility, advanced scripting capabilities, and flexible environment management, making it a preferred choice for developers who require customization and collaboration. Its open-source nature encourages community-driven development and customization to meet specific API testing and development requirements.

Is Insomnia compatible with Postman?

Insomnia and Postman are distinct tools, and they do not have native compatibility. However, you can import Postman collections into Insomnia using the Postman collection import feature, which can aid in transitioning from Postman to Insomnia and continue working with existing collections in a new environment.

Is Postman the best API tool?

Whether Postman is the best API tool depends on your specific needs. Postman offers a comprehensive feature set, a vast library of pre-built requests, and a user-friendly interface. It’s widely used and well-documented. However, the best tool for you depends on factors like your familiarity with the tools, your organization’s requirements, and your preference for open-source solutions.


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