Start automating your tests 10X Faster in Simple English with Testsigma
Try for freeAn API automation framework automates the interaction with APIs. APIs act as a bridge between various software applications and components, enabling data exchange, functionality, and integration of the systems.
The question of whether to use an existing API automation framework tool versus building a customized solution from scratch is a crucial one that companies face when it comes to optimizing the software development and testing process.
Table Of Contents
- 1 What is an API test automation framework?
- 2 Why Build an API Testing Framework?
- 3 How to create an API automation framework?
- 4 API Testing Framework vs Ready-Made API Testing Tool
- 5 Should you make API Automation Framework from Scratch or Use an Existing Tool?
- 6 List of API Automation Frameworks
- 7 Conclusion
- 8 Frequently Asked Questions
What is an API test automation framework?
Application Programming Interface (API) test automation framework is a carefully aligned and structured system that is designed to streamline the process of automating API testing. As we all know, the API does the job of middleman by establishing the communication channel between various software applications that enables them to exchange data and functionalities. So the API automation frameworks help in automating interactions with APIs.
In today’s world of software development, agility and efficiency are paramount. Having a well-defined API test automation framework is crucial. The framework offers a standardized approach in order to test, validate, and also ensure the reliability of APIs, this indeed will ensure that the API functions as intended and delivers expected results.
Automating API testing helps both the development team and quality assurance team to accelerate the validation process and enhance the overall software quality. These frameworks provide a structured environment for creating, managing, and executing API tests. This makes it possible to ensure the quality and efficiency of API-driven applications
Why Build an API Testing Framework?
When developing an API testing framework from scratch, it has to be done very meticulously and tailored to the specific requirements and objectives of the team. The framework’s primary focus will be on the functionality, efficiency, and seamlessness of the framework’s integration with the existing CI/CD pipeline.
As an added advantage, since the team is well aware of the product and system for which the API testing framework is built, they can customize it accordingly. When it comes to customizations, it has to be carefully incorporated as required to ensure the framework perfectly aligns with the development and QA team’s unique needs and testing requirements.
As the framework is built in-house, both the testing team and the development team will assume responsibility for its maintenance and possess full ownership rights, empowering them with a comprehensive understanding of the framework’s ins and outs. Moreover, it can seamlessly integrate with the existing tech stack, promoting efficiency and reliability across the working teams.
How to create an API automation framework?
The process of creating an API automation framework from scratch will depend on the requirements, specific details, the tech stack used, and the preferences of the team. Speaking from a broader perspective
Write down the objectives
- Ideally, it starts with defining the objectives of the framework with clarity and mapping them for efficiency. It could include the scope of the API testing to be carried out, the different types of APIs to be used, and the various testing scenarios that are to be covered.
Understanding APIs and programming language
- The programming language can be a collective decision based on the team’s expertise and the requirements of the project. Some of the common choices are
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript (Node.js)
Selecting the right testing tools
- It’s important to evaluate all the best-suited options and choose the one that provides maximum requirements coverage and helps the team accelerate the automation process more efficiently.
IDE and version control system
- IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment, the development team has to pick a suitable IDE for coding and development.
- It is very crucial to set up a version control system in order to manage your codebase collaboratively. Git is usually used and platforms such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket can help in providing hosting.
- Implementing version control using Git will help in tracking the changes made in the API automation project.
- Select an HTTP client library to make API requests.
Configuration Files
- Then the development team has to develop configuration files in order to manage environment-specific variables, the API endpoints and its authentication details.
Test Script creation
- The test scripts have to be created for all possible API scenarios. It is also important to have reusable functions and methods for some of the common actions like for example authentication.
Test Data Management
- This is one of the crucial steps and it involves efforts and clear understanding of the API built and concepts. It deals with managing test data effectively keeping a check on all the input data and the expected outcomes and conditions applied.
Continuous Integration
- In order to improve the overall efficiency of the development pipeline, the framework has to be seamlessly integrated with the existing CI/CD structure. Only then can the tests be automatically executed as a part of the build, and the deployment process can be carried out smoothly.
- From the API usage to configuration, the data has to be documented in a comprehensive manner. The documentation has to be up to date and shared with the relevant teams
Security consideration
- The APIs might deal with sensitive information, so implementing a certain level of security practice is essential. It ensures that the sensitive data is handled securely with encryption.
Scalability and Maintenance
- The framework has to be agile. It should support continuous iteration based on feedback and the evolving requirements of the project. The framework should be able to accommodate the changes implemented in APIs based on the testing requirements.
API Testing Framework vs Ready-Made API Testing Tool
The tool selection has to be considered based on the capabilities of having a framework using – RestSharp, REST Assured and Requests or using a tool immediately ready for use such as Testsigma, Postman, Soap UI, JMeter, Apigee etc. When there is a dilemma on choosing the path for testing the APIs, it is better advised to evaluate the requirements, resources and time available for executing the test and project timeline
While considering Custom Frameworks:
- While building a framework, it offers the freedom of customization and flexibility in structuring the build.
- The team can customize the libraries, create logic as per the requirements, start building personalized reports for the team or client, and maintain flexible test data management.
- With proper organization and planning, the framework can also become a scalable project. It allows for domain and application-specific challenges using reusable codes.
- When the framework is custom made, it becomes a lot easier to adapt and commit API changes as it simplifies the modifications in the tests and code.
On the other for the already built tools:
- The workflow of the tool is already documented and is built for a mass audience so the interface is generally user friendly and it supports quick learning of the tools mechanism.
- Most of the tools provide free trials, so it gives way for quick initiation allowing users to write tests, and lowers the coding skill requirements. It further helps in accelerating the development to the test cycle.
- These tools are already available in the market and address the general API testing issues. Most of the tools are already used by existing companies and have community support for addressing common problems faced by the users.
In any situation, the teams should choose based on the project’s needs and goals.
Should you make API Automation Framework from Scratch or Use an Existing Tool?
In the changing dynamics of API testing, it is important to understand the team’s needs, requirements and goals. This is the first step to building an organized and optimized Test Automation Framework. Even if the team is opting to use an existing tool or create one from scratch, the goals have to be the same, the focus has to be on delivering a high-quality software that is more reliable.
The team has to set the groundwork before making the decision to build or use an existing framework. These days as more and more organizations follow agile methodology, both the development team and the testing team are involved in the testing process.
It is crucial for the teams to align on the following aspects:
- What are the achievable goals and define the respective KPIs? Since time, cost, and resources are involved, it is a good idea to consider the ROI and success metrics.
- Both teams should have strong knowledge of the tech stack needed for testing and automating the API framework. It is also important for them to understand the technical expertise of the rest of the team members, as it could influence the decision-making process when it comes to choosing an existing tool for the API automation Framework.
- When it comes to script writing, it is better to assign the roles and responsibilities to the respective experts, it can be to the test engineers, developers, or even a collaborative effort between the two.
List of API Automation Frameworks
- Testsigma
- Testsigma provides a platform for API automation testing. It also enables us to build and validate responses in real-time. It also allows for comparison of the actual response with the response expected from the API in order to determine the status of the API test.
- The integration of the API tests is seamless with functional tests and can fit into the CI/CD pipeline effortlessly. This ensures that the APIs are always tested and this process is a fixed part of the deployment pipeline.
- Testsigma also has REST API endpoints in order to manage the entities. It allows validation of the APIs using the different REST API methods such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and PATCH and provides a comprehensive coverage of the APIs.
- This also helps the teams save a lot of time as the platform supports test parameters like data profiles.
- In terms of pricing, Testsigma offers a pro plan and an Enterprise plan with various features covered for pricing flexibility
- Postman
- Postman helps in simplifying the API testing process by allowing the teams to automate the testing process within the established CI/CD pipeline.
- It also provides reusability of test suits. One can easily create their own CI/CD pipeline by integrating Postman with Jenkins and then add it as a build step into the existing pipeline.
- Postman workspaces will automatically allow you to share projects and collaborate with teammates.
- There are several common Javascript snippets available to test, you can simply click on the snippet and send the request with our writing code.
- For pricing, there are various plans available, you can sign up and get started for free or explore the advanced options.

- RapidAPI
- RapidAPI is basically a cloud-based API testing solution. Starting from development to deployment, this platform enables enterprises to create and manage comprehensive API tests.
- The Rapid API hub is one central location where it automatically integrates with all APIs and eliminates the need to add the APIs for testing manually.
- It is very versatile as it supports various API types, including REST, SOAP and GraphQL. It also supports creating customizable functional API test flows.
- With built-in collaboration capabilities, the platform focuses on improving development efficiency and holds a dedicated webhook for integration across the CI/CD pipeline.
- In terms of pricing, it offers a Basic plan, Business plan, and enterprise plan. Each of these plans offers specific accessible features and functions.
- Apigee
- Apigee is actually provided by Google. It is Google Cloud’s powerful API management platform. It provides us with the capabilities of building, managing, and securing APIs for various use cases, environments, and scales.
- It helps in streamlining the API design by improving efficiency with the help of AI – generated OpenAPI specifications.
- It also ensures consistency in the API designs by leveraging AI recommendations and autocompletion features.
- It also comes with an API hub that consolidates the API specifications from various sources into a universal catalog.
- Apigee also offers architectural freedom and allows deployment anywhere. It provides the teams with options for deployment.
- The pricing is based on Google Cloud’s pay-as-you-go pricing model. The benefit provided is automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources.

- JMeter
- JMeter is a Java-based open-source tool, It is primarily used for load testing and performance testing.
- It also assists in testing APIs efficiently, that covers both static and dynamic resources.
- One major advantage is that since JMeter is completely based on Java, it can be implemented on any platform that has Java Virtual Machine (JVM) thus making it efficient for cross-platform testing.
- To download and use JMeter visit the Apache JMeter website and download the file.

In this blog we explored the benefits of creating an API automation from scratch and using existing API testing frameworks. The teams can choose any of them based on the team’s skills, tech stack and project requirements. Both the development teams and the QA team have to make sure that the API testing and automation are done seamlessly and well integrated with the existing CI/CD pipeline
Frequently Asked Questions
Which framework is used for test APIs?
There are tools to support building a framework from scratch, the team can do it using – RestSharp, REST Assured and Requests. The team can also use a tool ready for use such as Testsigma, Postman, Soap UI, JMeter, Apigee etc.
What is a rest-assured framework for API automation?
For API testing, the Rest Assured framework within Testsigma is powerful. It has the additional abilities to verify multiple scenarios, efficiently handle and manage test data, and seamlessly integrate with CI/CD pipelines.