
How to Write Test Scenarios For Swiggy?

May 22, 2024Aayush Saxena
How to Write Test Scenarios For Swiggy?

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In the bustling sphere of online food delivery, Swiggy stands as a pivotal player, navigating a market poised to escalate from USD 148.07 billion in 2023 to an astounding USD 451.92 billion by 2032. This remarkable growth trajectory underscores Swiggy’s integral role in the modern dining experience, meeting diverse consumer demands with remarkable efficiency and innovation​​. 

As the industry evolves, embracing trends like contactless delivery and virtual kitchens, the significance of devising meticulous test scenarios for Swiggy’s application cannot be overstated. These scenarios are critical for ensuring the app’s seamless functionality, user interface, and integration with various systems, especially considering the expected global rise in meal deliveries to 2.5 billion people by 2027​​.

This blog endeavors to guide you through creating effective test scenarios for Swiggy, encompassing various testing methodologies to ensure the app not only meets but surpasses user expectations. With an eye on the ever-changing landscape of food delivery services, we aim to provide a comprehensive roadmap for rigorous app testing.

In the next section, we will delve into understanding Swiggy’s platform and its key features that necessitate thorough testing.

For a deeper understanding of creating test scenarios, explore Testsigma’s guide on Test Scenarios.

Test Scenarios For Swiggy

Swiggy’s app, a beacon in the online food delivery sector, necessitates rigorous testing to ensure a seamless user experience. Each page of the app, from the home page to the account section, plays a crucial role in delivering a hassle-free service. The following test scenarios are designed to meticulously assess the functionality of key components of the Swiggy app.

Search Functionality

  1. Search Query Relevance: Test whether the search functionality returns relevant restaurant and dish results based on the entered query.
  2. Autocomplete Feature: Verify that the search bar suggests possible queries as the user types, improving user experience.
  3. Search Filters and Sorting: Ensure that filters (like cuisine, ratings, delivery time) and sorting options work correctly and modify search results as intended.
  4. Error Handling in Search: Check how the system responds to unusual or incorrect search queries (e.g., special characters, non-existent dish names).
  5. Search History Functionality: Verify if the app correctly displays and manages the user’s search history.

Home Page

  1. Load Performance: Assess the loading time and smoothness when opening the home page.
  2. Display of Promotions and Offers: Verify that current promotions, discounts, and special offers are prominently and accurately displayed.
  3. Navigation to Different Sections: Test the navigation from the home page to other sections like ‘Trending Now’, ‘Top Picks’, etc.
  4. Location-Based Restaurant Listing: Check if the app correctly displays restaurants based on the user’s location.
  5. Refresh Functionality: Ensure that the home page refreshes correctly, showing updated content as needed.

Ordering Page

  1. Menu Display and Item Selection: Test if the menu items of a restaurant are displayed correctly and can be selected for ordering.
  2. Customization Options for Dishes: Verify that options to customize dishes (like add-ons, and portion size) are working properly.
  3. Price Calculation: Check if the total price updates accurately as items are added or removed.
  4. Special Instructions Feature: Test the functionality of adding special instructions for an order.
  5. Integration with Payment Gateway: Ensure seamless transition from the ordering page to the payment gateway without data loss.

Cart Page

  1. Item Addition and Removal: Verify the functionality of adding and removing items from the cart.
  2. Price Summary and Calculation: Check the accuracy of the price summary, including individual item prices, taxes, and total cost.
  3. Apply Coupon Codes: Test the application of discount codes and their impact on the total price.
  4. Cart Saving Feature: Assess if the cart saves the items if the user navigates away and returns.
  5. Checkout Process: Test the checkout process, ensuring it is smooth and leads to the payment gateway correctly.

Account Section

  1. Personal Information Update: Verify that users can update their personal information (like name, contact number) correctly.
  2. Order History Display: Test if the order history section accurately displays past orders with details.
  3. Address Management: Check the functionality for adding, editing, and deleting delivery addresses.
  4. Preference Settings: Ensure that preference settings (notifications, favorites) are functioning as intended.
  5. Feedback and Support Access: Test the accessibility and responsiveness of the feedback and support section.

Registration and Login

  1. New User Registration: Test the registration process for new users, including validation of user details.
  2. Login Functionality: Verify login functionality with correct and incorrect credentials.
  3. Password Reset: Test the password reset process and its effectiveness.
  4. Social Media Integration for Login: Check the functionality of logging in using social media accounts.
  5. Login Session Management: Assess if the app correctly manages user sessions post-login.

These test scenarios aim to cover the critical aspects of the Swiggy app, ensuring that each feature functions as intended, contributing to an impeccable user experience.

For a comprehensive guide on creating effective test cases for mobile applications, refer to Testsigma’s article on Test Cases for Mobile Application.

What are the different testing approaches for food delivery apps?

Food delivery apps like Swiggy operate in a dynamic environment, interfacing with customers, restaurants, and delivery personnel. To ensure these apps function seamlessly, a variety of testing approaches are employed. Each approach focuses on different aspects of the application, from functionality and performance to compatibility, usability, and security.

Functional Testing of Food Delivery Applications

Functional testing ensures that each feature of the food delivery app works as per the specified requirements. This includes testing the ordering process, payment gateway integration, notifications, and user account management features. The goal is to verify that all functionalities are operational and meet the user’s expectations. Testing should cover scenarios like placing an order, updating the delivery address, applying discount codes, and tracking the delivery status.

Performance Testing of Food Delivery App

Performance testing evaluates the app’s responsiveness and stability under various conditions. This type of testing checks how the app behaves under normal and peak loads, ensuring that it can handle a high number of simultaneous users, especially during peak dining hours. Key aspects include testing server response times, load capacity, and the app’s ability to handle concurrent transactions without performance degradation.

Compatibility Testing of Food Delivery Applications

Compatibility testing checks the app’s performance across different devices, operating systems, and network conditions. This ensures that the app offers a consistent user experience regardless of whether it’s accessed from an Android or iOS device, or through various web browsers. This testing is crucial as users access these apps from a diverse range of devices with different screen sizes and operating systems.

Usability Testing of Food Delivery Applications

Usability testing focuses on the user experience and interface of the app. It assesses how intuitive and user-friendly the app is, including ease of navigation, clarity of instructions, visual appeal, and the overall user journey. The goal is to ensure that the app is straightforward to use, making the process of ordering food as simple and efficient as possible.

Security Testing for Food Delivery Applications

Security testing is vital for protecting sensitive user data like personal information and payment details. It involves identifying vulnerabilities in the app that could lead to data breaches or unauthorized access. This includes testing for SQL injections, cross-site scripting, secure data storage, and ensuring secure communication channels.

Each of these testing approaches plays a critical role in ensuring that food delivery apps like Swiggy provide a reliable, efficient, and secure service to their users.

Can we Automate these Test Cases For the Swiggy App?

Automating test cases for the Swiggy app is not only feasible but highly recommended for enhancing efficiency and accuracy in testing. Automation tools like Testsigma offer a sophisticated platform to automate various tests, including functional, performance, and usability tests. With Testsigma, you can create automated test cases that simulate user interactions with the Swiggy app, such as placing orders, searching for restaurants, or checking out from the cart. These automated tests can run repeatedly over different devices and operating systems, ensuring comprehensive coverage and consistent test results.

Testsigma’s user-friendly interface allows for easy creation and management of automated tests without requiring extensive coding knowledge. This is particularly advantageous for rapidly evolving applications like Swiggy, where frequent updates necessitate quick and reliable testing. The integration of AI in Testsigma further streamlines the test creation and maintenance process, making it a suitable choice for continuous testing in agile development environments.

For a visual understanding of how Testsigma facilitates test automation, here’s a screenshot of the product in action:

Test case

Testsigma’s ability to automate complex test scenarios makes it an ideal tool for ensuring the Swiggy app’s functionality and performance meet the high standards expected by its users.

Essential Tips to Write Test Case Scenarios for Food Delivery App

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Ensure your test cases cover all functionalities of the app, including ordering, payment, and delivery. Pay special attention to key features such as quick ordering options like popular items and past orders, as well as integration with various payment methods and social media platforms. This holistic approach guarantees that all critical elements are tested for optimal app performance​​.
  2. Real-World Scenario Simulation: Include test cases that mimic real-world user scenarios, such as placing orders during peak hours, handling various types of cuisine orders, and responding to incoming calls or messages during app usage. This helps in identifying potential issues that might occur in real-life usage​​.
  3. Focus on User Interface and Navigation: Usability testing should be a priority. Ensure that the app is user-friendly with clear navigation, easily accessible functions, and a visually appealing design. Test if the app’s interface is intuitive, with all buttons, text, and images appropriately sized and displayed for a wide range of users​​​​.
  4. Security and Data Protection: Given that food delivery apps handle sensitive personal and payment data, security testing is crucial. Ensure that user data is encrypted and protected against unauthorized access or cyber-attacks. Test the robustness of authentication processes and session management to prevent data breaches and account takeovers​​.
  5. Performance Under Different Conditions: Assess the app’s performance under various network conditions and loads. Check how the app functions with different data speeds (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi) and during different usage scenarios, such as peak usage times and prolonged periods of heavy load. This ensures the app remains stable and responsive under all conditions​​.

Incorporating these tips into your test case scenarios will help ensure that the food delivery app is not only functional but also secure, user-friendly, and resilient under various conditions. 

Framework to Test the Swiggy Application in Different Environments

  1. Testsigma: Testsigma is a cloud-based automation testing platform that is ideal for testing applications like Swiggy in various environments. It offers a unique approach by allowing users to write tests in simple English, making the process accessible to testers with varying levels of technical expertise. Testsigma supports testing across different devices, browsers, and operating systems – including web, mobile, desktop and APIs. This ensures comprehensive coverage. Its AI-driven maintenance, continuous testing capabilities, and integration with CI/CD pipelines make it a robust choice for agile and DevOps teams.

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  1. Selenium: Selenium is a widely used open-source framework for automating web applications. It’s particularly effective for testing Swiggy’s web application across different web browsers and operating systems. Selenium allows for the creation of robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests, supporting various programming languages like Java, C#, and Python. Its ability to integrate with other testing frameworks and tools makes it a versatile option for complex testing environments.
  2. Appium: Appium is an open-source tool used for automating mobile applications. It can test apps written in Android and iOS’s SDK, as well as mobile web apps, making it suitable for testing Swiggy’s mobile application in different environments. Appium works well with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications and integrates seamlessly with testing frameworks like TestNG. This makes it a great choice for teams looking to automate their mobile app testing without modifying the app for different platforms.

Each of these frameworks offer unique features and capabilities that can be leveraged to effectively test the Swiggy application in varied environments, ensuring the app’s functionality, performance, and user experience remain consistent and reliable.


In wrapping up our guide on testing the Swiggy application, it’s clear that the key to delivering a flawless user experience lies in thorough and versatile testing. Utilizing frameworks like Testsigma, Selenium, and Appium, we can ensure that Swiggy operates seamlessly across different platforms and devices, meeting the diverse needs of its users. The rigorous testing approaches we’ve explored, spanning functional, performance, and security testing, are not just about ironing out technical kinks; they are crucial in building an application that’s both reliable and resonant with its audience. As the food delivery industry continues to expand and evolve, the role of effective and efficient testing remains central to sustaining the success and growth of apps like Swiggy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to test food delivery apps’ order-tracking features in real time?

To effectively test real-time order-tracking features in food delivery apps, simulate a live order scenario. This involves creating test cases that cover the entire journey of an order – from placement to delivery. Use GPS simulators to mimic the delivery route and update locations in real time, ensuring the app accurately tracks and displays the delivery status. This process helps in evaluating the app’s responsiveness and accuracy in a real-world scenario.

How often should you test food delivery apps?

The frequency of testing food delivery apps should align with the development cycle and release schedule. For agile environments, testing should be an ongoing process, integrated into each stage of the development cycle. Regular testing, especially after each update or addition of new features, ensures continuous quality assurance and early detection of potential issues. This approach helps maintain the app’s reliability and user satisfaction consistently.

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