In our previous edition, we saw how API test automation is changing the Testing game. It sure deserves a part 2 (missed part 1 ?) and here we are!
Okay, before we dive in, did you hear?!
Selenium 4 is here, you guys! 🥳
Available for Java, .Net, Python, Ruby, and Javascript. You should check it out on Github!
Now, let’s dive into the REST of the API testing resources this edition!
Table Of Contents
In action!
Starting Simple In The Overwhelming World Of API Governance
Some rules and guardrails relating to API standards that you must be aware of. Here’s a blueprint for getting started.
I Created Hoppscotch 👽 – Open Source API Development Ecosystem
Read the full story behind the inception of Hoppscotch (previously, Postwoman) by Liyas Thomas.
Insomnia vs. Postman vs. Paw
Take a look at three API clients : Insomnia, Paw, Postman.
How do they compare?
Writing Your First API Test Using JavaScript
Write API tests using JavaScript – a 11 part series to help you get started.
curl – API Testing Made Really Simple
Carlos Jasso gives an overview of curl, a tool which can make API testing easy.
How To Write Self-Healing Functional API Tests With No Coding Effort
If you wish to automate API test cases, but you find it difficult to use tools with coding, here’s something you can look into – CATs.
Writing Tests For RESTful APIs In Python Using Requests
Bas Dijkstra explains how we can write tests for RESTful APIs using the Python requests library and the pytest unit testing framework.
How to Add Cucumber Layer on Top of REST-assured API Tests
A step-by-step guide on how to add a cucumber layer on top of REST-assured API tests making it more readable for non-technical people.
API Automation With Groovy And Spock
Explains how you can automate REST API using Spock framework of Groovy.
API Testing Using Jest And SuperTest
Marie Drake shows how you can integrate SuperTest with Jest to test your APIs.
Handy list
API Testing Tools In JavaScript
A list of popular tools available in JavaScript for API testing.
11 Top Open-Source API Testing Tools : What Your Team Needs To Know
How do you find the right open-source API testing tool for your needs? Here are top 11 API testing tool recommendations from Joe Colantonio to help you choose one that best fits your needs.
GrapghQL vs REST
Beyond REST
Netflix engineering’s blog details how they embraced GraphQL microservices for rapid application development and their key learnings in the process.
Lessons Learned From Running GraphQL At Scale
Challenges and learnings of Dream11 while scaling GraphQL for millions of users.
A Few Things To Think About Before Blindly Dumping REST For GraphQL
REST or GraphQL. Which one is the best API style? How would you answer?.
Testing Microservices, The Sane Way
An insightful article on microservices testing by Cindy Sridharan.
Ensure your APIs are in good health with Testsigma
Before you go..
We are having a panel disussion on Does the stability of automated tests equate to better quality? and we are very EXCITED about it! Why?
Join us on the 27th of October alongside four QA experts : Lisette Zounon, Bas Dijkstra, Brijesh Deb and Srinivas Kantipudi.
Make sure you register and drop in any surrounding questions you have.
Wishing you a happy REST of the week! 🙌
Until next, see ya!
With 💚,
Team Testsigma