
How to be a Productive Tester? | 6 Essential QA Tester Skills

September 20, 2023
How to be an efficient and productive software tester?

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Many times, we spend our whole day planning out the activities but there is no real outcome. We think, plan, and decide to do multiple things in a day but unfortunately, we are not able to execute them. Reason? We will discuss the reasons and more in this blog.

As a Software Tester, we should be implementing the below tips/activities so that you can be a more efficient & more productive, good tester :

1. Understand the Requirements

The first & foremost point is to understand the requirements to save your time as a tester. Once you understand the requirements, the purpose of the requirement, and the objective of the requirement – it will be easier for you to design your high-level scenarios. Then, based on your high-level scenarios, you can identify test cases that can be further used during your test execution. 

You can consider the same while working in an Agile software development model as well. In Agile software development methodology, you will get user stories from clients. So, to save your time as a tester, you can analyze those user stories, by brainstorming sessions, collaborating within teams, etc. Once you understand the need for a particular user story, it will then become easy for you to test it. 

It’s a good practice to implement in your day-to-day life while working on a software testing project. 

2. Testcase designing

Often, it has been observed that we tend to lose our focus on Testcase designing. We, as a tester want to test the requirement as early as possible and complete the testing. This should not be the scenario nor should be the aim of a software tester. 

Sometimes, testers write detailed test cases whereas some testers design test cases on a very high level. You can choose and design as per the test process being implemented in your current organization where you are currently working. 

Testcases should be designed in such a way that it reflects end-user behaviour. If we design our test cases (keeping the user requirement in mind) then it will give you a good outcome in terms of test coverage as well as client satisfaction. 

3. Test Data Designing

I am sure you will agree with me about the fact that test data is equally important as the other factors which I have described above. 

Preparing good test data is very important for a software tester. When you create test data, you must include valid and invalid test data to test positive and negative scenarios of your application.

While test case designing, if you think you know what type of test data you will require, you can create that and keep it aside for your reference. Having said that, during test execution also, you can prepare your test data and use it as you progress. 

4. Identify Smoke Test

If you want to be an efficient tester, try to identify the smoke tests out of a test suite that you or somebody else in the team might have created to test a particular functionality. This practice will help you as and when you receive any new build. Whenever you receive any new build, you can consider the set of smoke tests to be executed and ensure that the build is stable for testing and that testing can be carried forward.

For example, You have a total of 100 test cases. You can segregate the main functionalities in the app and identify the smoke tests. You can create a separate folder and keep smoke tests aside to use it as and when you require. 

This set of smoke tests can be modified depending upon the addition of new functionalities or changes when they occur as you progress in the project. 

5. Defect Logging & Tracking

While you are testing a feature in AUT (Application under Test), during test execution, it is obvious that you will come across some functionality that might not work as per the user requirements. So, in that case, you would be raising a defect and failing your test case.

As a software tester, you must supply all the required information about a defect and assign it to the respective person/developer who can investigate it and fix it. Steps to reproduce, environmental changes, screenshots, expected result vs actual result, etc. should be provided while creating a new defect. Here, is a related article: how to write a good bug report.

One important step which usually testers forget is to track the progress of their defects. Once you raise a new defect, it’s your responsibility to track that defect for you to re-test it and close the defect. 

Here know the Best Defect Tracking Tools

6. Clear Communication

Whether you are a fresher in software testing or an experienced professional, you must be able to clearly express your thoughts to others. Communication is key when you are dealing with your client, manager, team, Business Analyst, Product Owner, etc. It’s good to be technically strong but at the same time, it will add as a bonus for you if you communicate in a clear & concise way.

💡 Pro tip 

Automate Repetitive tasks using a Test Automation Tool.


Many of you may be already using the above tips whereas for others, it will be new. So, I would recommend you start implementing the above as soon as possible and you will observe changes in yourself as a software tester. 

It will help you in being more efficient & more productive with your work as well as you will add value to your organization & the project you are working on. Let me quickly reiterate the points here for your benefit:

  1. Understand the requirements 
  2. Testcase designing
  3. Test Data Designing
  4. Identify Smoke Tests
  5. Defect logging & tracking
  6. Clear Communication 

Thank you!

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Written By

Mukta Sharma

Testsigma Author - Mukta Sharma

Mukta Sharma

Mukta is passionate about Software Testing. Her passion shows through her work. She believes in sharing her knowledge and real-time experience with the testing community all around the globe. She has won many prizes in all different segments such as blogging and speaking events.

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