





Calendar Test Cases | How to Write? (Samples)

January 23, 2024
Calendar Test Cases How to Write (Samples)

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Writing test cases manually or through automation for a calendar involves understanding the calendar application requirements or acceptance criteria and business objectives. Additionally, you’ll want to consider usability and accessibility. After all, calendars are handy tools for everyone using a computer or other device.  

Use requirements or even a mind map, or outline to begin separating individual test scenarios. Once you’ve gathered a checklist of test objectives you’re ready to get started writing quality test cases for calendars. 

Calendar Test Cases

Calendar test cases can vary between calendar applications. It’s important for test validity to ensure you create a test case for each major functional scenario for your calendar application. Start by determining whether your test objectives fit as high-level, positive, or negative test cases. Leverage information in requirements, acceptance criteria, and testing standards to determine each test and where it fits. Write a test case for calendar applications that ensure a positive customer experience. 

High-Level Test Cases For Calendar Application

  • The app opens and displays essential features including month, day, and year in a standard calendar format. 
  • Write test cases for calendars where users can switch between months. 
  • Users should be able to switch between years. 
  • Users should be able to click on a specific day. 
  • Users should be able to click on a day and add an event. 

Positive Test Cases for Date Field

  • Enter a valid date in the expected format directly into the date field. 
  • Users can open an added event on one date and directly change the date to a new, valid date. 
  • Click to choose a valid date from a calendar selector tool in the same year. 
  • Click to change the year and choose a valid date from a calendar selector tool. 
  • Include a test case for the calendar app that includes entering a valid date in the past. 
  • Enter a valid date in the future. 

Negative Test Cases for Date Field

  • A date entered in an invalid format (YYMMDD, DDYYMM for example). 
  • Enter a date with extra characters (12//12//2023 for example). 
  • Enter a date with alpha characters (invalid data for example: 12/AB/CD).
  • Enter a date without the / characters, assuming the / character is valid. 
  • Enter a date that does not exist (12/32/2023 or 11/00/2023).

How To Write Test Cases For Calendar? (Requirements )

  • Follow test case writing best practices by following a test case template, or creating one that meets your QA team’s requirements. 
  • Use a plain language format to outline each required test case objective. 
  • Create tests in a modular design to facilitate test automation for end-to-end tests. 
  • Ensure each requirement or acceptance criteria is covered with at least one test case. 
  • Design test cases for calendars that cover the expected user workflow for the calendar in full. 

How to Automate Calendar Test Cases with Testsigma?

  • Write scripts in plain English similar to a manual test case. 
  • Record the steps you take within the calendar app and generate automated tests at the click of a button. 
  • Once tests are written create an execution schedule. 
  • Start by executing the test locally on the preferred browser. 
  • Execute tests across supported browsers in the Testsigma system. 
  • Execute tests on various supported devices within the Testsigma system. 

Sample Testsigman plain English script:

registeration form


Careful planning and attention to detail are critical when writing valid, useful test cases that can be reused. Whether tests are written manually or developed with test automation, make sure the scripts are clearly written and accurate. 

Consider using a test case template for either manual or test automation to ensure every test case has the necessary information for tracking execution status and any identified defects. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to test a date picker in manual testing?

Create both positive and negative tests for the expected requirements. Ensure valid date formats function without error. Additionally, test negative test scenarios including invalid date formats, dates that don’t exist, and invalid character entry. Most calendar apps use a variety of date formats based on country. Test every valid option and configuration settings for each to ensure each option works as expected. 

How do I automate a calendar in Selenium WebDriver for automation testing?

Start by creating an outline of test objectives. Create a test using Selenium WebDriver for each test objective you need to verify. Like most automated testing tools, Selenium requires the ability to identify objects by ID in the code. Check with development or review the code to ensure IDs are in place for all calendar fields. Once you have all the information you need, choose to record the test with Selenium or create tests yourself with easy scripting tools. Find out more here. 

Examples of test cases for calendar?

  • The app opens and displays essential features including month, day, and year in a standard calendar format. 
  • Users can switch between months. 
  • Users can switch between years. 
  • Users can click on a specific day. 
  • Users can click on a day and add an event. 
  • Enter a valid date in the expected format directly into the date field. 
  • Users can open an added event on one date and directly change the date to a new, valid date. 
  • Select an event and edit the date field directly. 
  • Select an event and edit the date by choosing a date with a calendar selector tool. 
  • Save changes and then reopen events and verify changes are saved without error.

Written By

Amy Reichert

Testsigma Author - Amy Reichert

Amy Reichert

Software testing professional with 26+ years of experience testing in the business management field along with healthcare, entertainment, and advertising. I thoroughly love testing! I also love to write about testing and software development subjects and write content and copy.

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