Start automating your tests 10X Faster in Simple English with Testsigma
Try for freeWhen it comes to software delivery, automation is directly proportional to efficiency. With its ability to automate building, testing, and software delivery, Jenkins is the go-to choice for CI/CD pipeline automation for many teams. With low-code end-to-end test automation with Testsigma and our native Testsigma-Jenkins integration, you can incorporate your simple English tests—for web, mobile apps, and APIs—into your build automation workflows—to test continuously and at scale.
Here’s how you can get started:
- Installation and Setup: To get started, you’ll need to install the Testsigma Test Plan Run plugin in your Jenkins instance. You can find the plugin on the Jenkins Plugins page or download it directly from the Testsigma website.
Once installed, you’re ready to integrate Testsigma tests with Jenkins.
- Configuring the Jenkins Pipeline: Add the Testsigma Test Plan Run plugin as a stage to trigger your Testsigma test plans:
- Click on the “Build” tab within your pipeline configuration.
- Click on “Add Build Step” and select “Testsigma Test Plan run.”
- Configure the plugin by providing your Testsigma API Key, Test Plan ID, maximum wait time for task completion, and the file path for the JUnit report XML file.
- Save the changes to complete the configuration.
- Testing and Execution: Once your pipeline is set up, trigger a build to see the build verification in action. Check the console log for the execution details, and for more comprehensive results, log into your Testsigma account and deep dive into the test plan status.
With Jenkins’ automation capabilities and Testsigma’s simplified testing, you automate your testing pipeline to maximize efficiency and deliver high-quality software with confidence. Automate your testing pipeline today and experience the benefits of a smoother, more efficient release workflow with Testsigma.