About PerfectMind

"Testsigma is an excellent collaborative tool that all team members,
regardless of technical skills can use."

Saif Sayani

QA Manager, PerfectMind

Accelerating release cycles with continuously automated regressions

Replacing manual QA with efficient, high coverage Test Automation

Before setting up a Test Automation process, PerfectMind spent up to 10 days manually executing more than 500 test cases as part of their regression.

To speed up testing and also improve coverage across smoke and new feature testing, Saif and his team decided Test Automation needed to be implemented quickly.

Using Testsigma, to build and execute their automated tests Saif and his team were able to go from spending about 10 days executing tests to just 2 days. They also managed to completely automate 90% of their regression test suite.

A collaborative approach to quality engineering with low technical difficulty

A priority for Saif when it came to selecting a Test Automation tool was ensuring all project stakeholders regardless of technical ability could understand and be involved in the process when required. This factored into the decision of selecting Testsigma as their Test Automation tool of choice.

Saif also pointed out that Testsigma’s AI helped simplify maintenance in specific situations which was an attractive feature to have.

“When we were evaluating testsigma, what came across how easy it was to use without any technical knowledge.
Any QA who comes on board can automate any test cases. The ease of use, intuitive UI & simple
product flows helped our team get the job done"

Saif Sayani

QA Manager, PerfectMind

Enabling simplified automation with effortless test development and execution

PerfectMind’s QA team wanted to find a way to reduce the effort it took to build and execute test cases. By combining an intelligent test strategy with Testsigma’s dynamic authoring and execution capabilities Saif and his team could automate a test scenario in just a couple of hours. Here’s how PerfectMind leveraged testsigma to enable accelerated testing

  • Step Groups

    PerfectMind maximized the reusability of their test cases to reduce effort in rework by creating step groups for shared functions in Testsigma.

    "Step groups is definitely a big help because once you create a reusable step group you can apply it to a lot of test cases”, Saif explained
  • Natural language scripting

    Testsigma uses NLP to allow users to write test steps using simple English statements. The QA team didn’t require any coding or technical knowledge to write test scripts which made it easier to understand as well.
  • UI identifiers

    Locating, capturing & maintaining dynamic web elements in test cases can be a hassle, but Saif and his team simplified the task with Testsigma’s point and click UI extension that captures elements as reusable objects which made Test maintenance easier.
  • No setup or configuration

    Testsigma is on the cloud which meant there was no extra work required to install and configure the platform before the team could start using the tool.
  • Infra-less Compatibility Testing

    PerfectMind took advantage of Testsigma’s Test Lab on the cloud to run tests across several different browsers without investing in infrastructure to ensure application compatibility.
  • Instantly available test results

    The QA team are able to debug faster with the help of built-in results and reports functionality in Testsigma

“Testsigma’s execution results and email notifications we get are very helpful.”

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