
Best Test Data Generation Tools In Software Testing

Best Test Data Generation Tools In Software Testing

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In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, the importance of robust testing methodologies cannot be overstated. One crucial aspect of software testing is reliable and diverse test data generation. The quality of test data directly affects the effectiveness of testing. It helps uncover potential issues and ensures the overall stability and performance of the software.

To assist software testers in this endeavor, several remarkable test data generation tools have emerged. Consequently, it is essential for software testers to be aware of the latest test data generation tools. This can simplify their work and maximize the effectiveness of their testing efforts. These tools offer various features and functionalities. It enables testers to generate diverse test data that covers a wide range of scenarios.

Furthermore, utilizing these tools allows testers to save valuable time and effort. This would otherwise be spent on manual data generation. This enables them to focus on other critical aspects of the testing process. With the automation capabilities that these tools offer, testers can ensure the consistent and reliable generation of test data. This will help them minimize human errors and enhance overall efficiency.

In light of these considerations, this article will delve into some of the most popular and effective test data generation tools available today. By exploring their features, benefits, and areas of application, software testers can make informed decisions and select the best tool to meet their testing needs.

What is Test Data Generator?

A test data generator is a tool designed to automate the process of creating test data for software testing purposes. It offers a range of functionalities that enable testers to efficiently generate diverse and realistic data sets to simulate various scenarios and conditions.

Specifically, test data generators allow testers to define specific parameters and criteria for generating data. This includes data types, ranges, formats, and relationships between data elements. These tools ensure the creation of test data that covers a wide spectrum of possibilities and adequately represents real-world scenarios.

Features and Advantages of Test Data Generators

  • Automation: Test data generators automate the process of creating test data, saving time and effort for testers.

  • Diverse Data Generation: These tools offer various options to generate diverse data sets, covering a wide range of scenarios and conditions.

  • Customization: They allow testers to define specific parameters and criteria for generating data, such as data types, ranges, formats, and relationships between data elements.

  • Randomization: They provide options for randomization, enabling the generation of large volumes of data with unique characteristics.

  • Data Privacy and Security: These tools offer features to anonymize sensitive information, ensuring the confidentiality of personal or sensitive data during testing.

  • Efficiency in Load Testing: Test data generators are particularly useful for load testing and stress testing. Here, the behavior of the system under high data volumes needs to be evaluated.

  • Realistic Data Representation: They produce realistic data sets that closely resemble real-world scenarios. This enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of software testing.

  • Scalability: These tools can generate test data at scale, accommodating the needs of testing large-scale systems and applications.

  • Data Reusability: Test data generators enable the creation of reusable test data sets, allowing testers to conduct repetitive or regression testing efficiently.

Top 10 Best Test Data Generation Tools

Let’s explore some of the best test data generation tools available today, uncovering their features and advantages. By leveraging these tools, testers can enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of their testing efforts. This ultimately leads to the delivery of robust and high-performing software products. These tools can be combined with Test Data Management Tools to create a testing powerhouse.


Test Data Generation Tool - Testsigma

Testsigma is a comprehensive test automation platform that includes a powerful test data generation feature. It enables testers to create high-quality and diverse test data that covers various scenarios, ensuring thorough software testing.

Testsigma provides an intuitive interface where testers can define test data requirements and generate data accordingly. It offers a range of data generation options, including random values, sequential data, and data from external sources. Testers can easily customize the generated data to match specific testing needs, ensuring accurate and reliable test coverage.

It has built-in features for parameterized, aka data-driven testing. It provides a built-in repository to store, manage, and use test data. This can be generated or imported using data import features that support CSV files and databases. But the biggest boost to release velocity comes from Testsigma’s support for parallel execution of data-driven tests, which can help save time and improve test efficiency.

Features of Testsigma:

  • Offers a user-friendly interface for defining test data requirements.
  • Provides various data generation options, including random values, sequential data, and data from external sources.
  • Enables customization of generated data to align with specific testing scenarios.
  • Supports data masking and anonymization for protecting sensitive information during testing.
  • Integrates seamlessly with the Testsigma test automation platform, enhancing overall testing efficiency.

Experience the power of efficient test data generation with Testsigma. Take your software testing to the next level with Testsigma and unlock the potential of efficient and accurate test data generation.

Pricing model

Testsigma offers custom, personalized pricing quotes based on the unique needs of businesses. Check out the plans here.

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Mostly AI

Synthetic Test Data Generation - Mostly AI

Mostly AI is an innovative test data generation tool that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. It uses these to create realistic and privacy-preserving synthetic data. By harnessing the power of AI, it enables testers to generate diverse and representative test datasets. These datasets closely mimic real-world data while protecting sensitive information.

It utilizes state-of-the-art generative models to create synthetic data that maintains the statistical properties and relationships of the original dataset.

Features of Mostly AI:

  • Synthetic Data Generation: Mostly AI leverages the power of generative models to generate synthetic data, producing realistic and representative datasets that preserve the statistical properties and relationships of the original data
  • Customization: Testers can define specific data attributes, including data types, distributions, and correlations. This allows them to generate tailored test data that aligns with their specific testing requirements.
  • Privacy Preservation: Mostly AI implements privacy-preserving techniques to anonymize or obfuscate sensitive information within the generated test data. This ensures compliance with privacy regulations and data security.
  • Scalability: The tool can generate large volumes of synthetic data efficiently. This makes it suitable for testing scenarios that require significant amounts of diverse and realistic data.
  • Integration: Mostly AI integrates seamlessly with existing testing frameworks and workflows, facilitating easy adoption and incorporation into the testing process.

Pricing Model

It has a free trial that allows you to generate up to 100k rows per day. It also offers a team plan for $3.00 and an enterprise plan for $5.00 per credit.


Data Masking and Synthetic Data Generation - DatProf

Datprof is a comprehensive test data generation tool designed to simplify and streamline the process of creating high-quality and representative test data. It has a user-friendly interface and advanced features. Using this empowers testers to generate diverse datasets that accurately reflect real-world scenarios, enhancing the effectiveness of software testing.

It offers various data generation techniques, including rule-based, pattern-based, and random generation. Testers can define rules and constraints to ensure the generated data meets specific requirements and follows predefined patterns. The tool supports a wide range of data types and can generate data in bulk. This allows for efficient testing of complex systems and applications.

Features of Datprof:

  • Rule-Based Generation: Datprof enables testers to define rules and constraints for generating data. This ensures compliance with specific requirements and business logic.
  • Pattern-Based Generation: The tool supports the creation of data based on predefined patterns. It allows for the simulation of realistic scenarios and data variations.
  • Random Generation: Datprof offers random data generation capabilities, allowing testers to generate diverse datasets quickly.
  • Bulk Data Generation: The tool can generate large volumes of data efficiently, making it suitable for testing scenarios that require extensive data coverage.
  • Data Masking: Datprof provides data masking functionalities to protect sensitive information during testing, ensuring data privacy and security.
  • Data Validation: The tool includes data validation features to identify and flag any inconsistencies or errors in the generated test data.

Pricing Model

It has a free trial with limited capabilities. It allows you to get a customized pricing model based on which of the specific features you want. These features include data masking, synthetic data generation, masking flat files (i.e.: XML, CSV), data subsetting, test data automation, self-service test data portal, and data discovery.

EMS Data Generator

Data Generation using EMS SQLManager

EMS Data Generator is a powerful and versatile tool. It is designed to simplify the process of test data generation for database testing. It offers a comprehensive set of features and functionalities. This allows you to quickly generate large volumes of realistic and customizable test data. This makes it an invaluable asset for software testers and database administrators.

EMS Data Generator supports various database platforms and allows testers to define custom data generation rules and templates. It enables the generation of test data for tables, views, and queries. It also has options to specify data types, ranges, relationships, and more. The tool also provides advanced options for data randomization, data masking, and data generation based on SQL scripts.

Features of EMS Data Generator:

  • Multi-Platform Support: EMS Data Generator supports popular database platforms such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and more.
  • Customizable Data Generation: Testers can define custom data generation rules, templates, and relationships to create tailored test data.
  • Data Randomization: The tool offers options for randomizing data values, ensuring diverse and realistic datasets.
  • Data Masking: EMS Data Generator provides data masking features to protect sensitive information during testing.
  • SQL Script Generation: Testers can generate test data based on SQL scripts, allowing for precise control and flexibility.
  • Performance and Scalability: The tool can efficiently generate large volumes of test data. This makes it suitable for testing complex database systems.

Pricing Model

EMS Data Generator follows a licensing model based on the specific edition and the number of users. For detailed pricing information, you can contact the EMS Data Generator sales team for a personalized quote.

RedGate SQL Data Generator

Generate Realistic Test Data using RedGate SQL Data Generator

Redgate SQL Data Generator is a powerful tool designed to simplify and automate the process of generating realistic and meaningful test data for SQL databases. It offers a comprehensive set of features and functionalities. These allow you to create diverse and customizable test datasets. It enables software testers and database professionals to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of their testing efforts.

Redgate SQL Data Generator allows users to specify the structure and relationships of their databases and generates test data accordingly. It offers a wide range of data generation options, including random values, dictionary-based data, custom scripts, and more. The tool also provides flexibility in defining data constraints. It offers advanced data masking capabilities to protect sensitive information during testing.

Features of Redgate SQL Data Generator:

  • Database-Aware Generation: It analyzes the database structure and intelligently generates data that aligns with the table relationships, constraints, and data types.
  • Diverse Data Generation: Redgate SQL Data Generator offers multiple data generation options. This includes random data, dictionary-based data, custom scripts, and sequential data.
  • Customization and Constraints: Users can define specific constraints and rules for generating data.
  • Data Masking: The tool provides data masking features to anonymize or obfuscate sensitive information, protecting data privacy during testing.
  • Performance and Scalability: Redgate SQL Data Generator can efficiently generate large volumes of test data. This makes it highly scalable and good for complex DBs.
  • Integration: The tool seamlessly integrates with popular database management systems. It can be easily incorporated into existing database development and testing workflows.

Pricing Model

It follows a licensing model which can go up to $264 per license per year.

DTM Data Generator

Test Data Generation Tool - DTM Data Generator

DTM Data Generator is a feature-rich tool designed to facilitate the generation of realistic and diverse test data for databases, spreadsheets, and other data sources. It has a comprehensive set of functionalities. DTM Data Generator empowers software testers and database professionals to efficiently create high-quality test data that accurately simulate real-world scenarios.

It offers a user-friendly interface where users can define data generation rules and configure various parameters. The tool supports different data generation methods, including random generation, sequential generation, and value range-based generation. It also provides options for data customization, such as formatting, data masking, and foreign key relationships.

Features of DTM Data Generator:

  • Multi-Source Support: It supports a variety of data sources, including databases (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc.), spreadsheets (Excel, CSV), and more.
  • Flexible Data Generation Methods: The tool offers multiple data generation methods. This allows users to generate data randomly, sequentially, or based on predefined value ranges.
  • Data Customization: It allows users to customize generated data by specifying formatting options. They can also apply data masking techniques and establish relationships between tables using foreign keys.
  • Bulk Data Generation: The tool efficiently generates large volumes of test data, making it suitable for testing scenarios that require extensive data coverage.
  • Data Validation and Consistency: DTM Data Generator includes data validation features as well. This ensures the generated data meets predefined rules and maintains consistency with the data model.
  • Export and Integration: The tool provides options to export generated data to various formats and seamlessly integrates with popular database management systems.

Pricing Model

The DTM Data Generator offers different editions with varying features and capabilities. For detailed pricing information, you can visit the DTM Data Generator website or contact their sales team.


Fake Data Generation using Mockaroo

Mockaroo is a versatile and user-friendly test data generation tool that enables software testers and developers to create realistic and customizable mock data. With its intuitive interface and extensive set of features, Mockaroo simplifies the process of generating test data by allowing users to define data structures, specify field types, and generate large volumes of diverse test data quickly.

It offers a visual schema editor where users can define the structure and characteristics of their test data. It supports a wide range of data types, including strings, numbers, dates, and custom formats. Users can configure various options such as constraints, patterns, and distributions to generate data that closely resemble real-world scenarios. The tool also provides options to export the generated data in various formats, including CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel.

Features of Mockaroo:

  • Visual Schema Editor: Mockaroo provides a user-friendly interface for defining data structures and configuring field types, constraints, and relationships.
  • Diverse Data Generation: The tool supports a wide range of data types and provides options for generating realistic data, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and more.
  • Customizable Data Generation: Users can specify constraints, patterns, and distributions to create test data that aligns with specific testing requirements.
  • Bulk Data Generation: Mockaroo allows users to generate large volumes of test data quickly, making it suitable for testing scenarios that require extensive datasets.
  • Data Export: The tool provides options to export the generated data in various formats, allowing seamless integration with different testing frameworks and tools.
  • Data Validation: Mockaroo offers data validation features to ensure the generated data meets predefined rules and constraints.

Pricing Model

It has a free tier limited to 1000 rows per file and a silver tier costing $60 per year with 100k rows per file. It also offers gold and enterprise tiers for $500 and $7500 per year respectively.


Quick Test Generation Data using GenerateData

GenerateData.com provides a straightforward and user-friendly approach to generating test data. Users can define the number of rows and columns for their dataset and specify the data types and characteristics of each field. The tool supports a wide range of data types, including text, numbers, dates, and more. Users can also apply custom formulas, generate random data, and include conditional logic to create more complex datasets.

Features of GenerateData:

  • Easy-to-Use Interface: GenerateData offers a simple and intuitive interface, allowing users to quickly define data structures and generate test data without the need for complex configurations.
  • Data Type Support: The tool supports various data types, including text, numbers, dates, email addresses, and more, providing flexibility in generating diverse datasets.
  • Customization Options: Users can apply custom formulas, specify field formats, and define data constraints to create test data that aligns with specific testing requirements.
  • Bulk Data Generation: GenerateData enables the generation of large volumes of test data, making it suitable for testing scenarios that require extensive datasets.
  • Randomization and Variation: The tool allows for the randomization of data values, providing variability and realism to the generated datasets.
  • Export and Integration: GenerateData provides options to export the generated data in various formats, facilitating seamless integration with different testing frameworks and tools.

Pricing Model

GenerateData offers both free and paid subscription plans. The free plan provides basic features, while the paid plans offer additional capabilities such as increased dataset size, priority support, and access to advanced features.

Upscene – Advanced Data Generator

Advanced Test Data Generator by Upscene

Upscene Database Workbench is a comprehensive toolset designed for database development, testing, and administration. Among its many features, Database Workbench includes a powerful test data generation component that assists software testers in creating realistic and customizable datasets for database testing.

Upscene Advanced Data Generator provides a user-friendly interface for defining test data generation rules and configuring various parameters. The tool supports different data generation methods, including random generation, sequential generation, and value range-based generation. It offers extensive options for customizing data generation, such as data types, constraints, and relationships.

Features of Upscene Advanced Data Generator:

  • Test Data Generation: Upscene offers a dedicated test data generation component to create diverse and realistic datasets for database testing.
  • Customizable Data Generation: The tool allows users to define data generation rules, specify data types, and apply constraints to generate test data that aligns with specific testing requirements.
  • Relationship Generation: It enables the creation of relationships between tables, ensuring referential integrity in the generated test data.
  • Data Validation: The tool includes data validation features to identify and flag any inconsistencies or errors in the generated test data.
  • Bulk Data Generation: It can efficiently generate large volumes of test data, making it suitable for testing scenarios that require extensive data coverage.
  • Database Support: The tool supports various database management systems, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and others, allowing seamless integration into existing database environments.

Pricing Model

Upscene Database Workbench follows a commercial licensing model. Its pricing can go up to $210 per year depending upon the customized features that you need.

Solix EDMS

Test Data Generation using Solix EDMS

Solix EDMS (Enterprise Data Management Suite) is a comprehensive solution designed to manage enterprise data across its lifecycle, including data archiving, data governance, and data security. Within its suite of features, Solix EDMS offers robust capabilities for test data generation, providing organizations with the means to efficiently generate realistic and secure test datasets for software testing and development purposes.

Solix EDMS streamlines the process of test data generation through its intuitive interface and powerful functionalities. The tool allows users to define data generation rules, specify data types and constraints, and generate test data that closely resembles production environments. By leveraging Solix EDMS, testers can create representative datasets that encompass a wide range of scenarios, facilitating comprehensive and effective software testing.

Features of Solix EDMS:

  • Customizable Data Generation: Solix EDMS empowers users to define custom data generation rules, including specific data types, formats, and constraints, ensuring the generated test data aligns with application requirements.
  • Masking of Data: The tool offers advanced data masking capabilities to obfuscate sensitive information, ensuring data privacy and security during testing.
  • Subset and Sampling: Solix EDMS allows users to extract subsets of data from production environments, enabling the creation of targeted test datasets that focus on specific scenarios or modules.
  • Data Profiling: Solix EDMS provides data profiling functionalities to analyze and understand the characteristics of the data, ensuring the generated test data accurately reflects the distribution and patterns of the original data.
  • Data Relationship Preservation: The tool maintains data relationships during test data generation, ensuring referential integrity and enabling accurate testing of relational database systems.
  • Refresh and Versioning of Data: Solix EDMS allows for data refresh and versioning, enabling testers to easily update and manage test datasets as the application evolves.

Pricing Model

Solix EDMS offers flexible deployment options and licensing models tailored to the specific needs of organizations. For detailed information about pricing and additional features, you can visit the Solix EDMS website or contact their sales team.

Use Cases for Test Data in Webpage Testing

Test data plays a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy, functionality, and performance of web pages. Here are some key use cases where test data is essential in webpage testing:

Form Validation and Submission

  • Test data is required to validate the input fields of web forms, ensuring that the correct data types, formats, and constraints are enforced.
  • It enables testers to evaluate the behavior of web forms when different types of data, such as valid, invalid, or boundary values, are entered.
  • Test data helps assess the accuracy of form submission processes, including error handling, success messages, and data persistence.

User Authentication and Authorization

  • Test data is necessary to simulate different user credentials and roles during login and authentication processes.
  • It enables testers to evaluate the behavior of the webpage based on various user scenarios, such as valid credentials, incorrect passwords, or locked accounts.
  • Test data helps validate the authorization mechanisms by assessing the accessibility of different web pages and functionalities based on user roles and permissions.

Data Display and Rendering

  • Test data is crucial for assessing the accurate display and rendering of data on web pages.
  • It allows testers to verify the correct representation of various data types, such as text, numbers, dates, images, or multimedia content.
  • It helps identify issues related to data truncation, formatting, or alignment that may affect the visual presentation of web content.

Data-driven Testing

  • Test data is used to perform data-driven testing, where different sets of input data are applied to the webpage to evaluate its behavior and response.
  • It allows testers to validate the functionality and performance of the webpage under various data scenarios, ensuring its robustness and scalability.
  • It helps identify potential issues related to data handling, processing, or transformation that may impact the accuracy or performance of the webpage.

Localization and Internationalization

  • Test data is essential for evaluating the localization and internationalization aspects of web pages.
  • It helps testers to assess the behavior of the webpage when different languages, date formats, time zones, or cultural preferences are applied.
  • It helps identify issues related to text encoding, translation, or content adaptation that may affect the usability and accessibility of the webpage across different regions.

By leveraging appropriate and diverse test data in these use cases, testers can ensure the reliability, functionality, and user-friendliness of webpages. This leads to enhanced user experiences and increased application quality.

Why is Test Data Generation Important?

Below are a few reasons highlighting the importance of test data generation.

  • Accurate Testing: Test data generation provides realistic and representative data for accurate testing, ensuring that the application behaves as expected in real-world scenarios.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: It allows testers to create diverse datasets that cover a wide range of scenarios, ensuring thorough testing and identification of potential issues.
  • Data Privacy and Security: It enables the creation of anonymized or masked data, ensuring the protection of sensitive information during testing.
  • Reproducible Tests: By generating consistent test data, testers can reproduce and validate issues, making it easier to identify the root causes and implement effective solutions.
  • Scalability Testing: Test data generation helps evaluate the performance and scalability of the application by generating large volumes of data to simulate real-world usage.
  • Boundary and Edge Case Testing: It allows testers to create test data that includes boundary values, extremes, and edge cases, ensuring the application handles such scenarios correctly.
  • Localization and Internationalization Testing: Test data generation enables testing for different languages, cultural preferences, and regional settings, ensuring the application’s global readiness.
  • Data Integrity and Validation: Test data generation helps validate data integrity by ensuring that data relationships, constraints, and dependencies are accurately represented.
  • Time-Saving: Automated test data generation reduces manual effort, saves time, and allows testers to focus on other critical aspects of testing.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Test data generation facilitates compliance testing by generating data that adheres to specific regulations, standards, or data privacy laws.

How to Use Testsigma Test Data Generator?

Testsigma Test Data Generator is a powerful feature that simplifies the process of generating test data for software testing. By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Test Data Generator in Testsigma:

Step 1: Accessing the Test Data Generator

  • Log in to your Testsigma account and navigate to the Test Design section.
  • Open a test case or create a new one where you want to use the Test Data Generator.
  • Within the test case, locate the test step where you want to generate test data.

Step 2: Selecting the Test Data Generator

Testsigma has Test Data Generators for dynamic Test Data generation that can be called in test steps by using !|Data Generator| format.

  • In the selected test step, click on the “Navigate to testdata” button or the “+” icon to open the data selection menu.

Navigate to TestData

  • From the data selection menu, choose “Data Generator” to access the Test Data Generator.

Select Data Generator

Step 3: Choosing the Data Generator Type

  • In the Test Data Generator interface, you have various options for generating test data, such as Default List, Random, Sequential, Formula, and more.
  • Explore the different options available and choose the appropriate generator type based on your testing requirements.

Here, we replace the Data Generator with the actual name from the list on the right-hand side of the screen.

Select Data Generator Type

Here’s a list of built-in Test Data Generators available by default in Testsigma Default Test Data Generators. You can also create Custom Test Data Generators using Java.

Step 4: Configuring the Test Data Generator

  • Depending on the selected generator type, configure the parameters and settings to define the test data generation rules.
  • Specify the data type, format, constraints, and any additional options required for generating the desired test data.

Step 5: Reviewing and Applying the Test Data Generator

  • Once you have configured the Test Data Generator, review the generated test data preview to ensure it aligns with your expectations.
  • If necessary, make any adjustments or refinements to the generator settings until you achieve the desired test data.

Step 6: Saving and Using the Test Data

  • After finalizing the Test Data Generator settings, save the generated test data.
  • The generated test data will be associated with the selected test step and can be utilized in subsequent test execution cycles.

By following these steps and leveraging the resources provided by Testsigma, you can effectively utilize the Test Data Generator to generate diverse and realistic test data for your software testing needs.

Explore Testsigma for an improved data-driven testing experience

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In the world of software testing, having reliable and diverse test data is crucial for ensuring accurate, comprehensive, and effective testing. In this article, we explored the realm of test data generation tools and their significance in the software testing process.

We began by understanding what test data generators are and why they are essential. Moving on, we delved into the details of the best test data generation tools available in the market. We explored Testsigma, an intuitive and feature-rich tool that offers customizable data generation, diverse data types, and seamless integration with test cases.

We also discussed the importance of test data in webpage testing, covering various use cases where test data plays a critical role. Lastly, we explored the usage of the Testsigma Test Data Generator in a step-by-step manner, providing guidance on accessing the generator, choosing generator types, configuring parameters, and saving and utilizing the generated test data.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the approaches for test data generation?

The approaches for test data generation include manual data entry, data extraction from existing sources, using data generators and tools, and generating synthetic data using AI algorithms. These approaches vary in terms of complexity, time efficiency, and level of control over the generated test data.

How do you generate test data for testing?

Test data can be generated for testing through various methods such as using test data generation tools, writing scripts or programs to generate data, utilizing data profiling and sampling techniques, and leveraging data masking and anonymization techniques. The specific approach chosen depends on the requirements of the testing scenario and the available resources. It is important to generate diverse and representative test data to ensure thorough testing coverage.

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