
Loop Testing: An Introduction to ‘For Loop’ in Testsigma

June 6, 2024Shabarish

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Loops are one of the most helpful features for software testers. They allow testers to run tests on multiple iterations quickly and easily. Loop testing is a white-box testing technique that focuses on the behavior of a program when it executes loops.

Loop testing, also known as Iteration testing, is an integral part of software development and debugging which developers actively carry out. The primary purpose of this testing is to ensure that the looping construct works as expected and produces the correct results when executed.

When speaking about a ‘For Loop’, it’s a way to repeat instructions multiple times with different values, so you don’t have to do the same thing repeatedly. This helps make complex automation tasks more manageable. This blog will look at how to get the most out of loop testing using Testsigma.

Introduction: What is Loop Testing?

Have you ever wondered what loop testing is and how it can be used to improve the quality of your software?

Loop testing identifies and corrects errors in loops, detects and fixes loop-related issues, and ensures that the code is functioning as expected. It checks whether the program behaves as expected when executing loops and if there are any errors in the loop structure. So this is more helpful in identifying any potential problems in the code and ensuring that it runs smoothly. So if you want to ensure your software is up to scratch, then loop testing should be on your list!

By performing this testing, developers can ensure that their programs run smoothly and efficiently. It can identify opportunities to enhance code efficiency by locating areas that can be improved or optimized. This helps to improve the overall performance of a program.

Objectives of Loop Testing

Loop testing can help improve the software’s overall quality and reduce the chances of unexpected and costly errors. Here are some notable points you should not miss:

  • Make sure all the loops in the code are tested to make sure they work and run correctly.
  • See if the loops end when they’re supposed to or if they keep going forever. Check that the loops aren’t too slow or too fast and stay within acceptable limits.
  • Make sure any changes don’t cause new issues with other parts of the code.
  • Look for mistakes in its work, like wrong conditions or incorrect settings inside the loop body.
  • Double-check that there’s no extra code inside that could slow it down and lead to unexpected results.
  • Check that each exit point from a loop is handled correctly and nothing is lost while running it.
  • To verify that all data types used inside a loop are valid and compatible with each other, thus avoiding any type conversion errors or data loss due to incompatible types being used together in a single expression inside a loop body

Types of Loop Testing in Testsigma

There are 2 types of loops in Testsigma:

For-Loop Testing:

This type of loop testing checks the functionality of a loop that iterates through the elements in a list or array. It is mainly used to check the functionality of a loop that executes a set of instructions until a specific condition is met. It can also be used to check if the loop works as expected when the condition is not met. Also, It can be used to test if the loop properly stops executing when the condition is not satisfied.

While-Loop Testing:

This type of loop testing checks a loop’s functionality to execute a set of codes until a specific condition is met. While-loop testing can also be used to check if the loop works correctly when an exception occurs, or an error occurs during execution. Finally, while-loop testing can verify that the loop works correctly under different conditions, such as varying data types and lengths of data elements.

How to do Loop testing in Testsigma?

Loop testing in Testsigma is a form of automation that enables you to execute a test case multiple times with different data sets. In Testsigma, you can find the loop function in the change step option in the corresponding test case step.

For Loop’ is an incredibly versatile and powerful tool used in programming. The loop can be configured to iterate over a set number of times or until a specific condition is met.

In addition, ‘For Loops’ can also be nested within each other, allowing developers to create complex automation sequences with minimal effort.

Furthermore, this looping structure is advantageous when dealing with large datasets as it allows the same instruction to be applied to multiple items simultaneously. This helps reduce development time and increases efficiency by eliminating the need to process every item manually.

Here you will learn the step-by-step process carried out in Testsigma-For Loop function.

For Loop Example

Let us start the Test Case with a simple Go to step. As the next test step, select the Test Step Type as “For Loop” to add For loop in the next Test Step.

Choose your already created or imported Test Data profile. Specify “Loop start” and “Loop end”(here we choose Loop start as 1 and Loop end as 3) for the loop.

Click on the Create button.

The For Loop group will be created and displayed as shown below.

Here [Registration data Profile] is the selected test data profile and [1-3] denotes the For loop start and loop end.

Click on the Add After button and add a Test Step. Let us input some value in the search field. Use the grammar, “Enter test data in the searchbox field”.

Delete the test data part. This will show a suggestions dropdown. Choose @|Parameter| from the suggestion.

Another suggestion dropdown with the test data name(s) as provided in the Test Data profile will appear now. Since just one test data value has been added to the selected test data profile, only that selection comes up.

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Select the test data from the dropdown and click Create.

Run this test, and the results page will show all three iterations of the For loop group.

This is how we use For loop in Testsigma.


Loop testing in Testsigma is an effective way of validating applications and ensuring quality. It helps testers quickly identify errors, trace code execution paths, and increase test coverage. Testsigma’s loop testing feature enables testers to define and execute test cases from a single platform, making it easier to maintain and manage test cases. Moreover, its integration with other systems makes it even more versatile. This is an invaluable asset for any software development team looking to ensure their software meets the highest quality standards. Loop testing in Testsigma can help save time and money by detecting errors earlier in the development process, thus minimizing the risk of costly defects entering production. Log in today to get yours!It can also reduce the amount of manual effort required for manual testing by automating repetitive tests. All these features make loop testing in Testsigma an essential tool for any software development team striving for excellence.

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