
How Do You Write Test Cases for Game Testing?

October 15, 2024
How Do You Write Test Cases for Game Testing

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Gaming has been on the rise since forever. It is a booming industry projected to reach $268 billion by 2025, with nearly 3 billion gamers worldwide. No wonder a slight lag or defect in the video game will likely cost hundreds of thousands for any gaming company. If they have to ride the wave of profitability, every gaming business needs to focus on software testing the plays before putting it on the market. And thus, testing again comes to the forefront.

Look at how you can create and run efficient test cases for game testing that will make your company become a part of a flourishing industry.

Why is Game Testing Necessary?

No one wants to play a game that lags or abruptly stops. And that is why game testing is necessary.

Game testing is important because it aims to improve the usability, integrity, and quality of player experience. The focus is on testing the performance of the game across multiple devices, browsers, and operating systems to ensure that no glitches happen during the gameplay. Additionally, user experience, security, compliance, and functionality surface as some of the crucial types of testing to run for a game. Running these tests before making the game public ensures customer satisfaction while increasing the game’s and the company’s reputation.

Types of Testing for Gaming Testing

Game testing might sound interesting. But you still have to run the basic and advanced test cases similar to testing any other application.

  • Functional Testing: It ensures that every game feature, from controls and mechanics to character interactions and mission objectives, operates according to design specifications. The goal is to identify and rectify bugs or glitches that might hinder the overall gameplay experience, ensuring players can navigate through the game smoothly without encountering unexpected issues.
  • Performance Testing: If you want to check the stability, responsiveness, and speed of the gameplay, execute performance testing. This includes assessing frame rates, loading times, and the game’s ability to handle graphics and audio elements without lag or crashes.
  • Security Testing: Security testing focuses on identifying vulnerabilities that malicious elements, such as hacks, cheats, or unauthorized access, could exploit.
  • Compatibility Testing: The purpose of compatibility testing is to verify if the game functions correctly across diverse platforms, devices, and operating systems. Testers assess compatibility with different hardware configurations, screen resolutions, and input devices.
  • Usability Testing: To evaluate the overall user experience and assess the game’s interface, controls, and navigation intuitiveness by running usability testing. This testing phase gathers feedback on menu design, tutorials, and in-game guidance to enhance player satisfaction.
  • Regression Testing: Regression testing ensures that updates or changes to a game do not introduce new bugs or negatively impact existing features. Testers retest previously validated functionalities to verify their continued proper operation after updates.

Gaming Platform Test Cases

Gamers want flawless experience, and companies want to increase their number of customers. In both cases, executing test cases for game apps is imperative. The better the quality, the more satisfied the clients are. Thus, these are some of the basic types of testing a gaming company would need to execute.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Downloads

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Verification of Download SourcesConfirm that the gaming platform provides downloads only from authorized and secure sources.Verify that downloading a game from the platform’s official website or designated app store is the only permissible source.
Download Integrity CheckEnsure that downloaded game files are intact and not corrupted.Validate that the downloaded game’s file size matches the expected size, indicating an error-free download.
Compatibility TestingVerify compatibility with different operating systems and devices.Download and install the game on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android to ensure seamless performance across platforms.
Interrupted Download HandlingSimulate interrupted downloads and verify the platform’s ability to resume or recover without data corruption.Pause a download midway, then resume and confirm that the game installation has been completed successfully.
Download Speed TestingEvaluate download speeds under various network conditions.Download the game on different internet connections (e.g., high-speed, moderate, and slow) to assess performance.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Launch

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Application Launch StabilityConfirm that the gaming platform launches without crashes or unexpected errors.Open the platform multiple times consecutively and ensure it consistently launches without issues.
Game Launch from PlatformValidate the ability to launch a game directly from the gaming platform.Click on a game within the platform, and confirm it opens seamlessly without requiring external interventions.
Launch Time PerformanceAssess the time taken for the gaming platform to launch.Measure the platform’s launch time under normal conditions and compare it against defined performance benchmarks.
Background Processes HandlingEnsure the gaming platform handles background processes efficiently during launch.Launch the platform while other applications are running and confirm it doesn’t impact system performance adversely.
Cross-platform Launch ConsistencyVerify that games launch consistently across different platforms and devices.Launch the same game on PC, console, and mobile, confirming a consistent and uniform user experience.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Login and Registration

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
User AuthenticationValidate that user authentication is secure and accurate.Enter correct and incorrect credentials to log in, ensuring that only valid users gain access.
Existing UserCheck that an existing account/user cannot register again with the same email address or username.Enter an existing username into the registration option and ensure that a correct notification message is displayed.
Invalid/Incorrect UsernameValidate that a user cannot log in/register using non-existent and incorrect input format.Attempt to enter special characters or spaces in login/registration fields to receive a correct error message.
Social Media IntegrationVerify seamless registration and login through social media accounts.Register using a Facebook or Google account, then log in through the same method to ensure integration works flawlessly.
Password RecoveryConfirm the effectiveness of the password recovery process.Forget the password, initiate recovery, and ensure successful access is granted after following the recovery steps.
Account Lockout HandlingSimulate multiple failed login attempts and assess how the platform handles account lockouts.Enter incorrect credentials several times and verify that the account is temporarily locked for security reasons.
Profile Information AccuracyEnsure that user profile information is accurate and displayed correctly after login.Verify that user details, such as username, profile picture, and preferences, are consistently presented upon successful login.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Updates & Notifications

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Update Notification DisplayConfirm that users receive timely update notifications.Ensure users are notified when a new game update is available, displayed prominently on the platform dashboard.
Update InstallationVerify successful installation of updates.Download and install an available update, ensuring the process completes without errors and the game runs smoothly post-update.
Notification PreferencesValidate user options for managing notifications.Allow users to customize notification preferences, including opting in/out of update notifications, and confirm that selections are honored.
Notification AlertValidate receiving alerts for active notifications.For mobile or web apps, check if any updates or new additions to the game send a timely notification to the user.
Error Message NotificationVerify an error message notification when the game crashes or shuts down abruptly.Force close or stop the game to check if you receive an error message with the right reason for the game’s malfunction.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Compatibility

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Cross-Platform PlayabilityConfirm games are playable across multiple platforms.Test a game on PC, console, and mobile, ensuring consistent gameplay experiences.
Device CompatibilityVerify compatibility with various devices and screen sizes.Install and play the game on different devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) to ensure proper rendering and functionality.
Operating System CompatibilityEnsure the gaming platform functions on supported OS versions.Test the platform on different operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) to validate compatibility.
Controller and Input CompatibilityConfirm support for different gaming controllers and input devices.Test the game with various controllers (keyboard, mouse, gamepad) to ensure consistent functionality.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Security

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
User AuthenticationValidate secure and accurate user authentication.Attempt login with both correct and incorrect credentials to confirm proper authentication behavior.
Data EncryptionConfirm sensitive data, such as user information, is encrypted.Analyze network traffic during login and gameplay to verify the use of encryption protocols (HTTPS).
Payment SecurityVerify the security of payment transactions within the platform.Simulate in-app purchases and ensure that payment information is handled securely, complying with industry standards.
User Account RecoveryTest the process of recovering a compromised user account.Simulate a compromised account, initiate the recovery process, and verify that the user can regain access securely.
Penetration TestingConduct simulated cyber-attacks to identify vulnerabilities.Employ ethical hacking techniques to identify and address potential security weaknesses within the gaming platform.
Security Patch DeploymentTest the platform’s ability to deploy and install security patches.Simulate the release of a security patch and ensure it is promptly deployed without disrupting user experience.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Performance

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Load Time OptimizationConfirm that the platform and games load within acceptable time limits.Measure the time taken for the platform and games to load, ensuring it meets defined performance benchmarks.
Stability under Heavy LoadTest the platform’s stability under high concurrent user loads.Simulate a large number of users accessing the platform simultaneously to ensure stability and performance are maintained.
Network Latency TestingEvaluate the impact of network latency on gameplay.Introduce network delays during gameplay to assess how well the platform handles latency and maintains a smooth gaming experience.
Resource UtilizationAssess the platform’s use of system resources during gameplay.Monitor CPU, GPU, and memory usage while playing games to ensure resource utilization is optimized for a seamless gaming experience.
Frame Rate ConsistencyConfirm consistent frame rates across different game scenarios.Test games with varying graphics demands and ensure the frame rate remains consistent, avoiding sudden drops or spikes.
Cross-Platform PerformanceConfirm consistent performance across various gaming platforms.Play games on different devices (PC, console, mobile) and verify that performance remains consistent.
Offline Mode PerformanceVerify that games offer acceptable performance in offline mode.Play games without an internet connection to ensure that offline performance meets established standards.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for In-Game Purchases

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Purchase Flow AccuracyValidate the accuracy of the in-game purchase process.Attempt in-game purchases, confirming correct transaction amounts and item delivery.
Payment Method IntegrationConfirm seamless integration with various payment methods.Test purchases using different payment options (credit cards, digital wallets) to ensure proper processing.
Receipt Generation and DeliveryVerify the generation and timely delivery of purchase receipts.Complete in-game purchases and ensure that users receive purchase receipts via email or within the platform.
Refund Process TestingTest the platform’s refund process for in-game purchases.Initiate refund requests for in-game items and confirm that the process is straightforward and efficient.
Discount and Promotion HandlingTest the application of discounts and promotions during purchases.Apply promotional codes or discounts and confirm that the correct reductions are applied to the total purchase amount.
Subscription Model TestingVerify functionality and user experience in subscription-based models.Subscribe to in-game services, ensuring accurate billing, access to subscribed features, and proper cancellation options.
Integration with Digital StorefrontsConfirm smooth integration with external digital storefronts (e.g., Steam).Purchase a game through an external storefront and ensure the game is seamlessly accessible on the gaming platform.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Multiplayer Functionality

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Server Load HandlingValidate the platform’s ability to handle heavy multiplayer loads.Simulate a large number of concurrent players to assess server stability and responsiveness during multiplayer sessions.
Latency and Lag TestingAssess the impact of network latency on multiplayer gameplay.Introduce network delays during multiplayer sessions to evaluate how well the platform mitigates lag and maintains a smooth experience.
Session SynchronizationConfirm synchronization of game sessions among all players.Have multiple players participate in the same game session, ensuring consistent and synchronized experiences for all participants.
Voice Chat FunctionalityValidate the functionality and clarity of in-game voice chat.Enable voice chat during multiplayer sessions, ensuring clear communication and the absence of distortions or interruptions.
Cross-Platform MultiplayerEnsure seamless multiplayer experiences across different platforms.Allow players on PC, console, and mobile to participate in the same multiplayer session, confirming compatibility.
Player Progression SyncingConfirm that player progression and achievements sync across sessions.Play multiplayer games on different devices, ensuring that progression, unlocks, and achievements are consistently reflected.

Gaming Platform Test Cases for Cloud Saving

Test Case TypeTest CaseProcess/Example
Data Syncing Across DevicesConfirm synchronization of game data across multiple devices.Play a game on one device, switch to another, and verify that saved progress, settings, and achievements are consistent.
Timely Cloud Save UpdatesValidate the prompt updating of cloud saves after gameplay.Save game progress, exit the game, and confirm that cloud saves are promptly updated, reflecting the latest progress.
Large Save File HandlingTest the platform’s handling of large save files in the cloud.Save a game with a large file size, ensure it is successfully uploaded to the cloud, and download it to verify seamless handling.
Cloud Save RecoveryValidate the process of recovering game data from the cloud.Simulate data loss, initiate the cloud save recovery process, and confirm that saved data is restored accurately.
Offline Play with Cloud SavesConfirm the ability to access cloud saves in offline mode.Save game progress, disconnect from the internet, and verify that saved data is accessible for offline gameplay.
Automatic Cloud Save BackupsVerify automatic backups of cloud saves at regular intervals.Monitor cloud save activity and confirm that the platform performs periodic automatic backups to prevent data loss.
Privacy and Security of Cloud SavesTest the security measures in place for cloud-stored game data.Attempt unauthorized access to cloud saves and verify that robust security measures prevent unauthorized entry.

Further Reading: Test Cases for API Testing

Design and Execute Effective Test Cases for Game Scenarios

Creating and implementing effective test cases is crucial for ensuring the quality and functionality of a game. This process involves designing comprehensive test cases to cover various scenarios and executing them systematically to identify and rectify any issues.

Designing Test Cases

Designing test cases for game testing requires a systematic approach with the following key steps:

Requirements Analysis: Understand the game’s requirements, features, and functionalities to ensure test cases align with the intended outcomes. It will further help in segmenting tests for manual and automated testing.

Identify Test Scenarios: List potential scenarios covering gameplay mechanics, user interactions, and edge cases. Consider different levels, characters, in-game features, and unique functionalities.

Define Test Objectives: Clearly outline the objectives for each test case, specifying conditions, actions, and expected outcomes. This helps in creating precise and targeted test scenarios.

Create Test Data: Develop relevant test data to simulate different user inputs, environments, and conditions. This helps in testing the game’s robustness under diverse scenarios.

Review and Refine: Collaborate with the development team to review and refine test cases, incorporating feedback and ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Executing Test Cases

Now, let’s see a step-by-step process to execute the test cases we designed above.

Test Environment Setup: Prepare the testing environment, ensuring that it replicates real-world conditions, including hardware, software, and network configurations.

Test Case Execution: Run each test scenario according to the defined steps, taking note of the actual outcomes observed during gameplay.

Document Results: Document the results of each test case, noting any discrepancies between expected and actual outcomes. Include relevant details for developers to understand and address the issues.

Regression Testing: Conduct regression testing to ensure that new changes or updates do not negatively impact previously tested functionalities.

Collaboration and Communication: Maintain open communication with the development team, promptly reporting identified issues and collaborating to resolve them efficiently.

Iterative Testing: Repeat the testing process iteratively, addressing issues, refining test cases based on evolving requirements, and ensuring overall game stability.

Read here – Game Testing Tools

How Does Testsigma Help to Test Gaming Websites and Apps?

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Testsigma is an AI-powered test automation tool that supports end-to-end testing of web, mobile, and desktop applications, and APIs. For game testing, Testsigma comes equipped with the ability to carry out compatibility and functionality testing.

For instance, Testsigma can support you in validating user registration, gameplay, in-game transactions, and other critical user interactions. Additionally, the tool facilitates cross-browser and cross-platform testing, cloud-based test execution, and real-time reporting and analytics.

Also, read our blog on test cases for the registration page.

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Gaming is a thriving industry. Every gamer wants to play a game without lag, and every gaming company wants to accelerate its business. Both of these are done by making a quality game. And for that, you need to create, compile, and run test cases for games. Refer to this blog to understand everything related to game testing and how Testsigma is a reliable partner to test your games to make them market-ready.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which testing is used in game testing?

Game testing involves a combination of various software testing types, including functional testing, performance testing, compatibility testing, and usability testing.

How do you write a test plan for a game?

To write a game test plan, outline the testing scope, objectives, environments, resources, and scenarios. Cover gameplay, graphics, audio, and user interactions. Specify testing methodologies, responsibilities, and timelines for effective guidance within the development lifecycle.

Written By

Ritika Kumari

Testsigma Author - Ritika Kumari

Ritika Kumari

A writer for 4+ years with QA and Engineering background, I have always liked to blend creativity with technology. Although my experience plays an important role in making every article ‘my own piece of work,’ I believe writing is a never-ending learning process where I am still a student. Besides creating content, I try to read every book there ever existed and travel to places that are within reach (for now).

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